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Chanson de Monsieur Henri

Royalist Song of the Vendée

Chanson de Monsieur Henri is a militant song of the French Catholic Counter-Revolution in the Vendée. It is sung from the perspective of General Henri de la Rochejaquelein, who fought bravely against the anti-Catholic attacks being carried out in the Vendée by the forces of the French Revolution.

His leadership inspired the Catholics to maintain a heroic resistance in spite of tremendous odds, reminding us today that we, as present day Catholics, should be ready to fight to the death for our God and for the defense of our Catholic Civilization.

General Rochejaquelein is famously quoted as having said "Mes amis, si j'avance, suivez-moi! Si je recule, tuez-moi! Si je meurs, vengez-moi!" which translates to "My friends, if I advance, follow me! If I retreat, kill me! If I die, avenge me!"


Sous l'effort de la tempête,
Quand tous ont courbé leurs fronts,
Quand tous ont courbé leurs fronts,
Seuls debout dressant la tête,
Je vous vois, fières compagnons.

Vendéens. Marchons au feu sans effroi,
Mourons pour Dieu et pour le Roi.
Marchons au feu sans effroi, vive le Roi.
Vive Dieu, vive Dieu, vive le Roi.

Vendéens. Marchons au feu sans effroi,
Mourons pour Dieu et pour le Roi.
Marchons au feu sans effroi, vive le Roi.
Vive Dieu, vive Dieu, vive le Roi.

En partant pour la Croisade,
J'avais dis moi, faible enfant,
J'avais dis moi, faible enfant,
Je serai leur camarade.
Vous m'avez fait commandant.

Vendéens. Marchons au feu sans effroi.
Mourons pour Dieu et pour le Roi.
Marchons au feu sans effroi, vive le Roi.
Vive Dieu, vive Dieu, vive le Roi.

Vendéens. Marchons au feu sans effroi,
Mourons pour Dieu et pour le Roi.
Marchons au feu sans effroi, vive le Roi.
Vive Dieu, vive Dieu, vive le Roi.

English translation:

Under the force of the storm,
When all have bowed their heads,
When all have bowed their heads,
The only ones who hold tall their heads,
I see that are you, brave companions.

Vendéens. Let's march to the fire without fear,
Let's die for God and for the King.
Let's march to fire without fear, vive the King.
Vive God, vive God, vive the King.

Vendéens. Let's march to the fire without fear,
Let's die for God and for the King.
Let's march to fire without fear, vive the King.
Vive God, vive God, vive the King.

Leaving for the Crusade,
I told myself, poor boy,
I told myself, poor boy,
I will be their comrade.
You made me your commander.

Vendéens. Let's march to the fire without fear,
Let's die for God and for the King.
Let's march to fire without fear, vive the King.
Vive God, vive God, vive the King.

Vendéens. Let's march to the fire without fear,
Let's die for God and for the King.
Let's march to fire without fear, vive the King.
Vive God, vive God, vive the King.

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Henri de Rochejaquelein and royalist fighters

General Henri de la Rochejaquelein

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