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En Belén Tocan a Fuego

Spanish Christmas carol

En Belén tocan a fuego (In Bethlehem they ring the bells) is a traditional Christmas carol or villancico from Spain.

The carol's title, tocan a fuego, refers to the ringing of bells made in days past when a fire would break out. Villagers would ring the church bells to give a warning to others. In this sense, it is well known that this carol uses a literary figure: The fire of God's love for mankind broke out in Bethlehem, "with flames coming from the Manger. To redeem mankind from sin, God became incarnate in a poor stable.

Rich in poetic figures, the carol speaks of the birth of this "red [incarnate] carnation, who in order to redeem the world, has become a purple lily." The carnation, the national flower of Spain, is said to be a symbol of love and rejoicing; it is a fitting metaphor for the Birth of Our Lord, Who manifested His love for mankind by His Incarnation and for which all the world rejoices.

The purple lily symbolizes the Death that Our Lord would face on the Cross, purple signifying the agony and torture He would suffer in His Passion, while the lily is a symbol of martyrdom, a reference to His Crucifixion and Death.

With these metaphors in mind, the carol seems to capture the mystery and marvel of this divine Act: In Bethlehem, the Dawn was born, communicating its fiery light. Even "the fishes leap and frolic in the river," signalling that all of nature rejoices at the Birth of its Creator and mankind's Redeemer.

En Belén tocan a fuego is here interpreted by the Balthasar-Neumann Choir.

Listen to En Belén tocan a fuego


Spanish text

1. En Belén tocan a fuego,
Del Portal salen las llamas,
Porque dicen que ha nacido
El Redentor de las almas.

Brincan y bailan los peces en el río,
brincan y bailan por ver a Dios nacido.
Brincan y bailan los peces en el agua,
brincan y bailan de ver nacida el alba.

2. En el Portal de Belén
Nació un clavel encarnado,
Que por redimir al mundo
Se ha vuelto lirio morado.


3. Los pastores en Belén
Llevaban haces de leña,
Para calentar al Niño
Que ha nacido en Nochebuena.


English translation:

1. In Bethlehem they ring the bells,
Flames come out from the Portal,
For they speak of the birth
Of the Redeemer of souls.

The fishes leap and frolic in the river,
They leap and frolic at the sight of God's birth.
The fishes leap and frolic in the water,
They leap and frolic at the sight of the Dawn's birth.

2. In the Portal of Bethlehem
A red carnation was born,
Who, to redeem the world,
Has become a purple lily.


3. The shepherds in Bethlehem
Were bringing bundles of firewood,
To warm the Child
Who was born on Christmas night.


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For a version arranged for four-part SATB choir, click here. (1)

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Detail from Retablo de la Vida de la Vírgen y San Francisco
(Retablo of the Life of the Virgin & St. Francis),
by Nicolás Francés (1433-1468), painted 1445-1460.
Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

  1. Source of the choral arrangement here.

Blason de Charlemagne
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