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Police Officer Changes of State
No Hope for Bene-vacantists
Dear TIA,
In the recent visit of the new cardinals to Pope Benedict XVI this photo [below] was taken.
We don't see him often, but when we do, he looks older and less coherent.
He is looking not only old but a bit demented. His gaze has a hallucinated reflex that let us wonder whether he is in the supernatural peace of the children of God or he is close to appear before his Judge and head to eternal damnation.
Don't see much hope here for the Bene-vacantists...
The great love with which Pope Bergoglio kisses his hand also shows that both are on the same path. The supposed opposition of the two, it is just the old story of the good cop and the bad cop. Both obey the same boss…
In the recent visit of the new cardinals to Pope Benedict XVI this photo [below] was taken.
We don't see him often, but when we do, he looks older and less coherent.
He is looking not only old but a bit demented. His gaze has a hallucinated reflex that let us wonder whether he is in the supernatural peace of the children of God or he is close to appear before his Judge and head to eternal damnation.
Don't see much hope here for the Bene-vacantists...
The great love with which Pope Bergoglio kisses his hand also shows that both are on the same path. The supposed opposition of the two, it is just the old story of the good cop and the bad cop. Both obey the same boss…

The MNF Is Out!
Dear TIA,
Re: The Human Process - MNF
Initial volume of the Collection Victoria Virginis
It’s here!
The much anticipated first installment on MNF, Prof. Plinio’s vision of an organic Catholic society to establish the Reign of Mary.
On this important day in American history, the contested electoral vote of 2020 Monday Dec 14, two days after the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Dec 12th, and on the feast of St John of the Cross, co-restorer of the Carmelite order – following in the tradition of Elias and Mary, the Blessed Virgin, who prayed for the coming of a Redeemer King, the Messiah. We pray today for the coming of Jesus into the hearts and minds of the last remaining free western power in the world, the United States.
From the patient scholars at TIA we have learned of the progressivist plan to destroy the Church, the communist/socialist plan to destroy the manners and customs of the people, the amazing (approved) Marian prophesies about universal corruption in the streets in the last half of the 20th century in America, and the amazing but hidden prophecies of the coming Reign of Mary – a period of peace before the end of time.
Now we have the first installment of MNF (Manifesto), Prof. Plinio’s vision of an organic Catholic society to destroy the Revolution and rebuild the Church.
And we have experienced, in this exciting and most dangerous time, the overt destruction of the manners and customs of the people, which has never before happened on a world-wide scale. Satan’s time is short. Our time is now.
To Americans: I don’t pretend to understand these concepts, but I would offer a couple phrases for gaining some insight to MNF… “Truth justice, and the American way” and “The pursuit of happiness”. Our founders were largely Christian and knew that truth and justice comes from God but is enacted by free men.
The American way is anything but perfect, however, we always strive as a people for a free country and way of being (with God’s help) which we call “American”. Our founders called it, “the pursuit of happiness”. To be American, immigrants to the US must renounce nobility and citizenship in other countries and parties, and pledge allegiance to the constitution and rule of law.
What is not taught in American history is that men who hate the Church, and who hate freedom, have used the United States as a breeding ground and funding source for a world-wide Revolution of Progressivism and Socialism. We call these freemasons and heretics and communists.
We actually have laws against officials in our government who are members of the Communist Party, but we don’t enforce them. As far as the heretics, our country is a free-for-all, and safe haven for these cults of the Devil.
We Catholics look forward to Our Lady to “crush the head”, but are largely clueless how we must destroy the Revolution and rebuild the Church.
America plays a central role, where the remnant of Juan Diego meets the remnant of St John of the Cross, both sons of Mary, The Immaculate Conception. This is Her day.
In Justice and Truth,
Re: The Human Process - MNF
Initial volume of the Collection Victoria Virginis
It’s here!
The much anticipated first installment on MNF, Prof. Plinio’s vision of an organic Catholic society to establish the Reign of Mary.
On this important day in American history, the contested electoral vote of 2020 Monday Dec 14, two days after the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Dec 12th, and on the feast of St John of the Cross, co-restorer of the Carmelite order – following in the tradition of Elias and Mary, the Blessed Virgin, who prayed for the coming of a Redeemer King, the Messiah. We pray today for the coming of Jesus into the hearts and minds of the last remaining free western power in the world, the United States.
From the patient scholars at TIA we have learned of the progressivist plan to destroy the Church, the communist/socialist plan to destroy the manners and customs of the people, the amazing (approved) Marian prophesies about universal corruption in the streets in the last half of the 20th century in America, and the amazing but hidden prophecies of the coming Reign of Mary – a period of peace before the end of time.
Now we have the first installment of MNF (Manifesto), Prof. Plinio’s vision of an organic Catholic society to destroy the Revolution and rebuild the Church.
And we have experienced, in this exciting and most dangerous time, the overt destruction of the manners and customs of the people, which has never before happened on a world-wide scale. Satan’s time is short. Our time is now.
To Americans: I don’t pretend to understand these concepts, but I would offer a couple phrases for gaining some insight to MNF… “Truth justice, and the American way” and “The pursuit of happiness”. Our founders were largely Christian and knew that truth and justice comes from God but is enacted by free men.
The American way is anything but perfect, however, we always strive as a people for a free country and way of being (with God’s help) which we call “American”. Our founders called it, “the pursuit of happiness”. To be American, immigrants to the US must renounce nobility and citizenship in other countries and parties, and pledge allegiance to the constitution and rule of law.
What is not taught in American history is that men who hate the Church, and who hate freedom, have used the United States as a breeding ground and funding source for a world-wide Revolution of Progressivism and Socialism. We call these freemasons and heretics and communists.
We actually have laws against officials in our government who are members of the Communist Party, but we don’t enforce them. As far as the heretics, our country is a free-for-all, and safe haven for these cults of the Devil.
We Catholics look forward to Our Lady to “crush the head”, but are largely clueless how we must destroy the Revolution and rebuild the Church.
America plays a central role, where the remnant of Juan Diego meets the remnant of St John of the Cross, both sons of Mary, The Immaculate Conception. This is Her day.
In Justice and Truth,
Melanie's Description of Our Lady of La Salette
In order to cut short the long story told by Melanie (one of the children visited by the Virgin Mary at La Salette, France in 1848) a true and great story that will stir your imagination of Heaven, I go directly to the pages where Melanie describes what Heaven is undoubtedly like.
[Today: 21st of November 1878, when this account was written]
“The Most Holy Virgin was tall and well-proportioned. She seemed so light that a mere breath could have stirred Her, yet she was motionless and perfectly balanced. Her face was majestic, imposing, but not imposing in the manner of the Lord’s here below”.
“She compelled a respectful fear. At the same time that her Majesty Compelled respect mingled with love. She drew me to Her. Her gaze was soft and penetrating. Her eyes seemed to speak to mine. But the conversation came out of a deep and vivid feeling of love for this ravishing beauty who was liquefying me. The softness of Her gaze, Her air of incomprehensible goodness made me understand and feel that she was drawing me and wanted to give Herself. It was an expression of love which cannot be expressed with the tongue of the flesh, nor with the letters of the alphabet. The clothing of the Most Holy Virgin was silver white and quite brilliant. It was made up of light and glory, sparkling and dazzling”.
“There is no expression or comparison to be found on earth. The Holy Virgin was all beauty and all love; the sight of Her overwhelms me. In her finery as in her person, everything radiated the majesty, the splendor, the magnificence of a Queen beyond compare. She seemed as white, immaculate, crystallized, dazzling, heavenly, fresh and new as a Virgin. The word LOVE seemed to slip from her pure and silvery lips. She appeared to me like a good Mother, kindness, amiability, of love for us, of compassion and mercy. The crown of roses which she had placed on her head was so beautiful, so brilliant, that it defies imagination. The different colored roses were not of this earth; it was a joining together of flowers which crowned the head of the Most Holy Virgin. But the roses kept changing and replacing each other, and then, from the heart of each rose, there showed a beautiful entrancing light, which gave the roses a shimmering beauty. From the crown of roses there seemed to arise golden branches and a number of other little flowers mingled with the shining ones. The whole thing formed a beautiful diadem, which shone brighter than our earth’s sun”
In order to cut short the long story told by Melanie (one of the children visited by the Virgin Mary at La Salette, France in 1848) a true and great story that will stir your imagination of Heaven, I go directly to the pages where Melanie describes what Heaven is undoubtedly like.
“The Most Holy Virgin was tall and well-proportioned. She seemed so light that a mere breath could have stirred Her, yet she was motionless and perfectly balanced. Her face was majestic, imposing, but not imposing in the manner of the Lord’s here below”.
“She compelled a respectful fear. At the same time that her Majesty Compelled respect mingled with love. She drew me to Her. Her gaze was soft and penetrating. Her eyes seemed to speak to mine. But the conversation came out of a deep and vivid feeling of love for this ravishing beauty who was liquefying me. The softness of Her gaze, Her air of incomprehensible goodness made me understand and feel that she was drawing me and wanted to give Herself. It was an expression of love which cannot be expressed with the tongue of the flesh, nor with the letters of the alphabet. The clothing of the Most Holy Virgin was silver white and quite brilliant. It was made up of light and glory, sparkling and dazzling”.
“There is no expression or comparison to be found on earth. The Holy Virgin was all beauty and all love; the sight of Her overwhelms me. In her finery as in her person, everything radiated the majesty, the splendor, the magnificence of a Queen beyond compare. She seemed as white, immaculate, crystallized, dazzling, heavenly, fresh and new as a Virgin. The word LOVE seemed to slip from her pure and silvery lips. She appeared to me like a good Mother, kindness, amiability, of love for us, of compassion and mercy. The crown of roses which she had placed on her head was so beautiful, so brilliant, that it defies imagination. The different colored roses were not of this earth; it was a joining together of flowers which crowned the head of the Most Holy Virgin. But the roses kept changing and replacing each other, and then, from the heart of each rose, there showed a beautiful entrancing light, which gave the roses a shimmering beauty. From the crown of roses there seemed to arise golden branches and a number of other little flowers mingled with the shining ones. The whole thing formed a beautiful diadem, which shone brighter than our earth’s sun”

Posted December 17, 2020
I am a young college student still learning much about the proper tradition of the Catholic Church in light of Vatican II and our current times. I am currently discerning the priesthood yet, due to medical concerns, may not be able to consume alcohol regularly without causing chronic harm to my body.
I could not find anything on your site in regard to whether traditional Catholics should accept mustum, used as a replacement for wine that still contains a small alcoholic character, as a valid celebration for the transubstantiation of the Eucharist. Is there anything I can be pointed to? OR perhaps is this something your site would look into?
Thank you.
TIA responds:
We don't believe we addressed this topic before.
Before Vatican II the Church allowed priests who had medical intolerance to wine to exceptionally use mustum, which is basically a grape juice without fermentation.
However, since this implies an exception to the rule and a change in the sacramental matter, a serious examination was required of the real conditions of the priest. This was tantamount to having a special permission of the local Bishop.
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