

TIA often features documents that show the goals & methods
of Progressivism in the Church

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 28, 2024
How Sheen's ecumenical seminary came to life

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 21, 2024
Fulton Sheen visits the Rochester synagogue

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 14, 2024
Arch. Fulton Sheen pushes Vatican II reforms

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 24, 2024
Archdiocese of Milan welcomes Freemasonry

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 6, 2022
Francis' letter praising LGBTQ

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 9, 2022
Grande Oriente Democratico: John XXIII was a Mason

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 5, 2020
Grand Orient of Italy praises Abu Dhabi document

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 18, 2020
Jewish, Protestant & Pantheist services replacing Catholic Mass

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 16, 2020
Freemasonry supports Francis' prayer for Fraternity

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 2, 2019
Catacomb Pact renewed: ‘For the Common House’

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 16, 2019
Pius XII was a necessary bridge to reach Vatican II

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 9, 2019
Agatha Christie appeals to Paul VI: Do not change the Tridentine Mass

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 23, 2019
Francis lifts the sanction on Marxist activist Fr. Ernesto Cardenal

Tradition in Action
catholicJanuary 12, 2019
Vatican celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

Tradition in Action
catholicDecember 29, 2018
Francis greets Leonardo Boff

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 22, 2018
Francis supports communist dictator Ortega

Tradition in Action
catholicJune 9, 2018
Francis encourages Father of Liberation Theology

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 5, 2017
Brazilian Bishop celebrates Lodge's anniversary

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 25, 2017
Gregory Baum, perito at the Council, declares his homosexuality

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 19, 2016
Recent study on Pius IX by a Mason

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 29, 2016
Masons consider Pius IX had been one of them

Tradition in Action
catholic April 2, 2016
Card. Ravasi: ‘Dear Masonic brothers’

Tradition in Action
catholic January 1, 2016
L'Osservatore Romano praises the Pact of the Catacomb

Tradition in Action
catholic November 21, 2015
Masonic Press Agency headlines Francis

Tradition in Action
catholic November 7, 2015
Masons from the Philippines welcome Francis

Tradition in Action
catholic June 20, 2015
Grand Master of Freemasonry wants to shake hands with Francis

Tradition in Action
catholic March 28, 2015
Pope John Paul I praises Satanist Carducci

Tradition in Action
catholic November 1, 2014
Grand Lodge of Italy proposes union with Bergoglio

Tradition in Action
catholic June 14, 2014
Why Jews commemorate the canonizations of John XXIII & John Paul II

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 17, 2014
John XXIII's friendship with the modernist Buonaiuti

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 15, 2014
Vatican promotes Hindu divinity

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 26, 2013
Argentine Freemasonry salutes Pope Francis

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 21, 2013
Card. Bergoglio, a member of the Rotary Club

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 14, 2013
Müller promotes Liberation Theology & Gustavo Gutierrez

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 7, 2013
L'Osservatore Romano endorses Gutierrez' Liberation Theology

Tradition in Action
catholic July 13, 2013
O.R. praises Teilhard for predicitng the world's socialization

Tradition in Action
catholic June 15, 2013
Pope Bergoglio: We need a ‘new road’ for the Papacy

Tradition in Action
catholicApril 20, 2013
Card. Martini, a member of the Italian Freemasonry

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 23, 2013
Italian Freemasonry officially supports Pope Bergoglio

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 2, 2013
Müller denies the perpetual virginity of Our Lady

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 23, 2013
Archbishop Müller denies transubstantiation

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 2, 2013
Müller: Catholics & Protestants are united in the same visible Church

Tradition in Action
catholicJanuary 5, 2013
Card. Ratzinger: Sin is present in the essence of the Church

Tradition in Action
catholicDecember 1, 2012
Conference on Teilhard de Chardin at the Pontifical Gregorian University

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 24, 2012
Priest, Archbishop, Cardinal & the Vatican promote Yoga

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 3, 2012
Benedict names Mason for the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 22, 2012
Fr. Pattaro: The Church renounced the truth in her relation with the State

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 8, 2012
Card. Martini's death mourned by Italian Masonry

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 25, 2012
Gutierrez:  We need to seize the Gospel from its private owners

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 18, 2012
Gutierrez: To announce the Gospel is to subvert society and history

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 11, 2012
Gutierrez: The Church must fight with the condemned of this earth

Tradition in Action
catholicJanuary 21, 2012
Card. Siri: A devoted supporter of John Paul II

Tradition in Action
catholicJanuary 14, 2012
Card. Siri's speech praising John XXIII

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 5, 2011
Benedict: Heaven is not a place but the presence of God among men

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 6, 2011
Benedict XVI: The Resurrection is a qualitative leap in universal evolution

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 9, 2011
John XXIII's death mourned by the Mexican Freemasonry

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 2, 2011
Paul VI's death mourned by the Italian Communist Party

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 12, 2011
Newman dedicates his work on development of doctrine to Anglicans

Tradition in Action
catholicDecember 12, 2010
Newman: Papal Infallibility was theologically inaccurate

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 13, 2010
Newman sabotages Papal Infallibility

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 16, 2010
Newman flip-flops on Papal Infallibility

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 18, 2010
Newman against Papal Infallibility

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 11, 2010
Rome to Newman: ‘You are the head of the English Liberal Catholics’

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 4, 2010
Newman supports free speech in the Church

Tradition in Action
catholicApril 24, 2010
Newman's longings for Vatican II

Tradition in Action
catholicApril 10, 2010
Newman's resentment of authority

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 20, 2010
Rome speaks: ‘Newman is the most dangerous man in England’

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 13, 2010
Newman regrets the Syllabus

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 6, 2010
Newman's strong reservations on devotion to Our Lady

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 27, 2010
Newman's continued admiration for Anglicanism

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 20, 2010
The ecumenical formation Newman gave youth

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 13, 2010
Newman supports the liberal agenda against Pius IX

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 6, 2010
Newman suspect in Rome

Tradition in Action
catholicJanuary 30, 2010
Newman's method to promote Liberal Catholicism

Tradition in Action
catholicJanuary 23, 2010
Newman's admiration for Acton and Döllinger

Tradition in Action
catholicDecember 26, 2009
Paul VI: The conciliar Church is ‘betrothed’ to Anglicanism

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 28, 2009
Fr. Chenu: The Catholic transcendent God is an idol

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 17, 2009
Fr. Von Balthasar: Rahner and I always held the same ideas

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 26, 2009
Ratzinger is a ‘dangerous modernist,’ his doctoral thesis assessor affirms

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 29, 2009
Condemnation of Teilhard de Chardin by the Holy Office in 1962

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 1, 2009
Benedict XVI praises the cosmic liturgy of Teilhard de Chardin

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 11, 2009
Card. Arns: The Cuba Revolution is a sign of the kingdom of God

Tradition in Action
catholicJune 27, 2009
Card. Ratzinger: The revolt of May 1968 inaugurated a new era of Christianity

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 16, 2009
Card. Tettamanzi: Every neighborhood of Milan should have a mosque

Tradition in Action
catholicApril 25, 2009
Fr. Chenu: Revelation occurs through the course of History

Tradition in Action
catholicApril 4, 2009
Fogazzaro: We want a reform carried out by the legitimate authority

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 14, 2009
Paul VI: Bishops must abandon their grandeur

Tradition in Action
catholicJanuary 17, 2009
Benedict XVI: Any disinterested carnal love leads to God

Tradition in Action
catholicDecember 27, 2008
Card. Congar: In Vatican II the Church broke her ties to the past

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 29, 2008
Bishop Ablondi: Ecumenism must evolve from cooperation to communion

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 1, 2008
Fr. Ratzinger: Orthodoxy is participation in the historic walk

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 4, 2008
Fr. Sesboüé: Dogmatic formulas change with the times

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 13, 2008
Card. Ratzinger: The Bishops have a fully democratic function

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 23, 2008
Card. Newman recognized as a homosexual

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 26, 2008
Card. Dulles: The Faith can be relegated to a secondary plane

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 5, 2008
Fr. Chenu: Vatican II lifted the anathema against the French Revolution

Tradition in Action
catholicJune 13, 2008
Code of Canon Law & annulments - III: Inability to assume obligations

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 31, 2008
Code of Canon Law & annulments - II: Lack of discretion of judgment

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 17, 2008
Code of Canon Law & annulments - I: Lack of sufficient use of reason

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 10, 2008
Card. Dopfner: the Church of Christ includes Protestants and Schismatics

Tradition in Action
catholicApril 19, 2008
Paul VI sees the UN in Dante's dream of a Universal Government

Tradition in Action
catholicApril 5, 2008
Fr. Ratzinger: Dogmatic formulas must always change

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 1, 2008
Card. Congar: The unpardonable sin of 'Ecclesiocentrism'

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 2, 2008
Card. Ottaviani praises the UN and a Universal Republic

Tradition in Action
catholicJanuary 12, 2008
Card. Ottaviani gives up and accepts Progressivism

Tradition in Action
catholicDecember 29, 2007
Paul VI: We are worshipers of Man

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 24, 2007
What stopped the beatification of Paul VI?

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 10, 2007
Ratzinger: The teachings of the Popes against Modernism are obsolete

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 27, 2007
Fr. Rahner: The Bishops have the supreme power in the Church

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 13, 2007
Card. de Lubac highly praises Jewish messianism

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 22, 2007
Fr. Schillebeeckx: the 'Church of Christ' denies the unity of the Church

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 1, 2007
Fr. Ratzinger: Evolution is a fait accompli to which the Church must adapt

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 11, 2007
John Paul II praises Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 28, 2007
Fr. Ratzinger: Only love is necessary for salvation, not faith

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 7, 2007
Card. Congar: Church pomp and grandeur must be destroyed

Tradition in Action
catholicJune 23, 2007
Fr. Hans Kung receives award from Freemasonry

Tradition in Action
catholicJune 2, 2007
Fr. Ratzinger questions Christ as true God and true Man

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 12, 2007
Was Paul VI homosexual? Testimony of Prof. Bellegrandi

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 5, 2007
Fr. Ratzinger: Catholic Faith is 'an oppressive burden'

Tradition in Action
catholicApril 14, 2007
Fr. Rahner: Revelation coincides with History

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 24, 2007
Paul VI praises Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 10, 2007
Fr. Chenu taught Muslims the religion of Mahomet

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 24, 2007
How Fr. Rahner and Fr. Ratzinger sabotaged Mariology at Vatican II

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 3, 2007
John Paul II praises voodoo worship in Benin

Tradition in Action
catholicJanuary 21, 2007
Card. Willebrands: Luther is our 'common master'

Tradition in Action
catholicDecember 16, 2006
Was Msgr. Bugnini a Mason?

Tradition in Action
catholicDecember 2, 2006
Card. Koenig often received money from the Masonry

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 25, 2006
Fr. Ratzinger: The Bible is not objective

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 11, 2006
Pope Wojtyla rewarded by Freemasonry

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 4, 2006
Card. Ratzinger: No difference between my work at the Council and now

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 28, 2006
JPII praises Buddhism and Confucianism

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 21, 2006
JPII: Animism is particularly close to Christianity

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 14, 2006
Fr. Ratzinger: The Tridentine Mass is a dead liturgy

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 7, 2006
Card. Ratzinger: Let the idea of Limbo drop

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 30, 2006
Card. Wojtyla: The Church must enter into the world's evolution

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 16, 2006
JPII: Communist authorities should be trusted not confronted

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 9, 2006
Card. Glemp in 1987: Communism will continue indefinitely in Poland

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 2, 2006
Card. Wojtyla: Vatican II closed the Constantine era of the Church

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 19, 2006
Card. Suenens: Catholic Bishops should name saints, like the Schismatics

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 12, 2006
Card. Pacelli: For Fatima it is suicidal to change Catholic faith and liturgy

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 6, 2006
La Civiltà Cattolica: Vatican II closed the Trent era

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 29, 2006
Fr. Schillebeeckx: Theology should critique the Church

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 15, 2006
Card. Congar: Vatican II assumed the Modernist notion of Revelation

Tradition in Action
catholicJune 24, 2006
Fr. Rahner: Divine Revelation is the message of the world's evolution

Tradition in Action
catholicJune 10, 2006
Card. Von Balthasar: Ratzinger did not change

Tradition in Action
catholicJune 3, 2006
Fr. Rahner: Theologians cannot be judged by traditional Catholic doctrine

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 27, 2006
Maximus IV: The Council planned the merging of Catholics & Schismatics

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 21, 2006
Fr. Kung: In Vatican II the Church adapted to Protestants & Schismatics

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 13, 2006
Card. Oddi: The 3rd Secret of Fatima predicted the revolution of Vatican II

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 6, 2006
Fr. Chenu: Traditional Catholic Theology was sterile

Tradition in Action
catholicApril 30, 2006
Fr. Schillebeeckx: Vatican II was a reaction against monarchy in the Church

Tradition in Action
catholicApril 22, 2006
Jean Guitton: Unlike JPII, his successor should not fear public opinion

Tradition in Action
catholicApril 8, 2006
Card. Dopfner: Respected priests as men, rather than consecrated persons

Tradition in Action
catholicApril 1, 2006
Fr. Chenu: To demand Thomism is an exasperating abuse of power

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 25, 2006
Card. Congar: The Catholic Church was tyrannical & oppressive

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 18, 2006
Von Balthasar: sexual relations inspire the relations of Christ & the Church

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 11, 2006
Card. Congar: Theology must be turned toward man and not toward God

Tradition in Action
catholicMarch 4, 2006
Card. von Balthasar: The prostitute is the symbol of the Church

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 25, 2006
Küng: Fatima's apparitions are comparable to 'Montanism' & 'Joachimism'

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 18, 2006
Card. Leger: Devotion to Our Lady is a 'futile naïveté'

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 11, 2006
Card. de Lubac: Fr. Ratzinger destroyed the Holy Office

Tradition in Action
catholicFebruary 4, 2006
Card. Suenens: the God of the Catholic Faith should die

Tradition in Action
catholicJanuary 28, 2006
Paul VI encouraged theological abuses in the Church

Tradition in Action
catholicJanuary 21, 2006
Wojtyla's book Catholic Social Ethics borrows concepts from Marxism

Tradition in Action
catholicJanuary 9, 2006
The Catacomb Pact against pomp and ceremony in the Church

Tradition in Action
catholicDecember 24, 2005
Paul VI: Teilhard de Chardin is a model to find God in the universe

Tradition in Action
catholicDecember 17, 2005
Card. Ratzinger: Gaudium et Spes was inspired by Teilhard de Chardin

Tradition in Action
catholicDecember 11, 2005
Teilhard de Chardin: The Heart of Christ is the heart of the cosmos

Tradition in Action
catholicDecember 5, 2005
Fr. Rahner: Christ descended into hell to unite with the cosmos

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 26, 2005
Card. Ratzinger: Gaudium et Spes is a 'counter-Syllabus'

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 19, 2005
Self-demolition: Churches and schools closed in the Archdiocese of Boston

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 13, 2005
Card. Ratzinger: The Church must raze her bastions & abolish the Syllabus

Tradition in Action
catholicNovember 6, 2005
Fr. Rahner: Life after death reintegrates the soul in the cosmos

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 29, 2005
Card. Georges Cottier, papal theologian, approves condoms against AIDS

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 22, 2005
Card. Suenens: Vatican II broke with the past of the Catholic Church

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 15, 2005
Fr. Louis Bouyer applauds the 'end of Catholicism'

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 8, 2005
Card. Koenig: Vatican II opposed the Syllabus and Pascendi

Tradition in Action
catholicOctober 2, 2005
JPII praises Buddhist 'wisdom' and 'interior purification and liberation'

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 24, 2005
Fr. Lonergan cheers the end of an objective Catholic Theology

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 17, 2005
Fr. Chenu: the ends of the marriage were inverted at Vatican II

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 11, 2005
Card. Casaroli praises the work of Fr. Teilhard de Chardin

Tradition in Action
catholicSeptember 3, 2005
Fr. Greeley advocates more democratic ways to elect Bishops and the Pope

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 27, 2005
Card. Ratzinger against Scholasticism

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 20, 2005
Fr. Bernard Haring: Stop calling the Pope 'His Holiness'

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 13, 2005
Card. Dopfner: the supreme power of the Church belongs to the Bishops

Tradition in Action
catholicAugust 5, 2005
Card. Suenens rejects the Church as a Perfect Society

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 30, 2005
Fr. Chenu reports contradictions in the documents of Vatican II

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 23, 2005
Fr. Henri de Lubac borrows his notion of 'collective salvation' from Judaism

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 14, 2005
Fr. Ratzinger defends Rahner's theory of the 'anonymous Christian'

Tradition in Action
catholicJuly 7, 2005
Fr. Schillebeeckx: communio in the Church is democratic

Tradition in Action
catholicJune 30, 2005
Card. Congar: Yes to a 'collegial' Papacy & no to the Pope as Vicar of Christ

Tradition in Action
catholicJune 24, 2005
Fr. Ratzinger defends a horizontal instead of vertical Papacy

Tradition in Action
catholicJune 16, 2005
Fr. Kung applaudes the semi-secret organization that prepared Vatican II

Tradition in Action
catholicJune 9, 2005
Card. Karol Wojtyla defends nudism

Tradition in Action
catholicJune 2, 2005
Card. Ratzinger denies the dogma 'Extra Ecclesia nulla Salus'

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 26, 2005
Card. Avery Dulles on the Pan-Religion of Vatican II

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 19, 2005
Fr. Ratzinger agrees with Kung on reforming Papal Infallibility

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 12, 2005
Card. Wojtyla was influenced by theosophist Helena Blavatsky

Tradition in Action
catholicMay 5, 2005
Fr. Ratzinger's progressivist plan to change the face of the Church

Tradition in Action
catholicApril 27, 2005
Fr. Ratzinger was under suspicion of heresy by the Holy Office

Tradition in Action

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