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Holy Week Liturgy

Dixi Iniquis

Dixi Iniquis is the seventh psalm of Maundy Thursday. Here the psalmist warns the wicked not to speak against God, for He is the God of vengeance. After speaking against Our Lord and making Him suffer the Passion, the Jewish people suffered their great misfortune. In like manner the Jews crucify Our Lord, but will pay for these transgressions in the life to come.

Dixi Iniquis is here sung by the Schola Antiqua

Listen to the Dixi Iniquis

Latin Lyrics:

Dixi iniquis: Nolite loqui adversus Deum iniquitatem.

Confitebimur tibi Deus: Confitebimur, et invocabimus nomen tuum.

Dixi iniquis: Nolite loqui adversus Deum iniquitatem.


I said to the wicked: Speak not iniquity against God.

We will confess to Thee, O God: we will confess, and we will call upon Thy name.

I said to the wicked: Speak not iniquity against God.


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