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Crucem Sanctam Subiit

Templar Easter Chant

Crucem Sanctam Subiit is a stirring and militant medieval chant of the Knights Templar, announcing the victory of Our Lord Jesus Christ over death in His Resurrection.

The sacred music channel Adoration of the Cross describes this chant: “Very few liturgical manuscripts related to the Knights Templar have been preserved. The one used here is from the middle of the 12th century. It is the oldest musical manuscript for the use of the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem. It was on that place that the Order of the Temple established the foundations of their spirituality. Marcel Pérès and Ensemble Organum have recorded a good number of marvelous discs of early music but 'Le chant des Templiers' [The Chant of the Templars] album remains as one of their iconic marks in classical music.”

We have included two recordings below: the first is the famous performance by seasoned French early music group Ensemble Organum led by Marcel Pérès, the second by the dynamic young Swedish group Ars Veritas.

Listen to Crucem Sanctam Subiit performed by Ensemble Organum

Listen to Crucem Sanctam Subiit performed by Ars Veritas

Lyrics (1):

Latin text:

Crucem sanctam subiit,
Qui infernum confregit,
Accintus est potentia,
Surrexit die tertia. Alleluia.

Surrexit Christus
Et illuxit populo suo:
Quem redemit
Sanguine suo. Alleluia.

Crucem sanctam subiit,
Qui infernum confregit,
Accintus est potentia,
Surrexit die tertia. Alleluia.

Surrexit Christus
Iam non moritur:
Mors illi ultra
Non dominabitur. Alleluia.

Crucem sanctam subiit,
Qui infernum confregit,
Accintus est potentia,
Surrexit die tertia. Alleluia.

Surrexit Christus
Lapidem quem reprobaverunt
Aedificantes: hic factus est
In caput anguli. Alleluia.

Crucem sanctam subiit,
Qui infernum confregit,
Accintus est potentia,
Surrexit die tertia. Alleluia.

English translation:

He bore the Holy Cross
Who shattered hell
He was girded with power
He rose on the third day. Alleluia.

Christ has risen
And enlightened his people
Whom he redeemed
With his blood. Alleluia.

He bore the Holy Cross
Who shattered hell
He was girded with power
He rose on the third day. Alleluia.

Christ has risen
Now he does not die
Death will have no dominion
Further over him. Alleluia.

He bore the Holy Cross
Who shattered hell
He was girded with power
He rose on the third day. Alleluia.

Christ has risen;
The stone which was rejected
By the builders has been made
Into the cornerstone. Alleluia.

He bore the Holy Cross
Who shattered hell
He was girded with power
He rose on the third day. Alleluia.

Crucem Sanctam Subiit

For the full score arranged for 5-part men's choir, click here.

For parts, click here.


  1. Lyrics taken from, here.


Blason de Charlemagne
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