What People are Commenting
Welsh Parents, Manga Saints & Catechisms
The Catastrophe Known as Vatican II...
Dear TIA,
This is quite interesting!
Francis reduces all the current problems in the Church to the “non-acceptance” of Vatican II.
Then, for some reason he singles out the US:
“Restorationism has come to gag the Council,” he said, before addressing the American Church in particular: “The number of groups of ‘restorers’ – for example, in the United States there are many – is significant.”
Does it mean he is planning more attacks on the Latin Mass groups and movements? It is a sobering thought.
Anyway, our resistance to Vatican II is having some effect…
This is quite interesting!
Francis reduces all the current problems in the Church to the “non-acceptance” of Vatican II.
Then, for some reason he singles out the US:
“Restorationism has come to gag the Council,” he said, before addressing the American Church in particular: “The number of groups of ‘restorers’ – for example, in the United States there are many – is significant.”
Does it mean he is planning more attacks on the Latin Mass groups and movements? It is a sobering thought.
Anyway, our resistance to Vatican II is having some effect…
China Threatens to Invade Taiwan
Joe Biden is not simply the most incompetent President in American history. He is hopelessly compromised by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which has paid him and his family millions of dollars over the years.
It is virtually inconceivable that Beijing will not take advantage of this historic opportunity to try to take control of Taiwan.
We may very well see an ultimatum like that which Hitler delivered in 1938 [regarding the invasion of the Sudetenland].
China may be about to make its move.
Read here and watch here.
Gary Morella
Joe Biden is not simply the most incompetent President in American history. He is hopelessly compromised by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which has paid him and his family millions of dollars over the years.
It is virtually inconceivable that Beijing will not take advantage of this historic opportunity to try to take control of Taiwan.
We may very well see an ultimatum like that which Hitler delivered in 1938 [regarding the invasion of the Sudetenland].
China may be about to make its move.
Read here and watch here.
Gary Morella
Manga Saints
Dear TIA,
I just discovered “manga saints” via Instagram. Manga is a modern Japanese cartoon/comic way of storytelling.
The Daughters of St. Paul are selling “manga graphic novels” telling the lives of various saints. They were originally made and published by the Daughters of St. Paul in Korea, written (if you can call it “writing”) for children and young adults.
Here are a few examples of the “manga” books they have:
Here is a sample of the St. Teresa of Avila manga.
To put the lives of the Saints in a cartoon form does not make the Saints appealing to good children, but instead destroys sacrality and seriousness, and makes the saints into mere “superheroes” like Superman.
This is an insult to the Saints and is a great harm to children.
The Chastisements cannot come soon enough!
In Jesu et Maria,
I just discovered “manga saints” via Instagram. Manga is a modern Japanese cartoon/comic way of storytelling.
The Daughters of St. Paul are selling “manga graphic novels” telling the lives of various saints. They were originally made and published by the Daughters of St. Paul in Korea, written (if you can call it “writing”) for children and young adults.
Here are a few examples of the “manga” books they have:

Here is a sample of the St. Teresa of Avila manga.

To put the lives of the Saints in a cartoon form does not make the Saints appealing to good children, but instead destroys sacrality and seriousness, and makes the saints into mere “superheroes” like Superman.
This is an insult to the Saints and is a great harm to children.
The Chastisements cannot come soon enough!
In Jesu et Maria,
Can You Recommend a Catechesis Program?
Dear TIA,
May the peace of the Eucharistic Jesus and the Imaculata be with you.
We homeschool our children. In the Fall, one will start fifth grade and the other will start ninth grade. Can you recommend a catechesis program for each of them? We are stronger in our faith than many of our family members and friends. However, after reviewing some of the material on the Tradition in Action website, it is obvious we have much to learn about the true Faith and would like to pass on the true Faith to our children.
For the ninth grader, is there a program which would cover ninth through twelfth grades?
Your recommendation is very much appreciated.
In Christ's love,
M.G. - Quis ut Deus
TIA responds:
Dear M.G.,
Thank you for placing your trust in us to advise you on a choice of Catechesis Program.
The best way to learn Catholic Doctrine is to study the Roman Catechism or Catechism of Trent, which is a summary of the secure teachings of the Catholic Faith ordered by the Council of Trent to the priests for them to know how to teach the faithful.
For a simpler exposition, you may review the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X, which is an easy, plain, brief Catechism for uniform use throughout the whole world directed to the layman.
A conservative Catechism made for Catholics in the United States is the Baltimore Catechism. We warn you, however, that the post-Vatican II editions of the Baltimore Catechism accommodate the progressivist conciliar reforms (1965), the New Mass (1969) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992). Therefore, parents should look for older editions of the Baltimore Catechism in order to prevent their children from being influenced by these progressivist errors.
The four volume set of the Baltimore Catechism is normally divided into the following age groups: Baltimore Catechism One for 2nd through 5th grades, Baltimore Catechism Two for 5th through 8th grades, and Baltimore Catechism Three and Four for 9th through 12th grades.
The method of teaching by exempla – stories that illustrate moral teachings – was always incorporated in the teaching of Catechism in the pre-Vatican II days. For instance, there were the widely used I Teach Catechism manuals that followed the Baltimore Catechism. They provide stories and examples for the teacher that instruct for each question. This adds much life to the classes.
There is also the five-volume set, The Catechism in Examples, by Rev. D. Chishol. It would be a good book to read aloud to the family on Sundays, or special feast days. Another shorter and very handy volume of exempla is The Catechist by Rev. Canon Howe, Marian Publications.
We would also suggest you read aloud and comment Prof. Plinio’s Saints of the Day; his commentaries offer a unique historical counter-revolutionary perspective and demonstrate the combative spirit of sanctity often lacking in the traditional Saints’ Lives.
We hope this is of some assistance to you.
TIA correspondence desk
May the peace of the Eucharistic Jesus and the Imaculata be with you.
We homeschool our children. In the Fall, one will start fifth grade and the other will start ninth grade. Can you recommend a catechesis program for each of them? We are stronger in our faith than many of our family members and friends. However, after reviewing some of the material on the Tradition in Action website, it is obvious we have much to learn about the true Faith and would like to pass on the true Faith to our children.
For the ninth grader, is there a program which would cover ninth through twelfth grades?
Your recommendation is very much appreciated.
In Christ's love,
M.G. - Quis ut Deus
TIA responds:
Dear M.G.,
Thank you for placing your trust in us to advise you on a choice of Catechesis Program.
The best way to learn Catholic Doctrine is to study the Roman Catechism or Catechism of Trent, which is a summary of the secure teachings of the Catholic Faith ordered by the Council of Trent to the priests for them to know how to teach the faithful.
For a simpler exposition, you may review the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X, which is an easy, plain, brief Catechism for uniform use throughout the whole world directed to the layman.
A conservative Catechism made for Catholics in the United States is the Baltimore Catechism. We warn you, however, that the post-Vatican II editions of the Baltimore Catechism accommodate the progressivist conciliar reforms (1965), the New Mass (1969) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992). Therefore, parents should look for older editions of the Baltimore Catechism in order to prevent their children from being influenced by these progressivist errors.
The four volume set of the Baltimore Catechism is normally divided into the following age groups: Baltimore Catechism One for 2nd through 5th grades, Baltimore Catechism Two for 5th through 8th grades, and Baltimore Catechism Three and Four for 9th through 12th grades.
The method of teaching by exempla – stories that illustrate moral teachings – was always incorporated in the teaching of Catechism in the pre-Vatican II days. For instance, there were the widely used I Teach Catechism manuals that followed the Baltimore Catechism. They provide stories and examples for the teacher that instruct for each question. This adds much life to the classes.
There is also the five-volume set, The Catechism in Examples, by Rev. D. Chishol. It would be a good book to read aloud to the family on Sundays, or special feast days. Another shorter and very handy volume of exempla is The Catechist by Rev. Canon Howe, Marian Publications.
We would also suggest you read aloud and comment Prof. Plinio’s Saints of the Day; his commentaries offer a unique historical counter-revolutionary perspective and demonstrate the combative spirit of sanctity often lacking in the traditional Saints’ Lives.
We hope this is of some assistance to you.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted June 16, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Amid hundreds of unsuccessful protests by parents in virtually all Western countries, this group of Welsh parents have sued the government over graphic global (Christian world, as a geographical marker) sex education that may change it all for all Western countries. The clandestine yet compulsory sex education includes graphic videos and photos of masturbation, gay sex, straight sex, cross-dressing, promiscuity regarded as normal, rough sex, anal sex, virtual encouragement of early teen sex life and contraception, and you name it, for children ages 3+.
In some US towns, teachers have taken children to porn shops as school trips without the parents knowing; in Italy some demanded cross-dressing; in Belgium graphic sexual videos were shown to 7-year-olds encouraging them to masturbate; in Switzerland (where WHO is situated) primary schools children were allegedly given soft toys in the shape of genitals to play with and so on...
Most of the media ignore the protests and the parents are kept in the dark too.
Many say that it is driven by the satanic cult who are the fastest rising religious movement in the US and want to gain supremacy based on sexual promiscuity with no constraints.
These brave parents need our support for the protection of all children in the West today. What they achieve in court in the following weeks will determine how this evil will evolve around the globe. Anyone with a modicum of decency and morals will support them. Can we all give them a voice and support?
Public Child Protection Wales