What People Are Commenting
Prisoners React against Vatican II
In the last 10 days, TIA received the following letters from two inmates from different prisons in the U.S. The first, K.M., is a woman, and has had some previous correspondence with Dr. Horvat. She received the books on Our Lady of Good Success and converted to the Catholic Faith. The second, J.F., is one of many men in our prison system who has asked for our books. It is a TIA policy to never refuse an honest request to prisoners and to favor them as much as we can.
We post these letters to show our readers an example of how Our Lord and Our Lady are working in the souls of many of these men and women. They provide eloquent example that those who really seek the truth are never unattended by divine grace.
Our Lady Makes Her Way...
Dear Marian,
Hi. I thought I would update you. One of your friends sent me a novena booklet on the 'Little Flower.' I just finished it and enjoyed it. I wrote her a thank you, but, if you e-mail her, tell her thank you again.
Your translation of the Letter from Beyond has had some positive effects on another inmate who was seeking truth. He told me that, unlike myself, he was baptized a Catholic as a boy. I also share with him the Catholic newspaper on what is happening to the Catholic Church from a traditional viewpoint [Catholic Family News]. He told me that growing up in the Catholic Church he never thought of Hell and always thought something never felt right in the Catholic Church. I told him I was just observing and studying. When I saw a priest (here at the prison) bless the Muslim faith and heard our Bishop unite the Mass with the Protestants, I was getting red flags. The Protestants cannot even unite among themselves so that comment was way out of order. But I thought, I am in prison and have to work with what we have.
I am a member of the Archconfraternity of St. Philomena. I requested being anointed by the oil blessed at her shrine. The chaplain approved it but said a priest would need to do it. So the director sent the oil to the chaplain at her expense. I set up an appointment to see the priest. He told me Rome does not accept St. Philomena as a saint, but only as a legend. He said under these circumstances he would not anoint me. I asked about the possibility of a Tridentine Mass since the Pope has released the hold on the Mass. He said all he knew was German and did not know Latin. He told me not to be reading all this traditional stuff. I told him thank you for his time.
If it had not been for all the readings you gave me, I would have walked away from the Catholic Church thinking that it is full of confusion. I see that there are two camps: traditionalist vs. modernist. I just saw he was a pure product of the post Vatican II Church. I completely dropped all the Catholic programs here after that because it is all Vatican II based. Then I thought, how can I be fed with no sermons? I laughed inside because I saw the book you just sent me on St. Teresa of Avila, on her thoughts in one sentence sermons. Then I thought of the paper you subscribed to for me. Wow, God was ahead. He used you knowing I would be faced with no choice but to drop the Catholic services here in the prison.
I finally got in contact with a traditionalist priest in this state. He advised me to stay away from the Novus Ordo. He told me to obtain a Tridentine Missal and make a Spiritual Communion. So I am in the desert now. How did those desert monks survive? Well, I shall see. But you can see, without knowing my future, that God used you to prepare me. I will be without the Sacrament of Penance and Mass, but Our Mother and Jesus will watch over me. I have asked the traditionalist priest to outline a structure of prayers for me to do. I have not heard from him yet. It has only been two weeks. Last time it took a month. Maybe now I will try to save and send for books to teach me Latin. The only fallback is we are not allowed tapes or CDs (in the prison). So to actually know how it sounds, I will not know. But I can learn to read it. Again, wow, how God is way ahead of Satan.
The other inmate who is now seeing the truth can know from his past experience (being a Catholic). He said the rosary was optional. In other words, take it or leave it. He did not even know what the Brown Scapular pertained to. So growing up Catholic was not about devotions but more about community and fellowship, but he knew something was never right. He is as shocked as I am at seeing only 40 years of Vatican II and what it produced. I am not an intellectual on these matters as you are, but good old common sense told me something is wrong. Of course, you have been on the front lines for many years and probably in some ways are also shocked at some things.
I see two totally different camps going in two different directions, but only the Pope holds it together. My guess is Traditionalists are a minority. Only a miracle can clean this house. All these babies born from the time of Vatican II who have no clue. What will become of these generations? A mystery, indeed. I am glad God brought your ministry in my life or I would have walked out of the Catholic Church thinking it is too messed up. No one is on the same page. God of course knew that and was ahead of things, and by your prayers and things you sent, I was saved.
I shall see what God has in store for me. Our Lady of Good Success said to look at her for guidance in this storm and I shall look at her for guidance. I am thankful you introduced Our Lady of Good Success to me. I pray you are surviving the fires and earthquakes.
Keep me in your prayers as I do for you.
Yours in Jesus and Mary,
The Audacity to Resist
To whom may concern,
My sincerest thanks for the book We Resist You to the Face. I have long remained convinced, but could not adequately put into words, that the individual who would today be seen by God as a good Catholic Christian must have the audacity to resist those 'at the top' who continue to perpetuate the present deadly crisis in the Church.
Fellow inmates ask me why I don't attend the New Mass (although no other liturgy is offered) or classes on John Paul II's 'Theology of the Body.' I often am unable to explain to their satisfaction why not.
It is my fervent hope that reading your book will help me understand better - and convey that understanding to others - why such resistance is necessary today.
Again, thank you.
Sincerely in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Posted August 14, 2008

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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