What People Are Commenting
Our Lady of Good Success,
Catholic Traditions & Eric Gill
Dear Tradition in Action,
In this letter I shall not only make mention of how the articles featured on the TIA website instruct and inspire, but how they also call us to wake from our sleep. Our sleep is antipathy, that is, a spirit of lethargy, sarcasm, and antipathy has managed to gain hold of many souls who claim to be Catholic.
I want to thank you for writing about Our Lady's appearance to Mother Marianna. The apparition of Our Lady of Good Success [click here] contains a wealth of information that souls living in the modern world are in absolute need of. It must infuriate the Demon to learn that more are becoming devoted to the Mother of God under this title. I know that I've received many benefits from the Novena to Our Lady of Good Success.
Your concern for the Holy Faith is evident through your desire to preserve and not destroy the sacred traditions of Holy Mother Church.
Your articles about the holy women who helped create the nations of Christendom [click here] are also invaluable. Through the masterful works of historian William Thomas Walsh, I learned the truth about Isabella of Spain, whose name has suffered a blow from the Modernists, etc. Similarly, through tapes, books and articles, I've learned about St. Clotilda and the Christian influence she exerted over her husband Clovis, King of the Franks. The Church Triumphant can only be pleased when we commemorate them.
I've taken the time to write this letter to show my appreciation for scholarly works that cultivate a Catholic way of life. I also want to mention the imperative contribution Patrick Odou has made in exposing the degeneracy of Eric Gill [click here]. In fact, it was an act of charity that he wrote the truth, especially when some well-meaning souls may have considered him a champion for a cause of righteousness. I was appalled to learn of those who would defend him and attack those who exposed him.
As I read the article "Other Moral Pearls of Eric Gill," I found myself so revolted that I couldn’t finish it. Gill reminds me of another degenerate who is considered the "father of the sexual revolution," namely Alfred Kinsey.
Though it is sad to say, the spirit of the French Revolution, with its impiety and hatred of tradition, has consumed gullible Catholics. In resenting what they should be, namely the Church Militant, they have surrendered to the Prince of Darkness.
May Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin guide us and preserve us from the contagion of sin.
In Christ,
Posted October 18, 2005

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