What People Are Commenting
Imitation, Suits & Ritual Assassinations
Dignified Dressing for Men
I had a childhood friend whose mother was a devout Catholic woman. I was often at his house, and invited to many family functions and celebrations. She took it upon herself to teach me whatever I might learn, and I remember her quite fondly. Sundays were dress up dinners, with the women and girls in dresses, and the men and boys in suits and ties. I attended Mass and Confession under her care often enough that the dear woman purchased a white shirt, dark slacks and tie in my size to keep at her home. A very nice gesture considering I was a growing boy.
Now, I am approaching midlife, and would like to dress better in general. I'm wondering if you have any general suggestions for what I might look to and how to go about it. I wear a field uniform for my job, so I do have leeway in my personal time. I enjoy wearing white shirts, as well as suits and blazers in general, and am looking for ways to work them into my routine beyond Sundays.
Thank you!
TIA responds:
Hello R.M.,
Thank you for your message. It was interesting for us to learn about the good influences you had when you were a boy.
We believe that you are on a good path as long as you maintain your decision to use more dignified clothes whenever it is proportionate.
Regarding general principles to back your purpose, you may benefit from several articles posted on the TIA website, such as:
TIA correspondence desk
I had a childhood friend whose mother was a devout Catholic woman. I was often at his house, and invited to many family functions and celebrations. She took it upon herself to teach me whatever I might learn, and I remember her quite fondly. Sundays were dress up dinners, with the women and girls in dresses, and the men and boys in suits and ties. I attended Mass and Confession under her care often enough that the dear woman purchased a white shirt, dark slacks and tie in my size to keep at her home. A very nice gesture considering I was a growing boy.
Now, I am approaching midlife, and would like to dress better in general. I'm wondering if you have any general suggestions for what I might look to and how to go about it. I wear a field uniform for my job, so I do have leeway in my personal time. I enjoy wearing white shirts, as well as suits and blazers in general, and am looking for ways to work them into my routine beyond Sundays.
Thank you!
TIA responds:
Hello R.M.,
Thank you for your message. It was interesting for us to learn about the good influences you had when you were a boy.
We believe that you are on a good path as long as you maintain your decision to use more dignified clothes whenever it is proportionate.
Regarding general principles to back your purpose, you may benefit from several articles posted on the TIA website, such as:
- Why Do Only Women Have to Dress Well?
- Dressing Well: Vanity or Virtue?
- Getting the Ball Rolling on Hats
TIA correspondence desk
Who Was Chagall?
There is more data about Francis’ infatuation with Chagall's blasphemous painting.
Follow the link here.
There is more data about Francis’ infatuation with Chagall's blasphemous painting.
Follow the link here.
Evangelii Gaudium
Dear Atila,
Thank you for your synopsis of Evangelii Gaudium (here, here & here). You described it well with the word muddled. It was so tedious to read, unclear, and that was probably the point of it anyway, to be unclear.
These words come to mind: diabolical disorientation and misleading souls, found in the book The Whole Truth of Fatima, The Third Secret by Frere Michael de la Sainte Trinite. Our Lady spoke these words to Sr. Lucy in 1957.
There is something extremely unsettling about this Pope and frightening as he turns our Catholic customs and practices upside down.
In Our Lady,
Thank you for your synopsis of Evangelii Gaudium (here, here & here). You described it well with the word muddled. It was so tedious to read, unclear, and that was probably the point of it anyway, to be unclear.
These words come to mind: diabolical disorientation and misleading souls, found in the book The Whole Truth of Fatima, The Third Secret by Frere Michael de la Sainte Trinite. Our Lady spoke these words to Sr. Lucy in 1957.
There is something extremely unsettling about this Pope and frightening as he turns our Catholic customs and practices upside down.
In Our Lady,
What Mass Should I Go?
Dear Sir,
What are your thoughts on where a faithful Catholic should be practicing the faith and going to Mass? I live in rural Missouri. Since 2008 I have been traveling over an hour to a diocesan 1962 Missal Mass. The expense is wearing on my family.
Our local Mass is not particularly reverent and not particularly observant of liturgical norms, even those of the Novus Ordo. I am frequently distressed as Sunday approaches over how and where to fulfill my Sunday obligation.
Thank you for your comments,
TIA responds:
Dear N.H.,
Thank you for your consideration in sending us your question.
The rule we know is that more than 45 minutes of driving is considered a “grave injury.” When you spend more than this time while going to Mass, you are not obliged to do so. You may go to Mass for devotion and piety, but you are not obliged under penalty of mortal sin. For more read here.
Applying the rule to your case, we would say that you are not obliged to make this one hour trip to fulfill your Sunday obligation. When this trip is putting financial strains on your family, you have an extra motive not to go.
But, we believe you should not go to a Novus Ordo Mass just because it is close. We do not recommend anyone to go to a New Mass. Especially for those like you, who are already convinced of its errors and flavor of heresy.
If you cannot afford to make that one hour trip, stay at home or go to a quiet and recollected place and pray the Rosary and make a spiritual Communion.
This is what we would do. if we were in your situation.
TIA correspondence desk
What are your thoughts on where a faithful Catholic should be practicing the faith and going to Mass? I live in rural Missouri. Since 2008 I have been traveling over an hour to a diocesan 1962 Missal Mass. The expense is wearing on my family.
Our local Mass is not particularly reverent and not particularly observant of liturgical norms, even those of the Novus Ordo. I am frequently distressed as Sunday approaches over how and where to fulfill my Sunday obligation.
Thank you for your comments,
TIA responds:
Dear N.H.,
Thank you for your consideration in sending us your question.
The rule we know is that more than 45 minutes of driving is considered a “grave injury.” When you spend more than this time while going to Mass, you are not obliged to do so. You may go to Mass for devotion and piety, but you are not obliged under penalty of mortal sin. For more read here.
Applying the rule to your case, we would say that you are not obliged to make this one hour trip to fulfill your Sunday obligation. When this trip is putting financial strains on your family, you have an extra motive not to go.
But, we believe you should not go to a Novus Ordo Mass just because it is close. We do not recommend anyone to go to a New Mass. Especially for those like you, who are already convinced of its errors and flavor of heresy.
If you cannot afford to make that one hour trip, stay at home or go to a quiet and recollected place and pray the Rosary and make a spiritual Communion.
This is what we would do. if we were in your situation.
TIA correspondence desk
Mixed Hosts
Dear Friends,
I live only 5 miles from a church where the Indult Mass is celebrated every Saturday.
But when it comes to Holy Communion, the priest goes to the tabernacle to give out Holy Communion from already consecrated hosts left from the Novus Ordo that is said there all week. What should I do this case?
Kind regards,
TIA responds:
Dear K.B.,
Thank you for your trust in us.
Our suggestion for you is to go to Communion, but make a conditional adoration. This is a measure of prudence, since no one can know for sure whether or not those Hosts in the Tabernacle were duly consecrated. A similar case was answered here.
We hope that this will be of assistance to you.
TIA correspondence desk
I live only 5 miles from a church where the Indult Mass is celebrated every Saturday.
But when it comes to Holy Communion, the priest goes to the tabernacle to give out Holy Communion from already consecrated hosts left from the Novus Ordo that is said there all week. What should I do this case?
Kind regards,
TIA responds:
Dear K.B.,
Thank you for your trust in us.
Our suggestion for you is to go to Communion, but make a conditional adoration. This is a measure of prudence, since no one can know for sure whether or not those Hosts in the Tabernacle were duly consecrated. A similar case was answered here.
We hope that this will be of assistance to you.
TIA correspondence desk
Muslim Ritual Executions
Still not convinced that the Islam faith was hatched in hell? You will be when you watch this video. Where is Obama? Oh, forgot, he's a Muslim.
There are no words to describe the actions of these people -- maybe satanic, sickening and bastards
Very graphic -- do not watch if you have a weak stomach.
Scroll down the page, the two videos are at the bottom. The lank is here.
Frank Joseph M.D.
Still not convinced that the Islam faith was hatched in hell? You will be when you watch this video. Where is Obama? Oh, forgot, he's a Muslim.
There are no words to describe the actions of these people -- maybe satanic, sickening and bastards
Very graphic -- do not watch if you have a weak stomach.
Scroll down the page, the two videos are at the bottom. The lank is here.
Frank Joseph M.D.

Posted March 13, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Your article on short hair jarred some memories. My great-aunt told me when she was a girt in the 1920s, she and some of her friends got enthused about the new 'bob' hairstyles. They were in the Midwest and the new styles were considered exotic and Hollywoodish with the stars and celebrities adopting the short hair.
They decided to get together and cut each other's long hair. They met at one of the girl's houses whose mother was more avant-garde in style, and she helped them all cut their long curls. In a few hours they were all bobbed and feeling very chic.
Then she went home. She said it was like a bombshell had dropped at her father's feet - his face had a horrified look and he couldn't speak. He just turned and went out to the barn to do chores. Her mother had plenty to say, and said it. "Your curls were your father's pride and joy," she said: "Scriptures says a woman's hair is her crowning glory."
My aunt said she felt terrible and all the joy of being in style was gone. She prayed her hair would grow quickly and promised herself never to do anything important without checking with her parents first.
I never understood the principle behind long hair before, just thought it was a quaint story and that her parents had over-reacted. Now I realize her father's reaction was well founded. The change came because youth were influenced by the stars and wanting to be in style. I saw your article by Prof. Plinio today and realized how important influence and imitation are in shaping people to be the way 'someone' up there in the fashion industry wants them to me. If we were truly individuals today, we would not just follow the fashion trends like slaves.
Thanks for your website, especially the articles by Prof. Plinio.
Ave Maria,