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Is Anything Wrong with
‘The Lady of All Nations’ Apparition?

Dear TIA,

I recently read an article on Catholic Exchange on a Marian apparition from the mid-1900s known as “The Lady of All Nations.”

lady of the nations

The Lady of all Nations

The article claims that many prophecies from this apparition have been fulfilled and that it is an apparition meant for our times. The coronavirus is supposed to be somehow connected with the apparition.

Additionally, in this apparition, Mary is said to ask for the declaration of the dogma of Mary being the Mediatrix and Co-redemptrix.

This sounds like something Our Lady would ask for, but I know that you cannot trust all apparitions. I was wondering if you know anything about this apparition and if you could tell me whether or not it is an apparition that we can follow.


    A. R.

TIA responds:

Dear A.R,

Thank you for trusting us to report on this Marian apparition. None of us had heard of this apparition until you brought it to our attention. We have done some research with the aim of learning whether or not it is worthy of belief.

First, we will offer a brief explanation of the apparition for the benefit of our readers.

On March 25, 1945, Ida Peerdeman, a young woman from Amsterdam, claimed to have had her first apparition, which occurred in a manner very unlike Church-approved apparitions.


Ida Peerdeman as a young woman and praying later in life

According to Ms. Peerdeman, she was sitting by the fire talking with her sisters and local priest when a light suddenly appeared in an adjoining room. Following the light into the room, she lost all sense of her surroundings. From the light a feminine figure appeared and began to speak with her.

Ida immediately thought, “It must be the Blessed Virgin; it can’t be otherwise.”

At this point, it is opportune to comment on the proper way to consider a supposed apparition. Prior to Vatican II Catholics were always instructed to be wary of any vision since it can be either from God or the Devil.

For this reason, a Catholic never assumes that he has seen Our Lord or Our Lady. In the past, the first thing he would do is to consult a priest or religious authority to insure no trick of the Devil was involved. A good Catholic is always skeptical of his own feelings and supposed visions, for he knows that it is dangerous to trust them.

So, for Ida Peerdeman to immediately jump to the conclusion that the strange light and feminine figure calling to her was Mary shows a complete lack of vigilance and an openess to diabolical deceptions.

Second, the "lady" in the apparition’s strange manner of speaking about herself. When Ida asked the lady if she was Mary, the smiling figure responded: “They will call me ‘The Lady,’ ‘Mother.’”

This should raise a red flag in a vigilant Catholic’s mind. The "lady" does not wish to be called Our Lady or Mary. Her explanation for this in the 34th apparition does not close the door for a diabolical influence. She explains that while once she was known as Mary, now she is assuming a new name: “[I am] the Lady of All Nations or Mother of All Nations, who once was Mary.... 'Who once was Mary' means: many people have known Mary as Mary. Now, however, in this new era which is about to begin, I wish to be the Lady of All Nations. Everyone understands this.”

our laqdy of the nations

The lady of All Nations as she presented herself

This title with its explanation is even present in the prayer the "lady" gave Ida with instructions that it should be said throughout the world: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, send now Your Spirit over the earth. Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations, that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war. May the Lady of All Nations, who once was Mary, be our Advocate. Amen."

Throughout this series of 56 visions from 1945 to 1959, a disordered array of random phrases, vague predictions, flashing scenes and strange images presented themselves before the seer.

During the visions, Ms. Peerdeman is tossed from one scene to the next: Reading through the apparitions gives one an impression of mental disorder and waking dreams. It is like entering a confused chaotic world – quite different from the order, clarity and conciseness of the apparitions at Lourdes, Fatima and Quito.

The “prophecies” that the "lady" makes are very vague and seemingly unconnected. There is no continuity or logical reason to them. Again, her robotic language with many repetitions and awkward phrases differs from the simplicity and clarity of approved prophecies

Additionally, this "lady" makes many strange gestures, such as making fists, more indicative of a communist than the gentility of Our Lady. In the 23rd apparition, the Seer Ida engages in a sort of fist fight with the "lady": “Then she (the 'lady') stretches out her arms and makes a fist, first with her right hand, then with her left. Then she says, 'Listen carefully to how many times I strike. You shall also do this.' Together with her I make fists, and the Lady counts as we forcefully strike our fists against each other.”

Progressivist teachings

Third, another bad sign appears in these apparitions and prophecies: The instructions and teachings of this "lady" are clearly progressivist, favoring the renewal and liberation of the New Church promoted by Vatican Council II.

Below, we present just a few examples of the "lady"’s call to an adaptation to the modern world and changing the spirit to fit with the times.
  • In the 4th apparition, Peerdeman describes an ecumenical church: “Next I see large buildings, churches. Churches of all sorts appear, that is, not only Catholic churches. The Lady says, 'It must become one large community.'”
  • Later in the same apparition, the "lady" supports a new formation for priests as well as an adaptation to Socialism: “The Lady says, 'A lot, however, has to be changed in the Church. The formation of priests will have to be changed: a more modern formation, suited to the times, yet good, in the good spirit ... Breadth has to come, more social. Various movements are tending towards Socialism, which is good, but it can be done under the guidance of the Church.'”
  • In the 19th message, the "lady" calls for the laws of the Church to change. She says: “Child, the laws may be changed. They may, they must be changed. The social classes must come closer to each other. Those in Rome should see it through and set the example for the entire world.”
  • In the 21st apparition, the "lady" continues her pleas to adapt to the modern world: “Why does Rome not seek for more modern means, and why do they not work more in the modern spirit? They should take advantage of these means to win over the world’s spirit. There are others to care for the body. The Church has to work on forming the spirit. Right now they have such a great opportunity, for humanity is searching. It is no longer a fight against nations, but against the spirit.”
  • In the 26th apparition, the "lady" calls for the abolition of the Eucharistic fast: “A decree shall and must be issued to the effect that people no longer have to fast before going to communion.”
The doctrine of Mary as Mediatrix for which the "lady" calls is really a distorted version of the teaching of the Church, with this "lady" actually trying to take the place of Christ on the Cross. Here is a link to an article that explains in more detail this and other errors – with a caveat to readers that, although the author disproves the Lady of All Nations apparition, he is liberal and accepts Medjugorje.

Status of Church approval

Fourth, in 1956, Bishop Johannes Hubers, the Bishop of Haarlem, Netherlands, at the time of the apparitions, ordered a careful examination of the supposed apparitions and revelations of Our Lady of All Nations, and declared that "he found no evidence of the supernatural nature of the apparitions."

mother marie paul

Ida affirmed about Marie Paule Giguere, above: 'Who is this woman?... I assert that she is the incarnation of the Holy Virgin Mary. She is ... the Lady of all Nations.'

On May 25, 1974, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) issued a warning with regard to the apparition, affirming that it was not from Heaven.

Later, however, in May 2002 the new progressivist Bishop of Haarlem Jozef Marianus Punt rejected this decision and of himself declared the apparitions to be supernatural in origin.

In a July 2005 letter, the CDF did not overturn their original decision, but simply requested that the prayer associated with the apparition be edited, replacing the words "who once was Mary" with "the Blessed Virgin Mary." This was not done, but proponents of the alleged apparition affirm that, with this request, the CDF gave its tacit approval.

One last fact worth mentioning is Ida Peerdeman’s association with the heretical, excommunicated group known as the Army of Mary. The leader of “the Army” was a divorced woman named Marie Paule Giguere, who believed herself to be the incarnation of Mary. Peerdeman attested to this absurd claim, saying that Marie Paule Giguere was, in fact, the Lady of All Nations.

Conclusion, the apparition known as “The Lady of All Nations” is contrary to a true Catholic view of Mary. St. Louis de Montfort, who wrote his Treatise on the Mother of God to spread a true devotion to Our Lady, affirmed “Of Mary, there can never be enough”; at the same time, however, he warned of different types of false devotions. Indeed, Satan has been hard at work trying to use these words to his benefit, replacing Our Lady with “the Lady” who takes the place of Christ and prepares the way for the One World Order.


    TIA correspondence desk


Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted March 19, 2020



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