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Mandatum Novum Do Vobis

Gregorian Chant Antiphon for Maundy Thursday

Mandatum novum do vobis (A new commandment I give unto you) is the first Gregorian chant antiphon sung during the Washing of the Feet on Maundy Thursday, which occurs after the stripping of the altars.

The text of this antiphon is taken from the Gospel of St. John 13:34, while the psalm verse is taken from Psalm 118:1. The rubrics of the Mandatum can be seen in the 1923 Office of Holy Week (Officium Majoris Hebdomadae), which contains all the Latin prayers, rubrics and chant sheet music for the pre-1955 Holy Week of the Latin Rite, which is the Holy Week before the reforms of Pope Pius XII. The Mandatum and its rubrics can be seen on p. 242/236 here (1).

Mandatum novum do vobis is here interpreted by the Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos in Spain.

Listen to Mandatum Novum Do Vobis


Latin text:

Mandatum novum do vobis:
Ut diligatis invicem:
Sicut dilexi vos,
Dixit Dominus.

Ps. 118:1
Beati immaculati in via,
Qui ambulant in lege Domini.

English translation (2):

A new commandment I give unto you:
That you love one another:
As I have loved you,
Said the Lord.

Ps. 118:1
Blessed are the undefiled in the way,
Who walk in the law of the Lord.

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Washing of Feet by Duccio di Buoninsegna (1255-1318)

  1. Courtesy of the CMAA's (Church Music Association of America) Chant Resources page, here, under "Supplemental Chant Books".
  2. English translation from the Douay Rheims, here and here.
  3. Music courtesy of Gregobase, here.


Blason de Charlemagne
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