Velum Templi Scissum (The Veil of the Temple Was Rent) is a Gregorian chant responsorial from Holy Week, sung at the first Nocturn and after the second Lesson of Matins on Good Friday.
The chant recalls the moment when Our Lord was on the Cross at Calvary, and the veil of the Temple in Jerusalem was torn in two. This was to fulfill the two-fold prophecy of Our Lord: "I will destroy this temple and rebuild it in three days." (John 2:18-19) The destruction of the temple was not only a reference to Our Lord's Most Sacred Body, and how after three days, He would restore it as promised with His Resurrection, but it seems also to be the symbolic end of the Old Covenant and the Jewish religion, and the installation of the new law of Grace, purchased by Our Lord with His Most Precious Blood and established with the Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church.
It was at this moment that the whole earth trembled at seeing its Creator crucified and the Redemption of mankind accomplished. The rocks were split, and many of the dead Saints resurrected. These resurrected Saints roamed Jerusalem and appeared to many, giving testimony to the Resurrection of Our Lord.
The chant also recounts the moment in which the good thief, St. Dismas, professing knowledge of Our Lord as the Messiah-King foretold by Scripture and in a movement of love and service, made this request to Our Lord: "Remember me, Lord, when Thou shalt come into Thy Kingdom." Thus it was that St. Dismas became the first canonized Saint, since Our Lord replied: "Amen I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with me in paradise." From the height of the Cross, full of suffering, bitterness and ignominy, salvation is purchased and won for mankind, leaving for Catholics an example to follow.
Velum Templi Scissum is here interpreted by Escolania A Capella Choir.
Listen to Velum Templi Scissum
Latin text:
Velum templi scissum est
Et omnis terra tremuit.
Latro de cruce clamabat dicen:s
Memento mei Domine
Cum veneris in regnum tuum.
V. Petrae scissae sunt,
Et monumenta aperta sunt,
Et multa corpora sanctorum,
Qui dormierant, surrexerunt.
R. Et omnis...
English translation (1):
The veil of the temple was rent [torn]
And the whole earth trembled.
The thief from the cross cried out saying:
Remember me, Lord
When Thou shalt come into Thy Kingdom.
V. The rocks were split,
And the tombs were opened,
And many bodies of the saints,
Who had slept, arose.
R. And the whole earth...