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Domine, tu mihi

Antiphon for Maundy Thursday

Domine, tu mihi (Lord, dost thou wash) is the fourth antiphon during the Washing of the Feet ceremony on Maundy Thursday.

The antiphon comes from John 13: 6-8. It recalls the moment when Our Lord began to wash the feet of St. Peter, and St. Peter protested. Our Lord reminded him that if he does not allow him to wash his feet, St. Peter will have no part with him.

It is one of the eight antiphons sung during the ceremony, and reminds us of the example Our Lord gave us, in showing humility and charity to our neighbor.

Domine tu mihi is here interpreted by The Monks of Glenstal Abbey.

Listen to Domine, tu mihi


Latin text

Ant. Domine, tu mihi lavas pedes?
Respondit Jesus et dixit ei:
Si non lavero tibi pedes,
Non habebis partem mecum.

V. Venit ergo ad Simonem Petrum,
Et dixit ei Petrus.


V. Quod ego facio, tu nescis modo:
Scies autem postea.


English translation:

Ant. Lord, dost thou wash my feet?
Jesus answered, and said to him:
If I do not wash thy feet,
Thou shalt have no part with me.

V. He came to Simon Peter,
And Peter said to him.


V. What I do thou knowest not now:
But thou shalt know it afterwards.


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Domine, tu mihi chant

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