NEWS: April 29, 2013
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Bird’s Eye View of the News
- As we cross the line of the first 45 days of Pope Francis' pontificate, we can ask whether or not a blueprint of his government can be discerned. I believe that many of its guidelines are already on the table. Let me draft a first list:
Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa was chosen by Benedict XVI to be the official Papal Preacher. As such, in theory he delivers sermons to the Pope and the Roman Curia on what they should do to be better Catholics and achieve sanctity. In practice, if Fr. Cantalamessa is independent and truly speaks as his own man, his role is similar to that of a prophet who orients the Pope and the Cardinals on the path of Progressivism. If he is not independent, then he is an emissary who receives instructions from Benedict to deliver the latter's messages on solemn occasions.
Cantalamessa gave a sermon to Pope Francis and his Curia during the Good Friday ceremony on March 29, 2013 at St. Peter’s Basilica. Since his position as preacher will end when Francis chooses his own staff and replaces him, I believe the preacher’s message was suggested by Benedict XVI, as a kind of mission passed on to the Pope who entered active duty.
These are the significant points the preacher made:
What is this blueprint?
Installing a new notion of mission: Mission is no longer a conquest, as the Church always conceived it, which was duly reflected in the Propaganda Fidei, the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. Mission now is the explicit denial of what that Congregation did. Instead, it is an affirmation of a free and joyful invitation without any pressure to accept.
Knocking down the walls that divide “Christians”: We know from John Paul II’s Encyclical Ut unum sint (nn. 88, 92, 95) that he and then Card. Ratzinger, who helped to pen it, considered the Papacy to be the main obstacle for the union of “Christians.” So, the message is to finish with the Papacy as a Monarchy and make it – along with the entire Church - “linear.” A linear, horizontal or collegial Papacy is the dream of Vatican II, where the Pope is not a Sovereign, but a primum inter pares, the first among equals in the colleges of the Bishops and Cardinals.
Eliminating the excess of bureaucracy:This accusation - the Church has an excess of bureaucracy - may include the whole organization of the Roman Curia. So, to eliminate it can cause harmful consequences for the identity of the Church. Let me give two examples:
Thus, the pretext of eliminating excess bureaucracy has already been used, first, to destroy the monarchical centralization of the Church, second, to destroy the identity of Church morals and worship, and third, to protestantize the Church.
Doing away with the remains of past ceremonies that became debris: This vague aim can encompass all Catholic traditions and symbols. We have seen the despisal Pope Francis has revealed for every symbol of the Papal Monarchy - he reportedly said “the carnival is over” minutes after his election when asked to wear the red papal mantle, he refused to use the papal golden ring and cross, red shoes, papal throne, papal apartments, papal limousines, etc, etc.
This goal of doing away with “past ceremonies that now are only debris” is so generic that I wonder what it does not include. Any ceremony or custom can be abolished under this pretext.
Another question: Who will judge when a ceremony has become “debris”? Will it be Pope Bergoglio with his patent egalitarian criteria? Will it be the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, Archbishop Muller, a partisan of Liberation Theology? Will it be the “Great Eight” that Francis has already chosen to direct the Church with him? No one knows.
Disposing of laws and disputes that have become debris:Again, what is not included in this generalization? What laws are being referred to here? I mention only two kinds of laws, those referring to the Papacy and those to the priesthood:
Having the courage to destroy: Then, we reach the grand finale. Referring to the parts of the Church that have become obstacles, the Papal Preacher gives Pope Francis this advice: “We must have the courage to knock them down and return the building to the simplicity and linearity of its origins.”
With this we have the mission that Pope Ratzinger, through the words of his preacher, imparted to Pope Bergoglio. Should any doubt remain, the final metaphor of St. Francis before the Crucifix in St. Damiano would dissipate it completely. Indeed, the mission was clearly enunciated: “Go, Francis, and repair my Church.”
This sermon seems to me a full carte blanche given to Pope Francis by Pope Benedict to do whatever is necessary to try to destroy everything in the Church that prevents the utopia of Vatican II from becoming a reality.
The plans are thus on the table. To carry them out, Pope Bergoglio counts on the obvious support of Pope Ratzinger, all the Cardinals who deliberately elected him, the ensemble of Bishops, the immense progressivist majority of Catholics in the Church, a great part of the conservative minority that always wants to be fooled, plus the whole media and the totality of Freemasonry and Judaism.
This is an apocalyptic power to accomplish the impossible and infernal task of completely destroying the Catholic Church.
If this picture is objective, what is lacking for us to be living in the times of the Antichrist?
Fr. Cantalamessa does what Benedict tells him to do
Cantalamessa gave a sermon to Pope Francis and his Curia during the Good Friday ceremony on March 29, 2013 at St. Peter’s Basilica. Since his position as preacher will end when Francis chooses his own staff and replaces him, I believe the preacher’s message was suggested by Benedict XVI, as a kind of mission passed on to the Pope who entered active duty.
These are the significant points the preacher made:
- “Christian evangelization is not a conquest; it is not propaganda;”
- “We must do everything possible for the Church not to look like a complicated castle;”
- Her message should come out freely and joyfully;
- There are obstacles standing in the way of the Pope: dividing walls that separate the “Christian churches from one another, an excess of bureaucracy, the remains of past ceremonials, laws and disputes, now only debris”;
- “To adapt to the needs of the times” the institution of the Church through the centuries “became filled with partitions, staircases, rooms and closets. The time has come when we realize that all these adjustments no longer meet the current needs, but rather are obstacles;”
- “So, we must have the courage to knock them down and make the edifice return to its original simplicity and linearity.”
- “This was the mission that was received one day by a man who prayed before the Crucifix of San Damiano: ‘Go, Francis, and repair my Church.’”
What is this blueprint?
Installing a new notion of mission: Mission is no longer a conquest, as the Church always conceived it, which was duly reflected in the Propaganda Fidei, the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. Mission now is the explicit denial of what that Congregation did. Instead, it is an affirmation of a free and joyful invitation without any pressure to accept.
Knocking down the walls that divide “Christians”: We know from John Paul II’s Encyclical Ut unum sint (nn. 88, 92, 95) that he and then Card. Ratzinger, who helped to pen it, considered the Papacy to be the main obstacle for the union of “Christians.” So, the message is to finish with the Papacy as a Monarchy and make it – along with the entire Church - “linear.” A linear, horizontal or collegial Papacy is the dream of Vatican II, where the Pope is not a Sovereign, but a primum inter pares, the first among equals in the colleges of the Bishops and Cardinals.
Eliminating the excess of bureaucracy:This accusation - the Church has an excess of bureaucracy - may include the whole organization of the Roman Curia. So, to eliminate it can cause harmful consequences for the identity of the Church. Let me give two examples:
We must have the courage to knock down the hierarchical Church and make her horizontal and simple
- It was under the pretext of avoiding an “excess of bureaucracy” that the marriage annulment processes were transferred from the Sacra Rota Romana to the diocesan tribunals. The end result is undeniable: an explosion in the number of annulments, which became so easy to attain that they represent the virtual establishment of divorce among Catholics.
With this change, the Sacra Rota lost an important function, facilitating the way to its abolition; the morality of Catholics deteriorated; divorce was de facto admitted, and the conciliar Church became more similar to Protestantism. - Under the pretext of collegiality and eliminating bureaucracy in the Vatican, the processes of beatification and canonizations are being transferred to the diocesan tribunals. In Benedict’s last phase and now with Francis, we are seeing beatifications and canonizations being proclaimed no longer in Rome, but in France, Spain, Argentina and Brazil.
Thus, the pretext of eliminating excess bureaucracy has already been used, first, to destroy the monarchical centralization of the Church, second, to destroy the identity of Church morals and worship, and third, to protestantize the Church.
Doing away with the remains of past ceremonies that became debris: This vague aim can encompass all Catholic traditions and symbols. We have seen the despisal Pope Francis has revealed for every symbol of the Papal Monarchy - he reportedly said “the carnival is over” minutes after his election when asked to wear the red papal mantle, he refused to use the papal golden ring and cross, red shoes, papal throne, papal apartments, papal limousines, etc, etc.
The egalitarian symbols of Pope Francis: An iron cross, a pewter ring and a plastic wirst-watch
Another question: Who will judge when a ceremony has become “debris”? Will it be Pope Bergoglio with his patent egalitarian criteria? Will it be the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, Archbishop Muller, a partisan of Liberation Theology? Will it be the “Great Eight” that Francis has already chosen to direct the Church with him? No one knows.
Disposing of laws and disputes that have become debris:Again, what is not included in this generalization? What laws are being referred to here? I mention only two kinds of laws, those referring to the Papacy and those to the priesthood:
- Why should there not be an age limit on a Pope for governing the Church, like the one that was set for Cardinals? Why not a time limit on papal government like what the presidents of republics have? Why not end the secrecy of the papal election to correspond to democratic procedures? Why not include in the papal conclave other representative persons, bringing in the Presidents of Bishops Conferences, the Superiors of Religious Orders and representatives of some influential lay associations?
- Why not end clergy celibacy? Could it not also be considered “debris”? Why not admit women to the priesthood? Why not admit that laymen can consecrate the Eucharist?
- Can the doctrine of justification that separates Catholics from Protestants be considered a dispute-debris that needs to be removed?
- Can the dogma of the Faith that Our Lord is God - which separates Catholics from Jews and Muslims - also be considered a dispute-debris that prevents the longed-for Pan-religion from being achieved?
Having the courage to destroy: Then, we reach the grand finale. Referring to the parts of the Church that have become obstacles, the Papal Preacher gives Pope Francis this advice: “We must have the courage to knock them down and return the building to the simplicity and linearity of its origins.”
To accomplish his task of destruction Francis enjoys the support of Progressivism, Freemasonry & Judaism
This sermon seems to me a full carte blanche given to Pope Francis by Pope Benedict to do whatever is necessary to try to destroy everything in the Church that prevents the utopia of Vatican II from becoming a reality.
The plans are thus on the table. To carry them out, Pope Bergoglio counts on the obvious support of Pope Ratzinger, all the Cardinals who deliberately elected him, the ensemble of Bishops, the immense progressivist majority of Catholics in the Church, a great part of the conservative minority that always wants to be fooled, plus the whole media and the totality of Freemasonry and Judaism.
This is an apocalyptic power to accomplish the impossible and infernal task of completely destroying the Catholic Church.
If this picture is objective, what is lacking for us to be living in the times of the Antichrist?