Traditionalist Issues
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Real Council & Virtual Council – VI
Mattei: 26 Years of JPII’s Conciliar Show
Was Caused by the Media
With the sudden death of the 33-day Pope, faithful Catholics were anew hoping that Rome would change course. But, once again, the Vatican sent a clear message with the name of the next Pontiff. Despite the mysteriously brief reign of John Paul I, the Conciliar Revolution would continue, at any cost, following the same line established by John XXIII and Paul VI, hence the name of the newly elected – John Paul II.
As a Bishop, Karol Wojtyla had attended Vatican II since its opening session. Two years after the Council, he was made Cardinal by Paul VI. As Pope, he reigned from October 16, 1978, to April 2, 2005, marking one of the longest pontificates in History. He, as well as Paul VI and John Paul I, implemented the novelties of the Council.
The three were Council Fathers. Yet Benedict XVI along with his “made in Vatican” historian Roberto de Mattei, tell us that the Council that was implemented was not what the Council Fathers wanted…
John Paul II kept all the harmful changes of his predecessors – changes that were already proving to be part of the “self-destruction” of the Church – and would implement new ones.
I must stress that with the arrival of JPII, Mattei’s idea of a Council created by the media becomes even more absurd than before because the truth is the exact opposite. For the next 26 years the center of the stage was always occupied by JPII. The media did spotlight him – always praising and running behind that globetrotter Pontiff, reporting and filming his antics around the world – but the show has always been Wojtyla’s.
Superstar Pope
He was a traveling Superstar Pope or Pope Show that was unquestionably directed by nobody other than himself and his Vatican bosses. It is ridiculous to say that he was a product of the BBC, ABC, NBC or CBS, as Mattei wants us to believe. The media was/is used to help spread the progressivist conciliar message, but it was/is the Pontiffs and the Vatican that were/are clearly and publicly at the helm.
The Pope Show would take the dignity of the papacy to a new low. The youth especially were exposed to this Woodstock atmosphere with the creation of the World Youth Days, founded by John Paul II. These WYDs were a form of “blessing” of, and reconciliation with, the Church and the Hippie Revolution of the ‘60s (here and here).
During his incessant world-tours, John Paul II would visit both Catholic shrines and non-Catholic centers in a blatant promotion of religious relativism. Papal visits to centers of false gods and false religions, such as temples, mosques and synagogues became commonplace.
The canonization of relativism
Back in Rome, this same Council Father, filled with religious relativism simultaneously beatified Pius IX (the Pope of Vatican I) and John XXIII (the Pope of Vatican II), in an effort to present Vatican II as a continuation of Vatican I. This maneuver has been adroitly referred to as the ”Canonization of Relativism.”
New liturgical abuses
Liturgical abuses sunk to unimaginable depths that included immodest dress and even partial nudity. Pagan and heretic “blessings” and indecent dancing became frequent during liturgical ceremonies in the presence of this theatrical Pope.
Altar girls and female ministers of the Eucharist were encouraged by this Pontiff. Following the example of Wojtyla, female lectors, cantors, servers and other functions – that had been forbidden by Scripture, Church teaching and Tradition – spread around the world.
The Saint Factory
The number of beatifications and canonizations increased exponentially causing a devaluation of the sanctity and veneration due to Saints. Since formal canonization processes were implemented in the 16th century by Sixtus V, the Church had canonized only 296 saints.
By the end of his pontificate, John Paul II had canonized 482 new saints and 1,342 new blessed. The many rules and restrictions of the old Canon Law in the beatification and canonization processes were removed, raising an atmosphere of serious doubt regarding the validity of these new procedures.
Inculturation with pagans
With the inculturation – assimilation of symbols of other cultures and religions in the Catholic liturgy and life – promoted by the Council, we witnessed endless scenes of the Pope wearing, holding and being surrounded by pagan objects, including idols and obscene symbols.
Degradation of customs
The conciliar spirit of “opening to the world” offered the pretext, under JPII’s long pontificate, to bring circuses to the Vatican (here and here) destroying the proverbial seriousness of the Holy See and spreading around the Vicar of Christ a clownish atmosphere.
Those countless circus shows often included indecent women performing acrobatics or dances in the presence of the Pope. This caused tremendous scandal and set a bad example for the Faithful. (here, here and here)
United Nations
Following the example of Paul VI, Pope Wojtyla went twice to the United Nations, the center of the Universal Republic dreamed of by the Revolution. He lent all possible prestige to this Masonic institution. In his second address to the United Nations, he said: “My words, which I desire to be a sign of esteem and regard of the Apostolic See for this institution, join willingly with the voices of all who see in the UN the hope for a better future for the society of men.”
Theology of the body
John Paul II’s Theology of the Body opened doors to moral relativism concerning nudity. It is a doctrine that is based upon a false premise: Original Sin does not exist. Consequently, there is nothing wrong for a woman to show her body. The one who looks and has bad thoughts is the one who sins. It represented the destruction of 2,000 years of Catholic Morals and Ascetic, which taught precisely the opposite.
Mattei & John Paul II’s pontificate
From the Council on, every pontificate has increasingly led the Bark of Peter on the course of the Revolution. Prior to John Paul II, however, the Popes still maintained many of the appearances of the perennial Holy Catholic Church. With Pope Wojtyla even the appearances took a radical and universal turn downward. Using the media, international airline travel, the popemobile, satellite communication, etc., John Paul II presented a new church that would be abhorrent to the faithful of the past two millennia.
Keeping this in mind, Mattei’s theory of a ‘Council created by the Media’ becomes an even more barefaced ridiculous idea. To blame the media for JPII’s disgraceful, endless, public and international antics would be like blaming the lights or cameraman for the performance of the entertainer.
As Mattei presents a Council that simply needs a few adjustments to be acceptable, he includes himself in the False Right. He implicitly defends that there is no need to declare void the ambiguous Vatican II. He indirectly counsels his audiences to support the progressivist Popes, tries to anesthetize the resistance against them and the Council and sabotages the true counter-revolutionary action. In short, he betrays the Cause of Our Lady, prolongs the crisis in the Church, and contributes to the loss of countless souls.

Mattei conveniently overlooks the 3 conciliar Popes role in the Conciliar Revolution
The three were Council Fathers. Yet Benedict XVI along with his “made in Vatican” historian Roberto de Mattei, tell us that the Council that was implemented was not what the Council Fathers wanted…
John Paul II kept all the harmful changes of his predecessors – changes that were already proving to be part of the “self-destruction” of the Church – and would implement new ones.
I must stress that with the arrival of JPII, Mattei’s idea of a Council created by the media becomes even more absurd than before because the truth is the exact opposite. For the next 26 years the center of the stage was always occupied by JPII. The media did spotlight him – always praising and running behind that globetrotter Pontiff, reporting and filming his antics around the world – but the show has always been Wojtyla’s.
Superstar Pope

TIME magazine praises the 'Superstar Pope'
The Pope Show would take the dignity of the papacy to a new low. The youth especially were exposed to this Woodstock atmosphere with the creation of the World Youth Days, founded by John Paul II. These WYDs were a form of “blessing” of, and reconciliation with, the Church and the Hippie Revolution of the ‘60s (here and here).
During his incessant world-tours, John Paul II would visit both Catholic shrines and non-Catholic centers in a blatant promotion of religious relativism. Papal visits to centers of false gods and false religions, such as temples, mosques and synagogues became commonplace.
The canonization of relativism
Back in Rome, this same Council Father, filled with religious relativism simultaneously beatified Pius IX (the Pope of Vatican I) and John XXIII (the Pope of Vatican II), in an effort to present Vatican II as a continuation of Vatican I. This maneuver has been adroitly referred to as the ”Canonization of Relativism.”
New liturgical abuses
Liturgical abuses sunk to unimaginable depths that included immodest dress and even partial nudity. Pagan and heretic “blessings” and indecent dancing became frequent during liturgical ceremonies in the presence of this theatrical Pope.
Altar girls and female ministers of the Eucharist were encouraged by this Pontiff. Following the example of Wojtyla, female lectors, cantors, servers and other functions – that had been forbidden by Scripture, Church teaching and Tradition – spread around the world.
The Saint Factory
The number of beatifications and canonizations increased exponentially causing a devaluation of the sanctity and veneration due to Saints. Since formal canonization processes were implemented in the 16th century by Sixtus V, the Church had canonized only 296 saints.
By the end of his pontificate, John Paul II had canonized 482 new saints and 1,342 new blessed. The many rules and restrictions of the old Canon Law in the beatification and canonization processes were removed, raising an atmosphere of serious doubt regarding the validity of these new procedures.
Inculturation with pagans

JPII warmly greets half-nude aborigines after a pagan dance performed for him
Degradation of customs
The conciliar spirit of “opening to the world” offered the pretext, under JPII’s long pontificate, to bring circuses to the Vatican (here and here) destroying the proverbial seriousness of the Holy See and spreading around the Vicar of Christ a clownish atmosphere.
Those countless circus shows often included indecent women performing acrobatics or dances in the presence of the Pope. This caused tremendous scandal and set a bad example for the Faithful. (here, here and here)
United Nations

JPII visits and praises the UN
Theology of the body
John Paul II’s Theology of the Body opened doors to moral relativism concerning nudity. It is a doctrine that is based upon a false premise: Original Sin does not exist. Consequently, there is nothing wrong for a woman to show her body. The one who looks and has bad thoughts is the one who sins. It represented the destruction of 2,000 years of Catholic Morals and Ascetic, which taught precisely the opposite.
Mattei & John Paul II’s pontificate
From the Council on, every pontificate has increasingly led the Bark of Peter on the course of the Revolution. Prior to John Paul II, however, the Popes still maintained many of the appearances of the perennial Holy Catholic Church. With Pope Wojtyla even the appearances took a radical and universal turn downward. Using the media, international airline travel, the popemobile, satellite communication, etc., John Paul II presented a new church that would be abhorrent to the faithful of the past two millennia.
Keeping this in mind, Mattei’s theory of a ‘Council created by the Media’ becomes an even more barefaced ridiculous idea. To blame the media for JPII’s disgraceful, endless, public and international antics would be like blaming the lights or cameraman for the performance of the entertainer.
As Mattei presents a Council that simply needs a few adjustments to be acceptable, he includes himself in the False Right. He implicitly defends that there is no need to declare void the ambiguous Vatican II. He indirectly counsels his audiences to support the progressivist Popes, tries to anesthetize the resistance against them and the Council and sabotages the true counter-revolutionary action. In short, he betrays the Cause of Our Lady, prolongs the crisis in the Church, and contributes to the loss of countless souls.

Not to forget the 1986 meeting of false religious leaders at Assisi...

Posted November 6, 2015