Special Greetings

Easter Greetings
After the sorrowful Passion and Death of the Man-God His Resurrection came. St.
Paul used to say that without the Resurrection our Faith would be vain. Indeed, it was the definitive proof that Our Lord Jesus Christ was God.
The ‘resurrection’ of the Catholic Church from the sorrowful passion she is going through these days will be, as well, the definitive proof of her divinity. No human institution would be able to bear more than half a century of continuous attacks from within - from the conciliar Popes themselves - without desintegrating.
Unlike her Founder she did not die and will not die. Given the fury and pertinacity of the progressivist attack, however, she should have died. Her persistence in life is of itself a miracle. It cannot be explained except by the divine assistance of the Holy Spirit.
Living with this assistance and with the expectation of her ‘resurrection,’ TIA wishes its friends and readers the grace of never doubting the future ‘resurrection’ of Holy Mother Church and her complete victory over all her enemies, as predicted at Fatima.
May the Risen Christ and Our Lady of Fatima give you and yours this certainty and a blessed Easter.
TIA - Easter 2015

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