What People are Commenting
Fraud in Mexico & Sanctifying Cultures
The Damage of German Philosophy
Re: Sudden Demise of the Manualist Tradition after V-ll
Thanks to Mrs. Byrne for painting the really true picture of Fr. Joseph Ratzinger's journey to power in the Conciliar Church. Bad philosophy is the point of departure for the modernist. Truth is only objective not subjective; however, if objective man is not able to know it objectively [he will say:] “Hello, your truth is not my truth but it is all good,” especially when speaking of different religions.
For the Hegelian method of philosophy everything is in flux, nothing is fixed, all things evolve. Ratzinger made use of both Kant and Hegel. After Vatican ll Germany was the place to go for seminarians worldwide to study to be in with the latest.
For John Paul ll with his phenomenology, man can only know appearances. He was a modernist of the first order and he chose Ratzinger ashis doctrine chief who rubbed elbows with JPll for nearly 25 years.
Thank you for alerting us as to what we need to recognize on this matter.
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
Re: Sudden Demise of the Manualist Tradition after V-ll
Thanks to Mrs. Byrne for painting the really true picture of Fr. Joseph Ratzinger's journey to power in the Conciliar Church. Bad philosophy is the point of departure for the modernist. Truth is only objective not subjective; however, if objective man is not able to know it objectively [he will say:] “Hello, your truth is not my truth but it is all good,” especially when speaking of different religions.
For the Hegelian method of philosophy everything is in flux, nothing is fixed, all things evolve. Ratzinger made use of both Kant and Hegel. After Vatican ll Germany was the place to go for seminarians worldwide to study to be in with the latest.
For John Paul ll with his phenomenology, man can only know appearances. He was a modernist of the first order and he chose Ratzinger ashis doctrine chief who rubbed elbows with JPll for nearly 25 years.
Thank you for alerting us as to what we need to recognize on this matter.
Our Lady of La Salette, pray for us.
Fraud in Mexican Elections
Dear TIA,
We know that in the U.S. the 2020 presidential election was rigged. The same happened in several countries of South America in their last presidential elections – Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Peru and Bolivia.
Now, we are informed that the recent presidential election in Mexico was also fraudulent.
Our democracies are just a farce! Others behind the scene are determining who will govern us. We have been played by people whom we did not choose and whom we do not know. The question is: How long has this been going on?
It was a Mexican Bishop who denounced the fraud. Read Catholic bishop warns communism is ‘imminent’ in Mexico, says government rigged election
We know that in the U.S. the 2020 presidential election was rigged. The same happened in several countries of South America in their last presidential elections – Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Peru and Bolivia.
Now, we are informed that the recent presidential election in Mexico was also fraudulent.
Our democracies are just a farce! Others behind the scene are determining who will govern us. We have been played by people whom we did not choose and whom we do not know. The question is: How long has this been going on?
It was a Mexican Bishop who denounced the fraud. Read Catholic bishop warns communism is ‘imminent’ in Mexico, says government rigged election
Moderation, New Dogma
Dear TIA,
Thank you most heartily for publishing my long letter titled 'Pro-
Gay Trump' in the Mailbag. It is an honor to have it selected and to give the contents a voice not only to others in America, but to TIA's overseas readership, so that particularly in countries abroad they may know not all of us Americans are in agreement nor are we applauding or excusing what went on at the 2024 Republican National Convention.
I have been pondering since I wrote that letter, what greater insult could have been given to the Blessed Virgin than to have this Convention conduct its blasphemy to a demon-god -- with an introduction calling what was to take place as a "Benediction" -- (How I shuddered at those words and do so even now in my memory). Why?
This is the SAME date July 16th that celebrates the the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. In 1917 Our Heavenly Mother appeared under that so exalted Carmelite title at Fatima during the Miracle of the Sun in the skies with Her Divine Child to give the world Heaven's TRUE Benediction! Now in 2024, we have the singular disgrace in America of Lucifer masterminding his version of a pseudo-benediction on this July 16th, the feast day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel!
While outrageous as it is, and IT IS, at the same time not so when you realize "moderation" is now espoused as embracing and loving and affirming any notion and every perversion without passing judgment. It reminds me of the title of a book which I never had any inclination to read: I'm Okay, You're Okay. All seems so communist, this total abandonment of moral sensibilities, doesn't it? …
What before was sensible and commonly acknowledged has been replaced and is now ridiculed and even censored. Perhaps this has never been better articulated than in this comic strip retort from Linus (below). I wish I knew the date of this drawing. It is so telling! Evidently this has been conveniently forgotten by broad swaths of America.

Yes, we must stay close to God!
Dr. E.Z.
Thank you most heartily for publishing my long letter titled 'Pro-
Gay Trump' in the Mailbag. It is an honor to have it selected and to give the contents a voice not only to others in America, but to TIA's overseas readership, so that particularly in countries abroad they may know not all of us Americans are in agreement nor are we applauding or excusing what went on at the 2024 Republican National Convention.
I have been pondering since I wrote that letter, what greater insult could have been given to the Blessed Virgin than to have this Convention conduct its blasphemy to a demon-god -- with an introduction calling what was to take place as a "Benediction" -- (How I shuddered at those words and do so even now in my memory). Why?
This is the SAME date July 16th that celebrates the the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. In 1917 Our Heavenly Mother appeared under that so exalted Carmelite title at Fatima during the Miracle of the Sun in the skies with Her Divine Child to give the world Heaven's TRUE Benediction! Now in 2024, we have the singular disgrace in America of Lucifer masterminding his version of a pseudo-benediction on this July 16th, the feast day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel!
While outrageous as it is, and IT IS, at the same time not so when you realize "moderation" is now espoused as embracing and loving and affirming any notion and every perversion without passing judgment. It reminds me of the title of a book which I never had any inclination to read: I'm Okay, You're Okay. All seems so communist, this total abandonment of moral sensibilities, doesn't it? …
What before was sensible and commonly acknowledged has been replaced and is now ridiculed and even censored. Perhaps this has never been better articulated than in this comic strip retort from Linus (below). I wish I knew the date of this drawing. It is so telling! Evidently this has been conveniently forgotten by broad swaths of America.

Yes, we must stay close to God!
Dr. E.Z.
Lawfulness of Sanctifying Culture
Hello and Hail Mary,
I am a frequent reader of Tradition in Action and it's been a blessing to drive me towards following the Church teachings the correct way, as well as understanding the seriousness of the Counter-Revolution.
I am still learning about this calling, as for the moment I am still not a baptized Catholic (I already accept everything the Church teaches, and I know it's the truth, always has known the truth about Christ) and will see myself inserted in the Church as soon as possible.
A question I have for the team as a future Catholic is about the possibility of sanctifying some aspects of Modern culture into Catholicism, via removing the bad things and preserving what is according to the absolute truth akin to how J.R.R Tolkien did in The Lord of the Rings. This is a pertinent question I possess due to myself being a screenwriter aiming at conveying the faith through the media.
I will use an example: I am currently developing a TV show, it is primarily Catholic yet I did added some small aspects of the goth subculture (from the 2000s) in it, albeit I removed all the traits that I know to be opposed to the Church, keeping what is good and removing what is bad, and in a way making a synthesis with the traditional of always, not to make something new - but to give continuity of what is already good and true.
This was made in a manner that maybe doesn't even fit the mentioned subculture into what I just called it anymore. Despite that, I do feel compelled to ask the opinion of someone with way more knowledge than me in the matter. Is it licit or I might be doing something wrong?
Thanks and Viva Cristo Rey!
TIA responds:
Hello I.D.,
Thank you for your words regarding our work. We wish that you will become a Catholic very soon. We will be praying for you with this intention.
In the past history the Catholic Church has transformed many pagan buildings into churches. Perhaps the most paradigmatic was the Pantheon in Rome, which was a temple to all false gods, and was transformed in the Santa Maria ad Martyres. The same happens with Arab edifices in Spain, such as the old Seville mosque that became the Cathedral of Seville.
Such a procedure that was repeated in many places using the good contributions of those cultures serves the True Faith and shows us that we can take advantage of them.
So, the answer to your question is: Yes, we can sanctify diverse cultures.
However, this general rule cannot be applied straightforwardly without nuances, otherwise we fall into a progressivist “inculturation.”
The Amazon rite proposed by Pope Francis, for example, is the wrong way to do it. Progressivism – which is the inspirer of Francis – wants to bring demonic ceremonies inside the Catholic Mass in order to destroy the latter. It uses the pretext of assimilating “indigenous traditions” to promote syncretism and pollute Catholic liturgy.
So, in your case, it all depends on the way you are cleaning the goth subculture to make it Catholic.
We hope this responds to your doubt.
TIA correspondence desk
I am a frequent reader of Tradition in Action and it's been a blessing to drive me towards following the Church teachings the correct way, as well as understanding the seriousness of the Counter-Revolution.
I am still learning about this calling, as for the moment I am still not a baptized Catholic (I already accept everything the Church teaches, and I know it's the truth, always has known the truth about Christ) and will see myself inserted in the Church as soon as possible.
A question I have for the team as a future Catholic is about the possibility of sanctifying some aspects of Modern culture into Catholicism, via removing the bad things and preserving what is according to the absolute truth akin to how J.R.R Tolkien did in The Lord of the Rings. This is a pertinent question I possess due to myself being a screenwriter aiming at conveying the faith through the media.
I will use an example: I am currently developing a TV show, it is primarily Catholic yet I did added some small aspects of the goth subculture (from the 2000s) in it, albeit I removed all the traits that I know to be opposed to the Church, keeping what is good and removing what is bad, and in a way making a synthesis with the traditional of always, not to make something new - but to give continuity of what is already good and true.
This was made in a manner that maybe doesn't even fit the mentioned subculture into what I just called it anymore. Despite that, I do feel compelled to ask the opinion of someone with way more knowledge than me in the matter. Is it licit or I might be doing something wrong?
Thanks and Viva Cristo Rey!
TIA responds:
Hello I.D.,
Thank you for your words regarding our work. We wish that you will become a Catholic very soon. We will be praying for you with this intention.
In the past history the Catholic Church has transformed many pagan buildings into churches. Perhaps the most paradigmatic was the Pantheon in Rome, which was a temple to all false gods, and was transformed in the Santa Maria ad Martyres. The same happens with Arab edifices in Spain, such as the old Seville mosque that became the Cathedral of Seville.
Such a procedure that was repeated in many places using the good contributions of those cultures serves the True Faith and shows us that we can take advantage of them.
So, the answer to your question is: Yes, we can sanctify diverse cultures.
However, this general rule cannot be applied straightforwardly without nuances, otherwise we fall into a progressivist “inculturation.”
The Amazon rite proposed by Pope Francis, for example, is the wrong way to do it. Progressivism – which is the inspirer of Francis – wants to bring demonic ceremonies inside the Catholic Mass in order to destroy the latter. It uses the pretext of assimilating “indigenous traditions” to promote syncretism and pollute Catholic liturgy.
So, in your case, it all depends on the way you are cleaning the goth subculture to make it Catholic.
We hope this responds to your doubt.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted July 23, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Did Our Lady of Good Success Predict Vatican II?
She sure did [predict Vatican II], explicitly. Every Catholic (traditional is redundant, insulting - ALL Catholics are traditional) believes that the 3rd Secret of Fatima discusses this, the anti-Mass, etc. Even though we haven't read it.
How bold was Roncalli, [when he said that the 3rd secret was not] for our time!!!! Defying the Queen of Heaven publicly!! (By the way, he didn't accept the Dogma of Assumption!)
Saint John Bosco prophesied an evil council in the 20th century and said these stirring words: “Apostate Rome, Effeminate Rome.” Some Saints you can really, really love!!!