What People Are Commenting
Documents of the Week & Sacred Heart
Congratulations - an excellent website - keep up the attack, and congratulations on the thorough documentation in your Progressivist document of the week.
Because you scan and highlight the original, it makes the documents usable for scholarly purposes. Well done and thank you.
Deep Gratitude
I do thank you most heartily for the recent article on the Sacred Heart (and Louis XIV, the French aristocracy, et al) on your TIA website. I read is slowly and carefully and it has provided me with a perspective on the Sacred Heart that I had never had.
I am deeply grateful to you for your work. I am a 46-year-old recent-convert layman, and I find many of the articles on TIA enormously helpful in understanding my Faith and the Faith of the medieval times and earlier.
Out of many of the traditional Roman Catholic websites now in existence in the early 21st century available to English-speakers, yours is by far the most thought-provoking.
I am deeply indebted and grateful to you for TIA. Perhaps I can repay your in some small way for the service you are providing to truth-searching (but horrendously confused) souls who want to read-see-hear more about the Traditional Roman Catholic Faith that has largely vanished in the Great Apostasy.
Thanks again for the extremely valuable service you are providing.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam,
Posted January 26, 2006

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