Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Model Masses for the Italian Bishops & Clergy
The magazine published by the Italian Conference of Bishops (CEI), Pastoral Life (Vita Pastorale), offers orientation to its member Bishops and the Italian clergy. In its Lenten-Easter 2010 issue, the magazine published an Appendix signed by Bishop Mariano Crociata, general secretary of the CEI.
This appendix offers more than 90 pages of meditations with illustrations meant to inspire its readers. On page 28, as a model for a Mass that Bishops and priests should follow, we find the photo above, a Mass said in a Catholic chapel in a unidentified place, perhaps in southern Spain or southern Italy.
Assisting at the Mass is a clearly modern community akin to those who attend World Youth Days, where youth of both sexes in shorts and bermudas sit in close proximity, expose their legs and show a complete lack of respect for the Mass being said. The altar chosen by the priest is also worthy of analysis: a small round table that cannot hold the sacred objects, which appear to be set on a stand behind the priest. It is a good symbol of the new Conciliar Church, turned not to God, but to be among men, no matter how they behave.
The photo below, found on page 74 of the same appendix, is an example of a Mass following the Vatican II directive for inculturation. It took place somewhere in Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands or Micronesia. Again, a model is set to be followed: Semi-naked men assisted in their native apparel, area fruits were brought as the Offertory gifts and a large plastic bottle with some white juice stands not far from the Chalice. One is free to wonder whether that liquid was used in the Consecration...
If these are the models set by the "conservative" Italian Bishops, why should we be surprised when they are followed by priests? One sees that Cardinal Ciappi, who read the third secret of Fatima, was correct: "The apostasy starts at the top."
/368_Mass_Papua.jpg) From Inter Multiplices Una Vox |
Posted June 6, 2010

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