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Ach Wann Kommen Jene Stunden

Bavarian Christmas carol

Ach Wann Kommen Jene Stunden (Ah, when will those hours come) is a traditional Advent carol from Bavaria in Germany, and is also sung in the Tyrol region and parts of Austria.

The carol makes a loving plea to God to send His Son, noting that the weeks of Advent are drawing to a close. It begs God to lift us out of paganism and to allow us to see the rays of the Sun of Grace, Our Lord Jesus Christ. In charming and innocent tones, the carol makes reference to the "Gate of Heaven," understood as Our Lady, who opens Redemption for "an afflicted world".

Ach Wann Kommen Jene Stunden is interpreted below by the Austrian St. Florianer Sängerknaben (St. Florian's Boys Choir), whom we have featured before here.

Note: The verses heard in the recording are 1, 4 and 3 below (in that order). We have provided all four verses below.

Listen to Ach Wann Kommen Jene Stunden


German text

1. Ach wann kommen jene Stunden,
ach wann kommet jene Zeit,
da der Heiland wird gefunden
und durch ihn die Welt erfreut!
Du, oh Gott, hast längst versprochen
uns zu senden Deinen Sohn,
die von Dir bestimmten Wochen
laufen ja zu Ende schon.

2. Ach hier in der Finsternissen
man gab uns Dein göttlich Licht.
Die Schuld Adams, die wir büssen,
uns verhüllt Dein Angesicht.
Ach laß doch die Welt bald sehen
Deiner Güte Wunderkraft,
laß die Gnadensonn auf gehen
uns und auch der Heidenschaft.

3. Dich eröffne, du, o Erde
Und den Heiland bring hervor
Dass bald aufgeschlössen werde
Das versperrte Himmelstor!
Komm, o komm doch, du Erreter
Der so sehr bedrängten Welt,
Komm, erfüll’ die Wünsch’ der Väter,
Alle andre Hilf’ ihm fehlt!

4. Oh ihr Zeiten nehmet Flügel,
bringet uns herbei geschwind
das Verlangen jener Hügel,
wo die Freuden ewig sind.
Himmel den Gerechten tauet,
Wolken uns denjenen gebt,
dem die Welt entgegenschauet
und nach ihm die Wünsch erhebt.

English translation:

1. Ah, when will those hours come,
O when will that time come,
When the Savior will be found,
And through Him the world will rejoice!
Thou, o God, promised long ago
To send us Thy Son
The weeks that Thou didst specifiy
Are already running to their end.

2. Ah, here in the darkness
We were given Thy divine light.
The guilt of Adam that we atone for
Thy face hides for us.
O let the world soon see
Thy goodness and miraculous power,
Let the Sun of grace rise for us
And also for paganism.

3. Open up, you, o earth
And bring forth the Savior,
So that the locked gate of heaven
Will soon be unlocked.
Come, o come, Thou Savior
Of the world so afflicted
Come, fulfill the wishes of the fathers,
All other help is lacking!

4. O ye time, take wings,
Bring to us swiftly
The desire of those hills
Where joys are everlasting.
Thaw Heaven for the just,
Give us clouds for the One
Whom the world looks toward
And longs for.

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For a high-resolution JPG, click here.

For a PDF version, click here.

For a version in C Major, click here.

For a version arranged for four-part SATB choir, click here.

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Nativity Scene (Weihnachtskrippe), by Bavarian sculptor Sebastian Osterrieder.
Cathedral of St. Paul in Esslingen am Neckar, Germany


Blason de Charlemagne
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