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Ave Plena Gratiae

Gregorian Hymn to Our Lady

Ave Plena Gratiae (Hail Full of Grace) is a Gregorian chant in honor of Our Lady dating back to the Middle Ages. It is recorded in the 1903 Cantus Mariales by Dom Joseph Pothier of the Benedictine Monks of Solesmes.

The chant makes a pedagogical summary of the life of Our Lady, reminding us that it is through her that grace flows for the Church, she who is the hope of the forsaken. It recounts how St. Gabriel rejoiced in giving her the Good News of Our Lord's Incarnation, and how the Most High destined her to be the Mother of His Son.

It also recounts how after the prophecy of St. Simeon when presenting Our Lord in the Temple, a sword pierced her soul, harmonically contrasting this event with the piercing of Our Lord's side with the lance of St. Longinus after He died on the Cross. It was she who bore in her heart all the physical suffering born by Our Lord in His flagellation and torture, and after His Resurrection, He now reigns as King. Now exalted by angelic choirs, it is she, the Queen Mother, who mercifully advocates for all mankind, and is the mystical door of Heaven.

Ave Plena Gratiae is here interpreted by the Benedictine Monks of Silos.

Listen to Ave Plena Gratiae


Latin text:

Ave plena gratiae,
Mater misericordiae,
Sancta Maria.

Per quam omnis gratiae
Fons ortus est Ecclesiae,
Sancta Maria.

Laude digna angelorum,
Sume laudes peccatorum,
Sancta Maria.

Spes reorum, spes lapsorum,
Laetitia beatorum,
Sancta Maria.

Te Gabriel laetificavit,
Te Paraclitus obumbravit,
Sancta Maria.

Pater summus magnificavit
Dum Filio matrem creavit,
Sancta Maria.

O gloria! O gaudium!
Dum genuisti Altissimi Unigenitum,
Sancta Maria.

O Domina! O Dominum propitium
Fac nobis tuum primogenitum,
Sancta Maria.

Tuum per transiit gladius animam,
Cum in crucifixi latere defixam
Cerneres lanceam,
Sancta Maria.

Vincula, colaphi,
Corona spinea,
Arundo, flagella clavique te matrem
Corde cruentarunt,
Sancta Maria.

O laetitia!
O resurrexit Dominus,
En, Virgo, vivit tuus Filius,
Sancta Maria.

O Regina!
O regnat, vincit, imperat!
Non moriturus tuus unicus,
Sancta Maria.

Nunc semper choros angelorum exaltata,
A dextris Filii mater, regnas,
Caelesti gloria circumdata,
Sancta maria.

Nostri memor esto in misericordia,
In hac miseria, nos exsules
Reduc ad aeterna tabernacula,
Sancta Maria.

O Virgo! O Domina!
O Mater regina, sancta Maria.
English translation (1):

Hail, full of grace,
Mother of mercy,
Holy Mary.

Through you the fountain of all grace
Flows for the Church,
Holy Mary.

Graced by the angels' praises,
Accept the praise of us sinners,
Holy Mary.

Hope of the forsaken, the deceased,
Joy of saints,
Holy Mary.

Gabriel rejoiced in you,
The Holy Spirit overshadowed you,
Holy Mary.

The Most-High Father exalted you
While creating you as mother of His Son,
Holy Mary.

O glory! O joy!
That you would bear the Son of the Most-High,
Holy Mary.

O mistress! Intercede with the Lord,
For us your first-born,
Holy Mary.

A sword pierced your soul
While the lance pierced the side of the crucified one,
Holy Mary.

Chains, buffeting,
The crown of thorns,
The whipping; all bore upon
Your own heart,
Holy Mary.

O joy!
The Lord is risen!
Behold, O Virgin; your Son lives!
O holy Mary.

O Queen!
He reigns, he conquered, he rules!
No more to die, your only Son,
Holy Mary.

Now, exalted by the angelic choirs,
You reign with your Son
In the midst of heaven's glory,
Holy Mary.

Remember us, in your mercy,
We poor ones, who are exiled;
Lead us to the heavenly sanctuary,
Holy Mary.

O Virgin! O Mistress!
O Queen Mother; holy Mary.

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Ave Plena Gratiae


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Virgen Blanca

Virgen Blanca de Vitoria, gothic 14th-century sculpture,
from the Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art,
Cathedral of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.

  1. English translation adapted from that provided by Petrus Josephus on YouTube, taken from here.
  2. Sheet music courtesy of Gregobase, taken from here.


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