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Old English Christmas Carol

Blessed Be that Maid Marie

Blessed be that Maid Marie is an old English Christmas carol hailing the birth of Christ the Saviour. Here the singers bless the Virgin of whom Our Lord is born, rejoicing that after thousands of years the day of Our Lord's birth has finally arrived. We raise our voices with the choirs of Angels to celebrate this most singular event that heralds the redemption and salvation for mankind.

Blessed be that Maid Marie is believed to have originated as early as the 15th century and is of unknown authorship. It employs both old English terminology and Latin verses. It is here sung by Counterpoint.

Listen to the Blessed be that Maid Marie

Old English Lyrics:

Blessed be that Maid Marie;
Born He was of her body;
Very God ere time began,
Born in time the Son of man.

Eya! Ihesus hodie,
Natus est de Virgine.

In a manger of an ass,
Jesus lay and lulled was;
Born to die upon the Tree,
Pro peccante homine.

Eya! Ihesus hodie,
Natus est de Virgine.

Sweet and blissful was the song,
Changed of the Angel throng,
"Peace on earth," Alleluya.
In excelsis gloria.

Eya! Ihesus hodie,
Natus est de Virgine.

Make we merry on this fest,
In quo Christus natus est;
On this Child I pray you call,
To assoil and save us all.

Eya! Ihesus hodie,
Natus est de Virgine.

English Translation:

Hail! Jesus today
Was born of a virgin.

For the sinner man.

Hail! Jesus today
Was born of a virgin.

Glory in the highest.

Hail! Jesus today
Was born of a virgin.

In which Christ was born.

Hail! Jesus today
Was born of a virgin.

Blessed be that Maid Marie sheet music

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King David playing the harp

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