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Sub Tuum Praesidium

Marian Chant Antiphon

Sub Tuum Praesidium (We Fly To Thy Patronage) is an ancient hymn to Our Lady. Besides it usage in the Roman Rite, it is also used in Eastern Catholic Rites, such as the Coptic, Armenian, Byzantine and Ambrosian. Being a favorite prayer of the Marists, the Salesians and the Sulpitians, it is also said to be customary for Catholics in Poland to pray this hymn at the end of the Rosary.

In the Roman Rite, Sub Tuum Praesidium is used as the antiphon for the Nunc Dimittis at Compline in the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The former medieval and post-medieval practice in several dioceses, especially in France, was to use the Sub Tuum as the final antiphon at Compline instead of the Salve Regina; and in the Rite of Braga it is sung at the end of Mass.

The prayer also carries with it special indulgences, both partial and plenary,
which are, according to the 1943 Raccolta:

1. An indulgence of 5 years.

2. A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions,
if this prayer is said daily for a month.

3. A plenary indulgence to be gained at the hour of death by those who have been accustomed to recite this prayer frequently in life provided that, having confessed their sins and received Holy Communion, or at least being duly contrite, they devoutly invoke the Most Holy Name of Jesus with their lips, if they can; but if not, to at least invoke His Name in their heart and accept death at the hands of the Lord with resignation as the just punishment for their sins.

This explanation can be read in English here (1) and in Latin here (2).

In the Roman Rite, there are two main versions of the Sub Tuum, besides other versions such as that of the the Dominicans and the Cistercian: The first is the standard version (3), and the second is the monastic version (4). We have included recordings and sheet music of both versions below. The difference is that they vary slightly in the notes (particularly at 'despicias', 'necessitatibus', 'cunctis', 'gloriosa', and 'et').

The standard version of Sub Tuum Praesidium is here interpreted by Cantarte Regensburg. The monastic version is interpreted by the Benedictine Monks of Norcia.

Listen to the standard version of Sub Tuum Praesidium by Cantarte Regensburg

Listen to the monastic version by the Benedictine Monks of Norcia


Latin text:

Sub tuum praesidium confugimus,
Sancta Dei Genetrix.
Nostras deprecationes ne despicias
In necessitatibus,
Sed a periculis cunctis
Libera nos semper,
Virgo gloriosa et benedicta.

English translation (5):

We fly to thy patronage,
O Holy Mother of God;
Despise not our petitions
In our necessities,
But deliver us always
From all dangers,
O Glorious and Blessed Virgin.

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Standard Version:

Sub tuum standard


For a high-resolution JPG version, click here.

For a PDF version, click here.

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Monastic Version:

Sub tuum standard


For a high-resolution JPG version, click here.

For a PDF version, click here.

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Bandeira Sub Tuum

The Processional Banner from the Santa Casa de Misericordia
(Holy House of Mercy), painted by Bernardo Pereira Pegado, 1784, Lisbon,
Portugal. The painting depicts Our Lady of Mercy, and bears the Sub Tuum Praesidium inscription at the bottom. Taken from here.

  1. The Raccolta, 1943: New York, Benziger Brothers, p.221. Courtesy of
  2. Enchiridion Indulgentiarum, Preces et Pia Opera. 1952: Vatican, Editio Altera, typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, p. 234 (p. 216 printed on page). Courtesy of
  3. Antiphonale Pro Diurnis Horis, 1912: Rome, p. 888 (p. 91 printed on page, in the section on the Little Office of the B.V.M., or Officium Parvum B. M. V.). Courtesy of Musica Sacra's Resources list, under "More Latin Chant Resources".
  4. Antiphonale Monasticum. 1934: Solesmes, p.1293 (p. 1258 printed on page). Courtesy of
  5. English translation courtesy of Preces Latinae.
  6. Standard version sheet music courtesy of Gregobase, here.
  7. Monastic version sheet music, adapted, courtesy of Gregobase, here.


Blason de Charlemagne
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