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Le Noël de Simon

Swiss Christmas Carol

Le Noël de Simon (Simon's Christmas) is a Christmas carol written by the well-known Swiss priest and composer Fr. Joseph Bovet (1879-1951).

The song tells the story of a poor lame shepherd named Simon. After the angels announce the birth of the Savior to them, the shepherds set out quickly to find Him. In their haste, the youth run ahead of Simon, who is left behind. When they arrive, they play for Our Lord their chalumeaus (a French Baroque ancestor of the clarinet, somewhat reminiscent of the Armenian duduk).

Simon the cripple finally arrives at the Creche. Our Lady calls to him specially: “Simon, do not be afraid, put down your staff and draw near Him.” Simon obeys and he is miraculously cured,  able to walk without his crutch. In thanksgiving, he gives the Christ Child the gift of his sheep’s wool, out of which Our Lady weaves the seamless garment for Jesus, the "Divine Lamb."

Le Noël de Simon is here sung by Ensemble Vocal Fribourg.

Listen to Le Noël de Simon


French lyrics

1. Au soir de Noël, sous le ciel en fête,
Lorsque le Sauveur leur fut annoncé,
Les bergers disaient "Laissons là nos bêtes,
Allons voir là-bas ce qui s'est passé."

2. Ils allaient parlant de ce fait étrange,
Jeunes très pressés devançant les vieux,
Songeant au concert, aux appels des Anges,
Derrière eux, laissant Simon le boiteux.

3. Les voilà rangés dans la pauvre étable,
Entonnant des airs sur leurs chalumeaux,
Et quand vient Simon, fatigué, minable,
La Vierge l'invite auprès du Berceau.

4. "Simon, ne crains pas, dit-elle à voix basse,
"Pose ton bâton et viens près de Lui."
Le perclus sans peine avance et se place,
Il ne souffre plus, se tient sans appui.

5. D'un de ses moutons, portant la parure,
À l'Enfant Divin, il en fait cadeau,
La Vierge en tissa l'habit sans couture,
Que vêtit Jésus, le Divin Agneau.

English translation:

1. On Christmas Eve, under the festive sky,
When the Savior was announced to them,
The shepherds said "Let us leave our animals here,
Let us go see what has happened yonder."

2. They went along talking about this strange fact,
Young people in a hurry ahead of the old,
Thinking of the concert, of the calls of the Angels,
Leaving lame Simon behind them.

3. Here they all gather at the poor stable,
Playing airs on their chalumeaus,
And when Simon comes, tired, pitiful,
The Virgin invites him to the Cradle.

4. "Simon, do not be afraid," she says softly,
"Put down your staff and draw near Him."
The cripple advances without fear & approaches,
He no longer suffers, he stands without support.

5. He carried the wool fromf one of his sheep,
To the Divine Child; he gave it as a gift,
From it the Virgin wove the seamless garment,
Which clothed Jesus, the Divine Lamb.

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For a version arrangeed for Soprano and Alto, click here.

For a version arranged for SATB, click here.

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