Theology of History
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La Plus Belle Aventure du Monde C'est la Notre
Translated: The most beautiful adventure in the world is ours. It is the motto of Tradition in Action, as seen on our emblem.
What exactly is this adventure? It is to defeat the Revolution, as illustrated in the treatise Revolution and Counter-Revolution by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira.
The Revolution has expanded and metastasized to the point where "the center, the most sensitive and truly decisive point in the fight between the Revolution and the Counter-Revolution has shifted from the temporal society to the spiritual one. This center has now come to be the Holy Church. Within its fabric, on the one side, are the progressivists, crypto-communists, and pro-communists, and on the other side are the anti-progressivists and the anti-communists." (1)
Take note of the signature word "fight." Among the myriad of battles of the Revolution as a whole, the war that is "decisive" is the fight today against Progressivism inside the Catholic Church.
On the subject of war, Sacred Scripture confirms the need for battle: "The Lord is as a man of war: Almighty is his name. (Ex. 15: 3)
War is bitter, grim, intrepid and glorious. In it there is no place for the iconic happy face. I bid the reader read with gravity the recent article by Cosme Beccar Varela from Argentina, "Morale Profile of the Typical Progressivist Prelate." In his analysis of the present trend of progressivist Prelates – from the top to the bottom – he challenges their agenda to promote a "feel good" life, the very opposite of what we are obliged to believe as Catholics, that is, that we live in a "valley of tears."
This treacherous policy of the new regime of the Conciliar Church brings to mind an enlightened article by Dr. Marian Therese Horvat titled "Devils of the Air and the Change of Papacy." It reveals the ultimate intent of this "feel good" diabolical aim to destroy the Catholic Faith. The objective of this "feel good" mentality is to destroy the Church Militant.
As Dr. Horvat explains, after God created the angels, the first of God’s creatures, they were divided into three categories. The faithful angels, who stood with St. Michael, received their reward with God in Heaven. The revolted angels were thrown into Hell to suffer eternal damnation. However, there was a third category, those angels with the base characteristic of a "vile neutrality," to use an expression of St. Pius X.
Those angels were unwilling to intervene or enter battle; they stood apart in a kind of "moderate" position, unwilling to take a definitive side in the struggle. It is said that instead they sang songs, diverting other angelic spirits from the battle by creating an atmosphere of false peace.
Describing this first battle, Ven. Mary of Agreda presents her understanding of Satan's primeval disorder. His is a mind of contradiction, thus requiring a sustained lie to justify his fall. She relates that immediately after creating the angels, God made known to them the reason for His act. He had created them with an exalted and perfect nature and "they were commanded to adore and reverence Him as their Creator and highest Lord, infinite in His essence and attributes." (2)
The good angels subjected themselves to God’s will "through love and on account of the justice of it." Lucifer also `"submitted himself, because the opposite seemed to him impossible."
But, then, a conflict began to rage in his mind, to choose between God and himself. He was an angel of exceeding beauty and intelligence, "the morning star," the highest of the highest choir. The fact of having to make a choice produced in him an internal fragmentation, where, on the one hand, he wanted to be adored as a god, and, on the other, he desired to destroy himself because when he revolted against God, he lost his reason to exist. Following each of these tendencies, Lucifer promotes dissension among other angels and among men.
Hence, the genesis of war has its alpha in the division of Satan, and likewise its omega. Like it or not, war is the lot of mankind, in both the spiritual and temporal domains, in the individual and in society. There is a valuable and even sacred lesson to be learned here.
Clausewitz once said, "A great part of the information obtained in war is contradictory, a still greater part is false, and by far the greater part is of doubtful character."(3) Hence war, by its nature, is colored by Satan's confusion that exhibited itself in a kind of schizophrenia and contradiction. To overcome such confusion, we must know and love the will of God. When He calls us to fight, we should follow this doctrine: "Anyone on the battlefield who is still alive, stand up and fight!"
To underscore this point, I suggest the reading of War, Just War by Atila Sinke Guimaraes. In his book he quotes a Catholic author with impeccable credentials on the subject of a just war, Fr. Luigi Taparelli. In his work on Natural Law published in 1840, Fr. Taparelli
establishes the criteria for just war:
"What laws, when violated, can give origin to a just war? When one side has committed a crime, the war becomes a punishment, that is, an effort to restore order, compensate for the damages inflicted, and protect the future. The war is just, therefore, when the order is violated, an offense is committed against society, and the people suffer a reasonable fear." (3)
Let us apply this sound teaching to the most important battle of History, the fight inside the Catholic Church that wages today with increasing fury under the papacy of Francis. The most beautiful adventure in the world is to be part of this fight.
We are fighting for much more than a fleeting moment of glory or bit of colored ribbon on this earth. We are fighting for the victory of the Holy Church and an eternal glory in Heaven.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary illuminate our duty to fight Progressivism, the worst heresy in the History of the Church, so long as the last warrior on the battlefield is still standing.
Posted August 27, 2014

The Revolution has expanded and metastasized to the point where "the center, the most sensitive and truly decisive point in the fight between the Revolution and the Counter-Revolution has shifted from the temporal society to the spiritual one. This center has now come to be the Holy Church. Within its fabric, on the one side, are the progressivists, crypto-communists, and pro-communists, and on the other side are the anti-progressivists and the anti-communists." (1)
Take note of the signature word "fight." Among the myriad of battles of the Revolution as a whole, the war that is "decisive" is the fight today against Progressivism inside the Catholic Church.
On the subject of war, Sacred Scripture confirms the need for battle: "The Lord is as a man of war: Almighty is his name. (Ex. 15: 3)
War is bitter, grim, intrepid and glorious. In it there is no place for the iconic happy face. I bid the reader read with gravity the recent article by Cosme Beccar Varela from Argentina, "Morale Profile of the Typical Progressivist Prelate." In his analysis of the present trend of progressivist Prelates – from the top to the bottom – he challenges their agenda to promote a "feel good" life, the very opposite of what we are obliged to believe as Catholics, that is, that we live in a "valley of tears."
This treacherous policy of the new regime of the Conciliar Church brings to mind an enlightened article by Dr. Marian Therese Horvat titled "Devils of the Air and the Change of Papacy." It reveals the ultimate intent of this "feel good" diabolical aim to destroy the Catholic Faith. The objective of this "feel good" mentality is to destroy the Church Militant.
As Dr. Horvat explains, after God created the angels, the first of God’s creatures, they were divided into three categories. The faithful angels, who stood with St. Michael, received their reward with God in Heaven. The revolted angels were thrown into Hell to suffer eternal damnation. However, there was a third category, those angels with the base characteristic of a "vile neutrality," to use an expression of St. Pius X.

The first battle of the angels
Describing this first battle, Ven. Mary of Agreda presents her understanding of Satan's primeval disorder. His is a mind of contradiction, thus requiring a sustained lie to justify his fall. She relates that immediately after creating the angels, God made known to them the reason for His act. He had created them with an exalted and perfect nature and "they were commanded to adore and reverence Him as their Creator and highest Lord, infinite in His essence and attributes." (2)
The good angels subjected themselves to God’s will "through love and on account of the justice of it." Lucifer also `"submitted himself, because the opposite seemed to him impossible."
But, then, a conflict began to rage in his mind, to choose between God and himself. He was an angel of exceeding beauty and intelligence, "the morning star," the highest of the highest choir. The fact of having to make a choice produced in him an internal fragmentation, where, on the one hand, he wanted to be adored as a god, and, on the other, he desired to destroy himself because when he revolted against God, he lost his reason to exist. Following each of these tendencies, Lucifer promotes dissension among other angels and among men.
Hence, the genesis of war has its alpha in the division of Satan, and likewise its omega. Like it or not, war is the lot of mankind, in both the spiritual and temporal domains, in the individual and in society. There is a valuable and even sacred lesson to be learned here.
Clausewitz once said, "A great part of the information obtained in war is contradictory, a still greater part is false, and by far the greater part is of doubtful character."(3) Hence war, by its nature, is colored by Satan's confusion that exhibited itself in a kind of schizophrenia and contradiction. To overcome such confusion, we must know and love the will of God. When He calls us to fight, we should follow this doctrine: "Anyone on the battlefield who is still alive, stand up and fight!"

Today the greatest fight is inside the Church; above, Masons appear openly at Mass in the Caruaru, Brazil
"What laws, when violated, can give origin to a just war? When one side has committed a crime, the war becomes a punishment, that is, an effort to restore order, compensate for the damages inflicted, and protect the future. The war is just, therefore, when the order is violated, an offense is committed against society, and the people suffer a reasonable fear." (3)
Let us apply this sound teaching to the most important battle of History, the fight inside the Catholic Church that wages today with increasing fury under the papacy of Francis. The most beautiful adventure in the world is to be part of this fight.
We are fighting for much more than a fleeting moment of glory or bit of colored ribbon on this earth. We are fighting for the victory of the Holy Church and an eternal glory in Heaven.
May the Immaculate Heart of Mary illuminate our duty to fight Progressivism, the worst heresy in the History of the Church, so long as the last warrior on the battlefield is still standing.
- Plinio Correa de Oliveira, Revolution and Counter-Revolution, The Foundation for a Christian Civilization, New Rochelle, NY, 1980, pp. 152-153.
- Maria de Agreda, City of God, Vol. 1: The Conception, Washington, NJ: Ave Maria Institute, p. 88.
- Patrick Beesly, Very Special Intelligence, NY: Doubleday & Co, Inc, 1978, cover page.
- Atila S. Guimarães, War, Just War, Los Angeles: Tradition in Action, 2003, pp. 21-22.

Posted August 27, 2014