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Church Revolution in Pictures

Photo of the Week

Suor Cristina embraces 1

Suor Cristina's hugs & gestures

Because she is a spouse of Christ, one should expect from a nun a modesty of gestures proper to a virgin who takes from this spiritual marriage all her joys in anticipation of Heaven.

This does not seem to be the case of Suor Cristina, the Italian television-radio singer who became a celebrity for her concessions to the world. Indeed, above, we see her exuberantly receiving a kind of honeymoon hug from one of the punk judges of a TV talent show. Below, first four rows, she warmly embraces other singers as if there were no encumbrance in her conventual life separating her from them.

From the fifth to the eight row, we see her performing onstage in extravagant and immoral shows where she is accompanied by singers and dancers in the latest fashions. She could well compete with the performances of Madonna and Lady Gaga.

In the ninth and tenth rows she is pictured in a sort of mystical apogee of emotions as she enters completely into the lyrics of the song.

It is not surprising that, having this union with the world, such a "spouse of Christ" would end by worshipping the Devil, as she does when she displays his symbol with her fingers, in the eleventh row.

Also, it is not surprising that Pope Francis would approve her performances and give her a special greeting in a public audience.

Suor Cristina hugs 2Suor CristinaSuor Cristina devil's geature

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Posted August 2, 2015

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