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Dime Niño, De Quién Eres

Andalusian Christmas carol

Dime Niño, De Quién Eres (Tell Me Child, Whose Are You) is a traditional Christmas carol or villancico from the region of Andalusia, Spain, although some trace its origins to the region of Murcia, Spain. It is one of the most well-known of the folk Christmas carols.

The carol asks Who this Child is, and gives in joyful tones the response: He is the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit; He is Love in the Manger, and Suffering on the Cross.

Dime Niño, De Quién Eres is interpreted below by the Coral de la Comunidad de Madrid.

The carol has also inspired other diverse interpretations, including a majestic version with orchestra-choir and castanets, mandolin ensemble.

Listen to Dime Niño, De Quién Eres


Spanish text

1. Dime, Niño, de quién eres
Todo vestido de blanco?
“Soy de la Virgen María
Y del Espíritu Santo.” (x2)

Resuenen con alegría
Los cánticos de mi tierra
Y viva el Niño de Dios
Que nació en la Nochebuena. (x2)

La Nochebuena se viene, tururú
La Nochebuena se va
Y nosotros nos iremos, tururú
Y no volveremos más.
(to Refrain)

2. Dime, Niño, de quién eres
Y si te llamas Jesús?
Soy amor en el pesebre
Y sufrimiento en la cruz.
(To Refrain)

English translation:

1. Tell me, Child, whose are you,
All dressed in white?
“I am of the Virgin Mary
And of the Holy Spirit.” (x2)

Resound with joy
The canticles of my land
And long live the Child of God
Who was born on the Holy Night. (x2)

The Holy Night comes, tururú
The Holy Night goes
And we will go, tururú,
And return no more.

1. Tell me, Child, whose are you,
And if your Name is Jesus?
“I am Love in the Manger
And Suffering on the Cross.”
(to Refrain)

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For a high-resolution JPG, click here.

For a PDF version, click here.

For a version in A Major, click here.

For a version arranged for four-part SATB choir, click here.

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Birth of the Baby Jesus (Nacimiento del Niño Jesús), Iglesia de Jesús, Murcia


Blason de Charlemagne
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