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Video on Vatican II & Episcopalian Baptism
Great Video
Re: Secularization and Ecumenism
Thank you for this great video, it explains so well what has and is happening to our Catholic Church by Secularization and false Ecumenism, and what the Holy Popes have warned us about in the past,
May God Bless you.
J.H., from YouTube
Re: Secularization and Ecumenism
Thank you for this great video, it explains so well what has and is happening to our Catholic Church by Secularization and false Ecumenism, and what the Holy Popes have warned us about in the past,
May God Bless you.
J.H., from YouTube
Padre Pio’s Movie
Do you have any information regarding the new St Padre Pio movie?
Thank you and God bless you,
TIA responds:
Hello T.M.,
A friend recently sent us this warning about Padre Pio's movie, which we pass on to you:
Do not support this movie.
Abel Ferrera the director started his career in porn, is a Buddhist, directed Bad Lieutenant with Harvey Keitel.
We also received this other warning:
TIA correspondent desk
Do you have any information regarding the new St Padre Pio movie?
Thank you and God bless you,
TIA responds:
Hello T.M.,
A friend recently sent us this warning about Padre Pio's movie, which we pass on to you:
Do not support this movie.
Abel Ferrera the director started his career in porn, is a Buddhist, directed Bad Lieutenant with Harvey Keitel.
We also received this other warning:

TIA correspondent desk
Prophecies on Modesty
Miss Horvat,
I have a question.
Was it Mother Marianna Torres who received a message from the Blessed Mother that there would come a time when fashions would be introduced which offend God much? That men would dress as women and women as men? Somewhere I have read that but can’t seem to find it. Are you aware of that particular message be given to someone by Our Blessed Mother? I am looking for it so I can quote it in a letter to family members.
Thank you for your help and may God bless you and continue to give you the grace to be faithful to the teachings of Holy Mother Church.
Dr. Horvat responds:
The prophecy of which you speak I believe is that of St. Nilus, which we have posted here in our Readers' Comments.
Several readers questioned the authenticity of that prophecy and offered demonstrations for their doubts, so we published their comments here.
When Our Lady appeared to Jacinta in 1920 while she was in the hospital in Lisbon, she told her, "Certain fashions will be introduced which will offend Our Divine Lord very much. Those who serve God ought not to follow these fashions. Our Lord is always the same."
This could be the source of one of the quotes you mention.
To my knowledge Our Lady of Good Success did not specifically mention clothing, but only warned against the good customs that would be almost completely lost. In the fourth apparition to Mother Mariana, Our Lady also said that innocence will almost no longer be found in children, nor modesty in women."
I hope this is of help to you.
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
I have a question.
Was it Mother Marianna Torres who received a message from the Blessed Mother that there would come a time when fashions would be introduced which offend God much? That men would dress as women and women as men? Somewhere I have read that but can’t seem to find it. Are you aware of that particular message be given to someone by Our Blessed Mother? I am looking for it so I can quote it in a letter to family members.
Thank you for your help and may God bless you and continue to give you the grace to be faithful to the teachings of Holy Mother Church.
Dr. Horvat responds:
The prophecy of which you speak I believe is that of St. Nilus, which we have posted here in our Readers' Comments.
Several readers questioned the authenticity of that prophecy and offered demonstrations for their doubts, so we published their comments here.
When Our Lady appeared to Jacinta in 1920 while she was in the hospital in Lisbon, she told her, "Certain fashions will be introduced which will offend Our Divine Lord very much. Those who serve God ought not to follow these fashions. Our Lord is always the same."
This could be the source of one of the quotes you mention.
To my knowledge Our Lady of Good Success did not specifically mention clothing, but only warned against the good customs that would be almost completely lost. In the fourth apparition to Mother Mariana, Our Lady also said that innocence will almost no longer be found in children, nor modesty in women."
I hope this is of help to you.
Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
I Was Episcopalian. Should I Be Re-Baptized?
I was baptized in an Episcopalian church when I was 3 months old in 1970. I was confirmed in a Novus Ordo Catholic church in 1992, but I was not baptized in the Novus Ordo Catholic Church.
Is the Episcopalian baptism valid? Should I be rebaptized in the Catholic Church? Is the Novus Ordo valid? If I have to get baptized in the Catholic Church, which Catholic Church should I get baptized in, the Novus Ordo, SSPX, FSSP or CMRI?
Thanks for your help,
TIA responds:
Hello L.R.,
We are pleased to help you with the answer to this question, which unfortunately results from the sad times in which we live. Following Vatican II, there has been an influx of Liberalism into the administration of all of the Sacraments and most priests are not well formed in Catholic Doctrine.
The practice prior to Vatican II was to give converts from Protestantism a conditional Baptism as is described here:
“Practically, converts in the United States are almost invariably baptized either absolutely or conditionally, not because the baptism administered by heretics is held to be invalid, but because it is generally impossible to discover whether they had ever been baptized. Even in cases where a ceremony had certainly been performed, reasonable doubt of validity will generally remain, on account of either the intention of the administrator or the mode of administration. Still, each case must be examined into.” (The Catholic Encyclopedia, p. 264).
Today, priests rarely give this conditional Baptism, as you mentioned in your case. It would be difficult for anyone to affirm with certainty that your Episcopalian Baptism was valid.
The general supposition is that they are not valid, as explained by The Catholic Encyclopedia, specifically on the baptisms in the Episcopalian sect:
“Among the Episcopalians many consider baptism to have no true efficacy and to be merely an empty ceremony, and consequently there is a well-grounded fear that they are not sufficiently careful in its administration. To this may be added that Episcopalians often baptize by aspersion, and though such a method is undoubtedly valid if properly employed, yet in practice it is quite possible that the sprinkled water may not touch the skin. Sabetti also notes that ministers of the same sect do not everywhere follow a uniform method of baptizing.”
From this excerpt, the validity of your Baptism should be questioned, which would also make the validity of your Confirmation doubtful, since only a baptized Catholic can validly receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Your question reveals that you were ignorant of the topic and you are showing good will. So, do not panic, but it would be advisable for you as soon as possible to contact a traditional priest – diocesan, independent, indult, etc. – to instruct you on the basic principles of our Holy Faith so that you can officially profess the Catholic Creed, abjure the Protestant/Episcopalian heresy, and then receive a conditional Baptism.
After you receive a conditional Baptism, you should also strive to receive a conditional Confirmation performed in accordance with the traditional Ritual. This is becoming more difficult, but if you are willing to take the time to seek out a solution (e.g. talking to the traditional priest who conditionally baptizes you), you should be able to arrange for it.
Regarding your question about the validity of the Novus Ordo Mass, please read these answers here, here and here.
We believe that the priests of SSPX, FSSP and validly ordained independent priests can assist you in your needs.
We hope that this answer may help you.
TIA correspondent desk
I was baptized in an Episcopalian church when I was 3 months old in 1970. I was confirmed in a Novus Ordo Catholic church in 1992, but I was not baptized in the Novus Ordo Catholic Church.
Is the Episcopalian baptism valid? Should I be rebaptized in the Catholic Church? Is the Novus Ordo valid? If I have to get baptized in the Catholic Church, which Catholic Church should I get baptized in, the Novus Ordo, SSPX, FSSP or CMRI?
Thanks for your help,
TIA responds:
Hello L.R.,
We are pleased to help you with the answer to this question, which unfortunately results from the sad times in which we live. Following Vatican II, there has been an influx of Liberalism into the administration of all of the Sacraments and most priests are not well formed in Catholic Doctrine.
The practice prior to Vatican II was to give converts from Protestantism a conditional Baptism as is described here:
“Practically, converts in the United States are almost invariably baptized either absolutely or conditionally, not because the baptism administered by heretics is held to be invalid, but because it is generally impossible to discover whether they had ever been baptized. Even in cases where a ceremony had certainly been performed, reasonable doubt of validity will generally remain, on account of either the intention of the administrator or the mode of administration. Still, each case must be examined into.” (The Catholic Encyclopedia, p. 264).
Today, priests rarely give this conditional Baptism, as you mentioned in your case. It would be difficult for anyone to affirm with certainty that your Episcopalian Baptism was valid.
The general supposition is that they are not valid, as explained by The Catholic Encyclopedia, specifically on the baptisms in the Episcopalian sect:
“Among the Episcopalians many consider baptism to have no true efficacy and to be merely an empty ceremony, and consequently there is a well-grounded fear that they are not sufficiently careful in its administration. To this may be added that Episcopalians often baptize by aspersion, and though such a method is undoubtedly valid if properly employed, yet in practice it is quite possible that the sprinkled water may not touch the skin. Sabetti also notes that ministers of the same sect do not everywhere follow a uniform method of baptizing.”
From this excerpt, the validity of your Baptism should be questioned, which would also make the validity of your Confirmation doubtful, since only a baptized Catholic can validly receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Your question reveals that you were ignorant of the topic and you are showing good will. So, do not panic, but it would be advisable for you as soon as possible to contact a traditional priest – diocesan, independent, indult, etc. – to instruct you on the basic principles of our Holy Faith so that you can officially profess the Catholic Creed, abjure the Protestant/Episcopalian heresy, and then receive a conditional Baptism.
After you receive a conditional Baptism, you should also strive to receive a conditional Confirmation performed in accordance with the traditional Ritual. This is becoming more difficult, but if you are willing to take the time to seek out a solution (e.g. talking to the traditional priest who conditionally baptizes you), you should be able to arrange for it.
Regarding your question about the validity of the Novus Ordo Mass, please read these answers here, here and here.
We believe that the priests of SSPX, FSSP and validly ordained independent priests can assist you in your needs.
We hope that this answer may help you.
TIA correspondent desk
Posted June 8, 2023

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Secularization and Ecumenism
A large part of the Catholic world should read Atila Sinke Guimarães 11 volume Collection on Vatican II. This last video on Volume 5 is a superb overview of part of it; may God lead them to this through such a superb presentation as in this video. In concise form it brings out the stunning assault on two millennia of authentic working out of the true faith.
Too many have grown accustomed to the gradualism of corruption wrought by the current and last few Popes.
And, blessed be (!) Dr. Marian T. Horvat for her superb work of translation.
May Tradition in Action awaken the faithful to fight all the revolutionary doggerel. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you.
By the way, the wonderful music of Franz Liszt was a perfect choice I wouldn't have thought of Liszt was a far more interesting figure than most give him credit for. Interested viewers should consult the fairly recent three volume work of Alan Walker before casting stones.
A.N., from YouTube