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Church Revolution in Pictures

Photo of the Week

Yoga at a Catholic church in Antwerp

Yoga at St. James Church in Antwerp

Every Wednesday of the past months of July and August, St. James Church in Antwerp, Belgium, (French: Église Saint-Jacques, Dutch: Sint-Jacobskerk) offered yoga classes for its parishioners, above.

The pews of the central nave near the altar – see first row below – were removed specifically in order to allow the participants to have ample area at their disposal for the 'sacred space yoga.'

It is superfluous to say that these yoga classes had the full support of the parish priest Bruno Aerts and of the local Bishop Johan Bonny.

Here is more evidence of the infiltration of Hinduism into Catholic spirituality and asceticism. Another bad fruit of Vatican II...

Yoga at a Catholic church in Antwerp 2
Photos from the Internet first seen in Catapulta


Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted September 4, 2022

Our Lady of La Salette,
 restore the Holy Church.