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Three Questions on Christ Child of Pichincha

Dear TIA,

I must make haste to thank you for spreading the knowledge and devotion of the Child Jesus of Pichincha. Thank you for sending me a holy card with His image and the prayer on the reverse.

This past Sunday, I was converted from skeptic to believer in this devotion. I had fallen into habitual sins of impurity and was struggling with my conscience, but sin was heavy upon me, and while I continued to read religious material, (mainly articles on TIA), I was not moved to renounce sin and get back into a regular prayer life.

christ child crucified

The Christ Child Crucified on Mount Pichincha

I was invested in the brown scapular, but had taken my scapular off and neglected my duties in regard to it. On Sunday morning, I decided to put the scapular back on, and resume praying the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin, as it had come to me that I had failed to keep to the conditions of the scapular devotion.

On Sunday evening, while looking for something else, I stumbled onto the holy card of the Child Jesus of Pichincha, and was moved by the prayer on the back. It described exactly my situation! And looking at the image of the Christ Child on the Cross with the quote, "I can do no more to show how much I love you," – it moved me.

And yet there was something else that was bothering me -- the notion of the Christ Child ready to suffer and die on the Cross. At the time, it seemed to me to contradict the Agony of the Garden, when Jesus prays to God the Father asking that if He did not have to suffer, He might remove the suffering (but Thy Will be done). In my heart I had said that I would not believe that the Child Jesus embraced the Cross unless I was told that by Jesus.

But I kept thinking about this image of the Christ Child on the Cross. I was struck by how profound it is... a child speaking with such gravitas, maturity and innocence. I tend to believe that this image... this Child who invites us to turn from our error and to love Him is itself a mercy. Children can often move adults in a way that other adults cannot. Did Jesus choose this way to move the human heart more readily?

After a few hours, I decided that I would pray the prayer on the back. Almost immediately, I was crying and felt my heart long and ache for this Child Jesus. I was inflamed to pray the prayer over and over again. I found myself confessing my sins and asking forgiveness through many tears.

In the morning, the first thought that came to me was that, at the finding in the Temple, when the Child Jesus says that He must be about His Father's business, this included the knowledge of the Cross and that therefore He embraced it as it was a part of the Father's plan. It was so clear, but why hadn't I seen it before? I am grateful for that mercy in the revelation. The scales were lifted from my eyes.

I've never fallen in love with a particular image or devotion, but this devotion I can say I love. I don't want to be counted in the number that Jesus says has repaid His love with blasphemies, neglect and ingratitude. I don't want to hurt or disappoint this Child.

I had a few questions regarding the image of the Child Jesus of Pichincha:
  1. Is there a larger image of the Child Jesus than that on the Holy Cards?
  2. Is the prayer on the back of the holy card available in Latin?
  3. Is there a replica statue of crucifix of this image?
Thank you for all your good work!

     In Jesus and Mary,


Dr. Horvat responds:

Hello M.R.,

Thank you for your sincere testimony of the powerful effect the card of the Child Jesus of Pichincha had on you.

Christ Child crucified

An image that Our Lady foretold would move and convert souls

It is the fulfillment of yet another prophecy of Our Lady to Mother Mariana. After Our Lady showed Mother Mariana the vision of the Child Jesus being crucified on Pichincha, she instructed Mother Mariana to have a picture made of it: “The very words you heard from the lips of your Crucified Love on Mount Pichincha should be written on them: 'I can do no more to show My love for you.' These pictures will spread all over the world and will be the source of holy inspirations."

Later, when Mother Mariana went to the Bishop to ask permission for the cards to be made, she told him that she had the impression that these pictures would be continuously reproduced and have the grace of winning hearts to love God.

Our Lady told her that the origin of these pictures at first would not be known, but would become so when the prophecies were revealed in the 20th century. This also has come to pass exactly as she said. Surely this expressive image won your heart as she predicted it would have the power to do; most probably it has had the same effect on many others, for, as you note, there is something touching is seeing a Child suffer so willingly and sweetly.

In response to your questions:
  1. I don't have a larger image than these holy cards, although you may scan one and make a high resolution color image to print in the size you like.

  2. The prayer is not available in Latin, but perhaps one of our readers fluent in this language can offer to translate it. It reads:

    Dear Child Jesus of Pichincha, I humbly kneel before Thee, worn and disillusioned by the world and all its empty pleasures and promises. I have left the warmth and joy of Thy house to eat husks with the swine.

    I beseech Thee to purify my heart and restore my innocence. I humbly beseech Thy Loving and Gracious Heart to forgive, and even to forget, my past and to grant me the grace to begin anew. I beg not only for my restoration, but for that of the world, and above all, for that of our beloved Holy Catholic Church, which is so beleaguered and persecuted.

    Through the infinite merits of Thy Holy Childhood, I feel confident that my prayer will be answered. Amen

  3. I do not know of any statues that reproduce this particular crucifix that is in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Quito. That question was answered in greater detail here.
Again, I thank you for sending this testimony that I believe will give hope to others and increase devotion to the Christ Child of Pichincha.


      Dr. Marian T. Horvat


Blason de Charlemagne
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Posted October 24, 2019


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