What People Are Commenting
‘Happy Holidays’ & Krampus’ Night
Counter-Revolutionary Music Video
Dear TIA,
I think the following Christmas music video is very counter-revolutionary, and is worth sharing with people
I did not check anymore if it was sung/composed by Protestant/s.
The message is quite clear... and Catholic!
You can watch it here.
God bless and in advance I wish you Merry Christmas!
I think the following Christmas music video is very counter-revolutionary, and is worth sharing with people
I did not check anymore if it was sung/composed by Protestant/s.
The message is quite clear... and Catholic!
You can watch it here.
God bless and in advance I wish you Merry Christmas!
Remarkable Flash Mob
This is outstanding! A moving spectacle of what the fruits of a fully restored 'Christendom' might look and sound like to all Americans everywhere during the feast days of Our Lord and as decreed by Holy Mother Church.
It is a flash mob by the U.S. Air Force Band at the Smithsonian.
Click here to watch the video.
Mark Stabinski
This is outstanding! A moving spectacle of what the fruits of a fully restored 'Christendom' might look and sound like to all Americans everywhere during the feast days of Our Lord and as decreed by Holy Mother Church.
It is a flash mob by the U.S. Air Force Band at the Smithsonian.
Click here to watch the video.
Mark Stabinski
Pope with ET
Re: John XXIII spoke with a ET
In what concern the Vatican’s position on extraterrestrials, now we have the Pope’s astronomer, the Jesuit Guy Consolmagno, openly stating he would baptize an alien, as you may check here in this news report.
Clearly, the Vatican position is openness and positive toward extraterrestrials, always believed and taught before to be associated with devils.
Re: John XXIII spoke with a ET
In what concern the Vatican’s position on extraterrestrials, now we have the Pope’s astronomer, the Jesuit Guy Consolmagno, openly stating he would baptize an alien, as you may check here in this news report.
Clearly, the Vatican position is openness and positive toward extraterrestrials, always believed and taught before to be associated with devils.
Nauseating & Bothersome
Dear TIA,
Re: En masse desecration of Churches in Italy
I, too, had (and still get) a strange type of nausea when I look at those photos of the desecration of the churches in Italy. I don’t know how else to describe it, and I remain in utter disbelief that so many in the New Church have not a single clue about what is really going on around the Catholic world as they “party on”.
The mechanic shop of Portichetto di Lusisago Church, Lake Como, is particularly bothersome to me, probably because of the filth that is now in a place that was once undoubtedly scrupulously cleaned for Our Lord. Even my husband remarked, “And I’ll bet you somewhere around there, the quintessential 'girly' calendar is adorning at least one wall.”
This is really, really horrible and I cannot imagine how offended Our Lord and Lady are!
… and is there really a cross on the wall in the center of the picture?? I cannot tell for certain...
I sincerely hope this process does not continue much longer!
E.M.S., Ph.D.
Re: En masse desecration of Churches in Italy
I, too, had (and still get) a strange type of nausea when I look at those photos of the desecration of the churches in Italy. I don’t know how else to describe it, and I remain in utter disbelief that so many in the New Church have not a single clue about what is really going on around the Catholic world as they “party on”.
The mechanic shop of Portichetto di Lusisago Church, Lake Como, is particularly bothersome to me, probably because of the filth that is now in a place that was once undoubtedly scrupulously cleaned for Our Lord. Even my husband remarked, “And I’ll bet you somewhere around there, the quintessential 'girly' calendar is adorning at least one wall.”
This is really, really horrible and I cannot imagine how offended Our Lord and Lady are!
… and is there really a cross on the wall in the center of the picture?? I cannot tell for certain...
I sincerely hope this process does not continue much longer!
E.M.S., Ph.D.
Memory Loss Suggestion
Dear TIA,
Perhaps those concerned about fading or defective memories might take a suggestion from Pope Pius IX.
This comes from the book Read Me or Rue it and How to Avoid Purgatory by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan:
The venerable Pontiff Pius IX appointed a holy and prudent religious as Bishop of a diocese. The priest, alarmed at the responsibility put on him, begged earnestly to be excused.
His protests were in vain. The Holy Father knew his merits.
Overcome with apprehension, the humble religious solicited an audience with the Pope, who received him most graciously. Once more he pleaded earnestly to be excused but the Pope was immovable.
As a last recourse, Padre Tomaso told the Holy Father he had a very bad memory, which would naturally prove to be a grave impediment in the high office put on him.
Pius IX answered with a smile and these words:
“Your diocese is very small in comparison with the Universal Church, which I carry on my shoulders. Your cares will be very light in comparison with mine.
“I, too, suffered from a grave defect of memory, but I promised to say a fervent prayer daily for the Holy Souls, who, in return, have obtained for me an excellent memory. Do you likewise, dear Father, and you will have cause to rejoice.”
In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Perhaps those concerned about fading or defective memories might take a suggestion from Pope Pius IX.
This comes from the book Read Me or Rue it and How to Avoid Purgatory by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan:
The venerable Pontiff Pius IX appointed a holy and prudent religious as Bishop of a diocese. The priest, alarmed at the responsibility put on him, begged earnestly to be excused.
His protests were in vain. The Holy Father knew his merits.
Overcome with apprehension, the humble religious solicited an audience with the Pope, who received him most graciously. Once more he pleaded earnestly to be excused but the Pope was immovable.
As a last recourse, Padre Tomaso told the Holy Father he had a very bad memory, which would naturally prove to be a grave impediment in the high office put on him.
Pius IX answered with a smile and these words:
“Your diocese is very small in comparison with the Universal Church, which I carry on my shoulders. Your cares will be very light in comparison with mine.
“I, too, suffered from a grave defect of memory, but I promised to say a fervent prayer daily for the Holy Souls, who, in return, have obtained for me an excellent memory. Do you likewise, dear Father, and you will have cause to rejoice.”
In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Krampus’ Night
Dear TIA,
When I saw the photo gallery below in the Dallas Morning News, I thought you might be interested. It's apparently an old (no doubt pagan) tradition, but one now ready to be reborn in our neo-pagan world.
Oh, guess what... I just googled Krampusnacht and here is what came up:
In Jesu et Maria,
TIA responds:
Dear A.G.,
The original Krampus night in some parts of Germany, which precedes St. Nicholas Day on December 6, did not have any conotation of a satanic cult, as someone could surmise by the horrible devilish masks used in Dallas.
It was a pedagogic way the simple people found to teach their children to avoid evil and be good. If they were bad during the year, figures dressed like devils would come to scare them and chastise them with whips; if they were good, St. Nicholas would come the day after to reward them with gifts.
We believe it was a Catholic institution to show children that they will go to Hell if they do not follow what they were told by the Church and their parents.
However, the pictures from the Dallas event, which can be viewed below, have nothing pedagogic or Catholic about them. These modern Krampus night commemorations are turned only toward the horrendous and the celebration of the Devil. This is why Wicca and other pagan groups are promoting them.
In order to avoid this Catholic custom being exploited by enemies, we are asking one of our writers to study the topic and write an article on it.
TIA correspondence desk
When I saw the photo gallery below in the Dallas Morning News, I thought you might be interested. It's apparently an old (no doubt pagan) tradition, but one now ready to be reborn in our neo-pagan world.
Oh, guess what... I just googled Krampusnacht and here is what came up:
In Jesu et Maria,
TIA responds:
Dear A.G.,
The original Krampus night in some parts of Germany, which precedes St. Nicholas Day on December 6, did not have any conotation of a satanic cult, as someone could surmise by the horrible devilish masks used in Dallas.
It was a pedagogic way the simple people found to teach their children to avoid evil and be good. If they were bad during the year, figures dressed like devils would come to scare them and chastise them with whips; if they were good, St. Nicholas would come the day after to reward them with gifts.
We believe it was a Catholic institution to show children that they will go to Hell if they do not follow what they were told by the Church and their parents.
However, the pictures from the Dallas event, which can be viewed below, have nothing pedagogic or Catholic about them. These modern Krampus night commemorations are turned only toward the horrendous and the celebration of the Devil. This is why Wicca and other pagan groups are promoting them.
In order to avoid this Catholic custom being exploited by enemies, we are asking one of our writers to study the topic and write an article on it.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted December 11, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I am forwarding to you and your readers this poem, which I found cleverly done.
Merry Christmas,
Robert Banaugh, Ph.D.
T'was two months before Christmas
When all through our land,
Not a Christian was praying
Nor taking a stand.
Why the PC Police had taken away
The reason for Christmas - no one could say.
The children were told by their schools not to sing
About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.
It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say
December 25th is just a 'Holiday '.
Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit
Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!
CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-Pod
Something was changing, something quite odd!
Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa
In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.
As Targets were hanging their trees upside down
At Lowe's the word Christmas - was nowhere to be found.
At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears
You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.
Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty
Are words that were used to intimidate me.
Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen
On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton!
At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter
To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.
And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith
Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace
The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded
The reason for the season, stopped before it started.
So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree'
Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.
Choose your words carefully, choose what you say
Shout MERRY CHRISTMAS, not Happy Holiday !
Please, all Catholics join together and wish everyone you meet
Christ is The Reason for the Christ-mas Season!