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Viva a Mãe de Deus e Nossa

Brazilian Hymn to Our Lady Aparecida

Viva a Mãe de Deus e Nossa (Long Live the Mother of God & Ours) is a popular Brazilian hymn to Our Lady Aparecida (Our Lady who Appeared). The date and composer are unknown, though it dates from far before Vatican II.

Devotion to Our Lady Aparecida began in the 18th century, when a statue of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception appeared floating in the Paraiba River, between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in Brazil. Since its finding, Our Lady worked one miracle after another through that statue, and her cult spread throughout the country. She is the Patroness of Brazil. In 1904 Pope St. Pius X officially declared Our Lady Aparecida Queen of Brazil.

Today, the number of her devotees go in the millions to honor her, particularly on her feast day, October 12. This hymn is perhaps the most famous of those dedicated to Our Lady Aparecida.

Viva a Mãe de Deus e Nossa is here interpreted by the Heralds of the Gospel.

Listen to Viva a Mãe de Deus e Nossa

Lyrics (1):

Portuguese text:

Viva a Mãe de Deus e nossa,
Sem pecado concebida
Salve, ó Virgem Imaculada,
Ó Senhora Aparecida.

1. Aqui estão vossos devotos,
Cheios de Fé incendida,
De conforto e de esperança,
Ó Senhora Aparecida.

2. Lá no cimo do Calvário,
De tormentos combalida,
Jesus fez-Vos nossa Mãe,
Ó Senhora Aparecida.

3. A cumprir divinos planos,
Por Deus fostes escolhida,
Padroeira do Brasil,
Ó Senhora Aparecida.

4. Protegei a Santa Igreja,
Ó Mãe terna e estremecida,
Protegei a nossa Pátria,
Ó Senhora Aparecida.

English translation (1):

Long live the Mother of God and ours,
Conceived without original sin,
Hail, o Immaculate Virgin,
O Lady Aparecida.

1. Here are thy devotees,
Full of ardent faith,
Of consolation and hope,
O Lady Aparecida.

2. There are the top of Calvary,
Weakened by torments,
Jesus made thee our Mother,
O Lady Aparecida.

3. To fulfill divine plans,
Thou wert chosen by God,
Patroness of Brazil,
O Lady Aparecida.

4. Protect the Holy Church,
O tender and trembling Mother,
Protect our country,
O Lady Aparecida.

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Viva a Mãe de Deus

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Original Statue of Our Lady Aparecida
Learn more about Our Lady Aparecida here.


Blason de Charlemagne
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