What People Are Commenting
France Reacts to Homo Marriage &
Dolan Awards Pro-Abortion Leader
Card. Dolan Awards Pro-Abortion Leader
I read this article on the LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH blog. I am passing it on to you and your readers to show who Card. Dolan is.
Does it never end? Earlier this month Cardinal Dolan presented the Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal to Anna Maria Chavez, CEO of the Girl Scouts. Only one problem. Chavez has been up to her neck cooperating with pro-abortion democrats and abortion advocates throughout her entire career, so why exactly is she being recognized with an award from the Church? St. Elizabeth Seton must be rolling over in her grave.
And once again Cardinal Dolan demonstrates that he is anything but a role model for Catholics who love the Lord and His creation, especially the least ones. The two articles below tell the story. And it is a shameful one for Cardinal Dolan. His list of scandals just keeps growing and growing.
Girl Scout CEO Attends 2013 Youth Emblem / Adult Recognition Ceremony with Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan
Ideology at work: Girl Scouts CEO Anna Maria Chavez
Check out Honest Girl Scouts to see how far this once admirable group has fallen. Today it partners with Planned Parenthood, favors cartoon pornography for young girls, and generally undermines morality. Check out the shocking truth! And then ask yourself whether any Catholic cleric can legitimately support this group without cooperating with evil.
Mary Ann Kreitzer
I read this article on the LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH blog. I am passing it on to you and your readers to show who Card. Dolan is.
Does it never end? Earlier this month Cardinal Dolan presented the Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal to Anna Maria Chavez, CEO of the Girl Scouts. Only one problem. Chavez has been up to her neck cooperating with pro-abortion democrats and abortion advocates throughout her entire career, so why exactly is she being recognized with an award from the Church? St. Elizabeth Seton must be rolling over in her grave.
And once again Cardinal Dolan demonstrates that he is anything but a role model for Catholics who love the Lord and His creation, especially the least ones. The two articles below tell the story. And it is a shameful one for Cardinal Dolan. His list of scandals just keeps growing and growing.
Girl Scout CEO Attends 2013 Youth Emblem / Adult Recognition Ceremony with Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan
Ideology at work: Girl Scouts CEO Anna Maria Chavez
Check out Honest Girl Scouts to see how far this once admirable group has fallen. Today it partners with Planned Parenthood, favors cartoon pornography for young girls, and generally undermines morality. Check out the shocking truth! And then ask yourself whether any Catholic cleric can legitimately support this group without cooperating with evil.
Mary Ann Kreitzer
CDF Acquitted Pro-Abortion Priest
It is and has been my personal and humble opinion that “Rome has lost the faith and has become the seat of the anti-Christ.” I have for a long time deeply believed that Paul VI was the anti-Christ and JPII his cohort. Even if I am “wacko” I still maintain that no man could do worse than what Paul VI did when he took away the Mass and set up in its place the “abomination unto desolation." Also, he could not have done this unless he was sitting in the chair of Peter.
It therefore follows suit that this priest reported below [and others] can pay for abortions and promote homosexuality and not be excommunicated nor punished.
Yet traditionalists are considered the scum of the earth by Rome. The anti-Christ certainly resides in Rome! The Catholic faith surely does not reside there. [I am not a sede; I do not consider it my capability to make such a judgment on the Pope]
May Our Blessed Lady cradle you in her loving arms,
Priest who paid for young girls’ abortions acquitted by bishop
BARCELONA, April 19, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A Catholic priest who financed the abortion of two young girls in his care will not be excommunicated nor otherwise punished, the Archdiocese of Barcelona declared yesterday on behalf of Cardinal Archbishop Lluís Martínez Sistach.
The archdiocese also claims that it has support for its decision from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which it says ruled in favor of the priest in 2009.
Fr. Manuel Pousa, who boasts that he has paid for abortions and has blessed homosexual unions, was tried last month to determine if he had earned an automatic or latae sententiae excommunication from the Catholic Church.
According to the law of the Church, canon 1398, anyone “who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae sententiae (automatic) excommunication.” Pope John Paul II added that “the excommunication applies to all of those who commit this crime knowing the penalty, including those accomplices without whose cooperation the crime would not have been produced,” in his encyclical letter The Gospel of Life, in 1995.
However, the tribunal assigned to examine the case concluded “with the proper certainty” that “the aforesaid priest has not incurred the penalty of excommunication latae sententiae established by canon 1398, for not having been in agreement with the intention of procuring the abortion and for not having a principal complicity in the abortions, which were completely decided upon and brought about by two girls in a very precarious economic situation,” according to the archdiocese.
Pousa claims that the girls whose abortions he financed, would have killed their unborn children anyway, so he decided to “commit a lesser evil to avoid another greater (evil)” and ensure that the abortion would be done in safety. A similar argument is made by Planned Parenthood to justify the legalization of abortion worldwide.
Moreover, the archdiocese goes on to reveal that the Pousa case had already been brought before the Vatican’s Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), led by Cardinal William Levada, in 2009. Following his initial admission in 2008 that he had financed abortions, the CDF ruled that “this dicastery, after having examined the responses that have been sent, considers that the Rev. Pousa does not appear to have incurred any canonical penalty” according to the archdiocese, which points to the decision in order to justify its own.
In addition to his cooperation in abortions and homosexual unions, Pousa endorses the creation of priestesses in the Catholic Church, rejects clerical celibacy, and admits to having a girlfriend with whom he claims to have a celibate relationship. However, Pousa has only been charged for his cooperation in the killing of two unborn children, and has now been acquitted twice. He characterizes those who criticize his behavior as members of the “extreme right.”
According to the archdiocese, Cardinal Sistach “reiterates to Pousa that his work which he does at the service of the poorest and most marginalized of the society be done always in accordance with the teaching of the Church, with its social doctrine, and respecting every human life from its conception until its natural death.”
Pousa will continue to lead a Barcelona-area parish.
It is and has been my personal and humble opinion that “Rome has lost the faith and has become the seat of the anti-Christ.” I have for a long time deeply believed that Paul VI was the anti-Christ and JPII his cohort. Even if I am “wacko” I still maintain that no man could do worse than what Paul VI did when he took away the Mass and set up in its place the “abomination unto desolation." Also, he could not have done this unless he was sitting in the chair of Peter.
It therefore follows suit that this priest reported below [and others] can pay for abortions and promote homosexuality and not be excommunicated nor punished.
Yet traditionalists are considered the scum of the earth by Rome. The anti-Christ certainly resides in Rome! The Catholic faith surely does not reside there. [I am not a sede; I do not consider it my capability to make such a judgment on the Pope]
May Our Blessed Lady cradle you in her loving arms,
BARCELONA, April 19, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A Catholic priest who financed the abortion of two young girls in his care will not be excommunicated nor otherwise punished, the Archdiocese of Barcelona declared yesterday on behalf of Cardinal Archbishop Lluís Martínez Sistach.
The archdiocese also claims that it has support for its decision from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which it says ruled in favor of the priest in 2009.
Fr. Manuel Pousa, who boasts that he has paid for abortions and has blessed homosexual unions, was tried last month to determine if he had earned an automatic or latae sententiae excommunication from the Catholic Church.
According to the law of the Church, canon 1398, anyone “who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae sententiae (automatic) excommunication.” Pope John Paul II added that “the excommunication applies to all of those who commit this crime knowing the penalty, including those accomplices without whose cooperation the crime would not have been produced,” in his encyclical letter The Gospel of Life, in 1995.
However, the tribunal assigned to examine the case concluded “with the proper certainty” that “the aforesaid priest has not incurred the penalty of excommunication latae sententiae established by canon 1398, for not having been in agreement with the intention of procuring the abortion and for not having a principal complicity in the abortions, which were completely decided upon and brought about by two girls in a very precarious economic situation,” according to the archdiocese.
Pousa claims that the girls whose abortions he financed, would have killed their unborn children anyway, so he decided to “commit a lesser evil to avoid another greater (evil)” and ensure that the abortion would be done in safety. A similar argument is made by Planned Parenthood to justify the legalization of abortion worldwide.
Moreover, the archdiocese goes on to reveal that the Pousa case had already been brought before the Vatican’s Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), led by Cardinal William Levada, in 2009. Following his initial admission in 2008 that he had financed abortions, the CDF ruled that “this dicastery, after having examined the responses that have been sent, considers that the Rev. Pousa does not appear to have incurred any canonical penalty” according to the archdiocese, which points to the decision in order to justify its own.
In addition to his cooperation in abortions and homosexual unions, Pousa endorses the creation of priestesses in the Catholic Church, rejects clerical celibacy, and admits to having a girlfriend with whom he claims to have a celibate relationship. However, Pousa has only been charged for his cooperation in the killing of two unborn children, and has now been acquitted twice. He characterizes those who criticize his behavior as members of the “extreme right.”
According to the archdiocese, Cardinal Sistach “reiterates to Pousa that his work which he does at the service of the poorest and most marginalized of the society be done always in accordance with the teaching of the Church, with its social doctrine, and respecting every human life from its conception until its natural death.”
Pousa will continue to lead a Barcelona-area parish.

Posted April 30, 2013
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
There is very little news in the English speaking world of the very healthy reaction in France to the homo marriage and adoption bill that came into force on the 23rd of April. The law may now be on the books but the anger hasn't abated.
This link on the Thinking Housewife covers some of the events of the last 10 days :
Please enjoy and pass the link on.