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Andalusian Christmas carol

Chiquirritín (The Dear Little One) is a traditional Christmas carol or villancico from the region of Andalusia, Spain, and figures as one of the most famous carols in the villancico repertoire. As many other carols, Chiquirritín takes the listener to the scene of Our Lord's birth, expressing with joy that God is born in a poor manger, between St. Joseph and Our Lady.

The song distinguishes itself from others in that it tenderly uses the diminitive (-in) form of Spanish words: chiquirritín (for chiquito, or chico), queridín and queridito (for querido). The percussive rhythm of the word chiquirritín (made exra long with an added -qui, turning it into chiquiriquitín) is used throughout the song, and gives the carol a distinctly Spanish character.

Chiquirritín is here interpreted by the Coral de la Comunidad de Madrid.

Listen to Chiquirritín


Spanish text

Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
Metidito entre pajas
Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
Queridin, queridito del alma

Por debajo del arco del portalico
Se descubre a María, José y al Niño

Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
Metidito entre pajas
Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
Queridin, queridito del alma

Entre un buey y una mula, Dios ha nacido
Y en un pobre pesebre lo han recogido

Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
Metidito entre pajas
Ay del chiquirritín chiquirriquitín
Queridin, queridito del alma

English translation:

Oh the dear little One,
Tucked in among straw
Oh the dear little One,
Dear One, dear One of the soul.

Undernearth the arch of the entryway
One discovers Mary, Joseph, and the Child.

Oh the dear little One,
Tucked in among straw
Oh the dear little One,
Dear One, dear One of the soul.

Between and ox and a mule, God is born
And in a poor manger they have placed Him.

Oh the dear little One,
Tucked in among straw
Oh the dear little One,
Dear One, dear One of the soul.

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For a high-resolution JPG, click here.

For a PDF version, click here.

For a version arranged for four-part SATB choir, click here.

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Neopolitan Nativity Scene (Belén Napolitano), Sala Retiro, Madrid
Modelled terracotta, polychrome and wood


Blason de Charlemagne
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