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Campanas de Belén

Spanish Christmas carol

Campanas de Belén (Bells of Bethlehem) is a touching Spanish villancico (Christmas carol) originating from Andalusia. Its origins are unclear but the carol has been documented to at least the beginning of the 20th century. It is perhaps the most famous of the Spanish villancico repertoire, its popularity spanning from Europe to the three continents of Hispanic America (across North, Central and South).

The listener enters the scene of Our Lord's birth with the Angels playing the bells in celebration. When passersby ask the shepherds where they are going, each shepherd responds: "I am going to the Portal", a reference to the entryway of a church.

The shepherds bring their gifts, each one more generous than the next: one brings the Child requesón (a type of Spanish ricotta cheese), lard and wine. Another offers the Child his heart, recognizing Him as God. After the narrator announces that one day the Child will suffer on a Cross, the last shepherd responds: "I am going to the Portal, to see if the Child may let me die with Him on the Cross."

The carol is a joyful reminder of Our Lord's birth and poverty at Bethlehem, and His infinite generosity through His Sacrifice on the Cross. It brings to mind the words of St. Louis de Montfort: "Friends of the Cross, you are like crusaders united to fight against the world... Let us pour all our strength into the fight, and run very fast to reach the goal and win the crown.” (1)

Campanas de Belén is interpreted below by Orquesta y Coro de Voces para la Paz, directed by Antonio Fauró. Note: only verses 1 and 3 are sung in the recording, but we provide all three below.

The carol has also inspired many popular arrangements, including this one with orchestra and choir.

Listen to Campanas de Belén


Spanish text

1. Campana sobre campana, y sobre campana una;
Asómate a la ventana, verás al Niño en la cuna.
Belén, campanas de Belén, que los ángeles tocan,
¿Qué nuevas me traéis?

Recogido tu rebaño, ¿a dónde vas, pastorcito?
«Voy a llevar al Portal requesón, manteca y vino».
Belén, campanas de Belén, que los ángeles tocan,
¿Qué nuevas me traéis?

2. Campana sobre campana, y sobre campana dos;
Asómate a la ventana porque está naciendo Dios.
Belén, campanas de Belén, que los ángeles tocan,
¿Qué nuevas me traéis?

Caminando a media noche, ¿dónde caminas, pastor?
«Le llevo al Niño que nace, como a Dios, mi corazón».
Belén, campanas de Belén, que los ángeles tocan,
¿Qué nuevas me traéis?

3. Campana sobre campana, y sobre campana tres;
En una Cruz a esta hora el Niño va a padecer.
Belén, campanas de Belén, que los ángeles tocan,
¿Qué nuevas me traéis?

Las estrellas alumbran, pastor, ¿dónde quieres ir?
«Voy al Portal por si el Niño con él me deja morir».
Belén, campanas de Belén, que los ángeles tocan,
¿Qué nuevas me traéis?

English translation:

1. Bells upon bells, and upon bells, one;
Look through the window, you will see the Child in the crib.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem, that the angels play,
What news do you bring me?

With your flock gathered, where are you going little shepherd?
“I am bringing to the Portal requesón, lard and wine”.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem, that the angels play,
What news do you bring me?

2. Bells upon bells, and upon bells, two;
Look through the window, because God is being born.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem, that the angels play,
What news do you bring me?

Walking at midnight, where are you heading, shepherd?
“I bring to the Child who is being born, as with God, my heart”.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem, that the angels play,
What news do you bring me?

3. Bells upon bells, and upon bells, three;
On a Cross at this hour, the Child will suffer.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem, that the angels play,
What news do you bring me?

The stars are out, shepherd, where do you want to go?
“I am going to the Portal so that the Child may let me die with Him”.
Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem, that the angels play,
What news do you bring me?

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For a high-resolution JPG, click here.

For a PDF version, click here.

For a version in D Major, click here.

For a version arranged for four-part SATB choir, click here.

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Belén de La Confitería La Campana, by Vicente Mallofret, Seville, Spain

  1. St. Louis Grignion de Montfort, Letter the Friends of the Cross (PDF), pp.1-2. Accessed here.

Blason de Charlemagne
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