
The New Canonizations - A Saint Factory *

Liberal and modernist 'saints'

catholic Which Saints Should Parents Teach their Children?
Study Vatican II & its fruits, then teach your children accorrdingl

catholic A Great Lie that Damages Souls
The 'beatification' of pseudo-martyr Bishop Angelelli in Argentina

catholic A New 'Martyr' Who Died in a Car Accident
Francis clears the way to sainthood for a communist Bishop

catholicJPII’s Canonization: A Mockery of Sanctity
A pope responsible for the loss of souls of millions

catholicDay’s & Alinsky’s Socialism Promoted by the U.S. Bishops
A call to resist Dorothy Day’s coming beatification

catholicLourdes and JPII
A symbol of Our Lady's rejection of his buffoonery

catholicIrregularities in Dorothy Day’s Cause of Canonization
A favorable vote at the USCCB with no discussion allowed

catholicSocialist Dorothy Day Being Prepared for ‘Beatification'
She never gave up her communist philosophy and activities

catholicBy-Products of a Beatification
Neither progressivists nor traditionalists welcome JPII's beatification

catholicGrowing Reaction against JPII's Beatification
Readers express their indignation

catholicCuba and the Beatification of John Paul II
His actions and omissions supporting Communism in Cuba

catholicThe Apotheosis of the Antichrist
A disciple of the Abbé de Nantes protests against Wojtyla's beatification

catholicIt Is Impossible to Beatify John Paul II
A reader from Mexico sends an open-letter with solid arguments

catholicRussian ‘Saints’ & Pius XII
An ecumenical trial balloon already launched in 1940

catholicProduction Growth Continues
Benedict XVI surpasses the saint-making records of John Paul II

catholicDoubts about the Beatification of Card. Newman
Was this act legitimate or an abuse of papal power?

catholicErrors of Canonized Saints
Why the Church stopped canonizations by "fame of virtue"

catholicDrawing Rabbits from the Hat in Britain
Is Benedict preparing to declare Newman a Doctor of the Church?

catholic A Pain in the Back
'Miracle' attributed to Card. Newman is wide open to discussion

catholic Other Scandals of Pope Wojtyla
Polish lady's personal letters delay Wojtyla's process

catholic Evidence of Error in Mother Teresa's Life - She Cannot Be a Saint
Open Letter of Mark Zima to Benedict XVI: Stop the process of canonization

catholic Is Mother Teresa of Calcutta a Saint?
Problems raised by author Mark Zima in his book The Case for the Cause

catholic New Saints - A Lack of Consistency
What does the new Instruction mean for the future?

catholicThe New Canonizations and the Schismatics
Card. Suenens' proposal to make the whole process local - A goal of Progressivism

catholicThe Canonization of Wojtyla, the Moral-Free Pope
Analysis of the fast canonization of John Paul II announced by Pope Benedict XVI

catholicThe New Beatifications Create Confusion
Solid evidence of the change of criteria in the new canonizations

catholicA 'Saint Factory'
The proliferous canonizations and beatifications of JPII

catholicWhat About the Orthodoxy of Mother Teresa?
Her thinking on religious pluralism and her miracle raise concern about her beatification

catholicCanonization of Relativism
How can the Vatican beatify two Popes whose policies seem absolutely irreconcilable?

catholicDoubts About the Sanctity of John XXIII
Suspicions and facts to consider about the beatification of the Pope who called Vatican II

catholicWas the 'Incorrupt' Body of John XXIII Really a Miracle?
The Incorrupt Pope and the Pharaohs

* The expression "saint factory" was used by Cardinal Silvio Oddi
in his book Il Tenero Mastino di Dio (Rome: Progetti Museali Ed., 1995) pp. 199-200;
also in the newspaper La Repubblica, Rome, April 14, 1996.
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