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Church Revolution in Pictures

Photo of the Week

Bishop Richard Lennon 01

More & more women representing the Apostles...

Following the bad example of Pope Bergoglio who washed the feet of women at the 2013 Maundy Thursday ceremony, more Bishops around the world are replacing men with women as representatives of the Apostles. On this page you can see some photos of Bishop Richard G. Lennon during the washing of the feet on April 17, 2014, at St. John Evangelist Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio.

Seeing these pictures, it is impossible for any normal person not to think that the Bishop is enjoying touching and kissing the feet of these attractive women, instead of having his mind absorbed only in the celebrations of the institution of the Holy Mass at the Last Supper.

Setting aside the question of sensuality, what is the reason for replacing men with women in this ceremony if not to favor the tendency to ordain women priests?

Last two rows, Pope Francis washes the feet and gazes at a young female prisoner on Holy Thursday during the 2013 Holy Week.

Bishop Richard Lennon 02

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Posted April 27, 2014

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