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Dominus Jesus

Antiphon for Maundy Thursday

Dominus Jesus (Our Lord Jesus) is the third antiphon during the Washing of the Feet ceremony on Maundy Thursday.

The antiphon comes from John 13: 12, 13, and 15, and is followed by Psalm 84:2. It is one of the eight antiphons sung during the ceremony, and reminds us of the example Our Lord gave us, in showing humility and charity to our neighbor.

Dominus Jesus is here interpreted by Schola Benedetto XVI. Note: the psalm verse is omitted in the recording, but we have included it here for our readers.

Listen to Dominus Jesus


Latin text

Ant. Dominus Jesus,
Postquam coenavit cum discipulis suis,
Lavit pedes eorum, et ait illis:
Scitis quid fecerim vobis
Ego Dominus et Magister?
Exemplum dedi vobis,
Ut et vos ita faciatis.

Ps. Benedixisti Domine terram tuam:
Avertisti captivitatem Jacob.


English translation:

Ant. Our Lord Jesus,
After he had supped with his disciples,
Washed their feet, and said to them:
Know you what I have done to you,
I your Lord and Master?
I have given you and example,
That ye also may do the same.

Ps. Thou hast blessed, O Lord, thy land:
Thou hast delivered Jacob from captivity.


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Dominus Jesus chant

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