Progressivism in the Church

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Church Revolution in Pictures

Photo of the Week

Japanese boy rejects Francis

When the innocents resist Progressivism

The boy who cried when he was picked up by Francis for a kiss during his recent trip to Japan, above, prompted us to look up other similar photos, not only with the present day Pope but with three other post-conciliar Popes as well.

We would say that those children in some way capture the horror of Progressivism, which these Popes represent, in their reaction to their kisses and embraces.

Thus, the demagogic habit of the Conciliar Popes kissing babies is backfiring. Instead of showing how popular they are, it is showing how they raise an instinctive repulsion in the innocent.

Boy rejecting conciliar Popes

Photos from the Internet


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Posted December 15, 2019

Our Lady of La Salette,
 restore the Holy Church.