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Spiritual SOS, No to Silence, No to Abortion

Spiritual SOS from the Holy Land


I am asking for prayers for my brother a Franciscan Friar and Priest who lives in Nazareth, Holy Land. He had a head trauma and is in a risky situation. His name is Ayman.


TIA responds:

Dear Mr. E.B.,

Thank you for your message and confidence. We will certainly keep your brother in our prayers and will commnend him to Our Lady of Good Success.


     TIA correspondence desk


Speak Out

Dear TIA,

Here is St. Catherine of Siena's advice to not be silent, but cry out denouncing the infiltration of the enemies in the Church.


No Silence


Convince Her to Not Have an Abortion

Fellow Pro-Lifers,

One of my Lenten commitments is to do more for the pro-life cause, especially at Access Health Center. With that in mind, I subscribe to the Pro-Life Action Ministries newsletter on Sidewalk Counseling which has some great articles and tips I will share with you all throughout Lent.

This is a great one from them about what we can call out to the women in that short 10 to 15 second time span we have as they exit their car and enter the clinic. I hope some of this helps:
  • We can help you; you don’t have to do this.

  • Please come and talk with us. We’ve helped many women and we can help you too.

  • You can go to the pregnancy center five minutes from here. You don’t need an appointment." (Note: Avenue PRC is five minutes away and accepts walk ins, but call first)

  • We can get you a free ultrasound, financial help, baby items, emotional support, housing, whatever you need to have your baby.

  • Please, at least just take this information to read while you’re waiting. It has information you need to know and free resources for pregnant women.

  • Look up “”. It shows what the abortion pill does to the woman. It can be very dangerous to you. Women have even died from the abortion pill.

  • Many women have been hurt by abortion physically, emotionally, spiritually. I know a woman who was suicidal YEARS after her abortion.

  • Your baby’s heart was already beating at three weeks; she had brain waves at six weeks; arms and legs, fingers and toes at eight weeks.

  • Look at your ultrasound; listen to your baby’s heartbeat.

  • You’ll be so glad when you’re holding your baby in your arms.

  • God has a better plan for you and your baby.

  • If you have other children, you know how precious each one is. You’ll love this baby as much as your other children. It’s not fair to take this baby’s life.

  • Abortion can hurt your whole family. Studies have shown that abortion can harm your other children. They may lose trust in you.

  • Things may be tough right now, but that’s probably temporary. Abortion is forever. You can never get this baby back.

  • No one can force you to have an abortion.

  • You can leave the clinic at any time!

  • And as they exit if it's clear they were not having a surgical abortion:

    Look up “”. They’ve saved more than a thousand babies even after the mother has taken the first pill. Don’t take the second pill!
     Yours for Life,



Abortion Trips Stopped in Navy


This is good news without nuances or confusion. The Department of the Navy has officially announced that it will no longer provide paid leave or reimburse travel expenses for service members seeking abortions.

This policy change aligns with the Department of Defense’s (DoD) recent decision to eliminate travel reimbursements and administrative leave for abortions.

Thought you would like to know.


Navy and Coast Guard Stop Funding Abortion Travel

Steven Ertelt

The U.S. Navy and the U.S. Coast Guard are no longer paying for abortion travel.

That’s great news for American taxpayers who don’t want their tax dollars to be reimbursing Navy personnel for travel to kill their babies in abortions.

The Department of the Navy has officially announced that it will no longer provide paid leave or reimburse travel expenses for service members seeking abortions. This policy change aligns with the Department of Defense’s (DoD) recent decision to eliminate travel reimbursements and administrative leave for abortions.

“The policy applies to both active and reserve sailors and Marines who are seeking the services or accompanying a spouse or dependent,” according to the announcement.

Previously, service members could receive up to 21 days of administrative leave and travel stipends funded by the American taxpayer to have abortions.

The rescinded policy, implemented in October 2022 by Joe Biden after the Dobbs decision allowing states to protect babies from abortions, has been officially nullified by a recent directive from the Defense Travel Management Office.

The Coast Guard has also updated its policies, stating that military members will no longer be reimbursed for travel or granted administrative leave to obtain an abortion, in compliance with Presidential Executive Order 14182, enforcing the Hyde Amendment. President Donald trump issued the pro-life order during his first week in office.

In January, President Trump issued an executive order enforcing the Hyde Amendment, which bars the use of federal funds for elective abortions domestically. This move underscores the administration’s commitment to preventing taxpayer dollars from funding abortion services within the United States.

That order drew praise from pro-life groups.

“U.S. taxpayers should not be paying for abortions,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “We are grateful that President Trump is committed to preventing taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for the deaths of preborn babies.”

Tobias continued, “Reestablishing the U.S. commitment to protecting life on the international stage restores our role as leaders on this issue. Women in disadvantaged countries want clean water, better health care, a good education, and safety for their kids. Thanks to President Trump, the U.S. response is not going to push to kill their children instead.”

Original here

Posted March 13, 2025


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