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Benedict: Heaven is Not a Place But the Presence of God Among Men
In his recently released book Jesus of Nazareth, Benedict XVI denies that the Ascension of Our Lord raised Him into Heaven, where He is seated at the right hand of the Eternal Father, as we profess in the Creed. In his new version of the two dogmas - Ascension and the existence of Heaven as a place - Pope Ratzinger pretends that there was no actual place for Our Lord to go. What is said about the Ascension in the New Testament, according to him, would refer to a new form of the presence of Christ among men.
It is another progresssivist denial of the Catholic Faith by Pope Benedict that goes along with his previous denial of the Resurrection and Limbo, and John Paul II's denial of Hell and Heaven.
Below are photocopies where he defends this thesis - Jesus of Nazareth - Holy Week: From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2011, pp. 282-284.
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