Joseph, Fili David (Joseph, Son of David) is the communion antiphon (1) sung on the Feast of St. Joseph (March 19). Dom Gueranger's prayer and meditation on this Feast helps to understand the chant antiphon:
"We praise and glorify thee, O happy saint! We hail thee as the spouse of the Queen of Heaven and foster-father of our Redeemer ... Though born of the kingly race of David, thou wast the humblest of men; thy spirit led thee to seek obscurity, and a hidden life was thine ambition: but God chose thee to be an instrument in the sublimest of all His works.
"A noble Virgin of the same family of David, the object of Heaven's admiration, and the glory and hope of the world, is to be thy bride. The Holy Ghost is to dwell within her as in a most pure tabernacle; it is to thee, the just and chaste, that He entrusts her as an inestimable treasure. Espouse, then, to thyself her whose beauty the very King of Heaven so greatly desires. (Psalm 44:12) ...
"And lastly, O faithful spouse of Mary! Recommend us to our Mother. If she cast a look of pity upon us during these days of reconciliation [season of Lent], we shall be saved: for she is the Queen of mercy, and Jesus, her Son, will pardon us and change our hearts, if she intercede for us, O Joseph! ... Tell her that we, also, love and honor thee; and Mary will reward us for our devotion to him who was given her by Heaven as her protector and support."(2)
Joseph, Fili David is here interpreted by an unkown choir.
Listen to Joseph, Fili David
Latin text
Joseph, fili David,
Noli timere accipere Mariam
Conjugem tuam,
Quod enim in ea natum est
De Spiritu Sancto est.
(Tempus Paschalis: Alleluia)
English translation:
Joseph, son of David,
Do not be afraid to take Mary
As your wife,
For that which is conceived in her
Is of the Holy Spirit.
(Easter time: Alleluia)
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