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Crucem Tuam Adoramus Domine

Chant Antiphon for Good Friday

Crucem Tuam Adoramus, Domine (We adore Thy Cross, O Lord) is a chant antiphon (1) sung after the Improperia on Good Friday, and is followed by a verse from the Book of Psalms 66:2. Dom Gueranger explains:

"The Improperia are followed by this solemn antiphon, in which the two great mysteries are blended together: the Crucifixion and the Resurreciton. This union eloquently expresses the triumph of our Redeemer." (2)

Crucem Tuam Adoramus, Domine is here interpreted by Marek Klein.

Listen to Crucem Tuam Adoramus, Domine by Marek Klein


Latin text

Ant. Crucem tuam adoramus, Domine
Et sanctum resurrectionem tuam
Laudamus, et glorificamus
Ecce enim propter lignum
Venit gaudium in universo mundo.

Ps. Deus misereatur nostri,
Et benedicat nobis.
Illuminet vultum suum super nos,
Et misereatur nostri.

English translation:

Ant. We adore Thy Cross, O Lord
And Thy holy Resurrection
We praise and glorify
For behold by the wood [of the Cross]
Joy has come into the whole world.

Ps. May God have mercy on us,
And bless us.
May the light of His countenance shine upon us,
And have mercy on us.


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Crucem Tuam Adoramus Domine
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"Santísimo Cristo de la Victoria de Serradilla" (1635), polychrome,
Domingo de Rioja

  1. The chant above is a photocopy from the Liber Usualis, Desclée & Co., Tournai, 1934, p. 708-709.
  2. Dom Guéranger, The Liturgical Year, St. Bonaventure Publications, 2000, vol. 6, p. 493.


Blason de Charlemagne
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