Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Monstrous spider ‘entraps’ Our Lady in Ottawa
As part of the celebrations of Canada's 150th anniversary as a country, the city of Ottawa contracted a French company that puts on street performances by displaying gigantic macabre machines imitating dragons and spiders.The show started with a monstrous spider ensnaring the statue of Our Lady on top of Notre Dame Cathedral in Ottawa. This first act of the four-day show took place on July 27, 2017. It does not require a genius to figure out that it was a symbolic act pretending the Devil triumphed over Our Lady.
As the spider entrapped Our Lady, eight men ran back and forth toward the spider as if they were baby spiders running in its web. Possibly a reference to the Sons of the Widow, another name for Freemasons, who have controlled Canada from its birth. Doesn't the spider remind us of the venomous black widow?
From those heights, the spider descended to the street, discharging smoke and surrounded by white bubbles spewed out by another machine.
No need to say that the entire show was duly authorized by the Archdiocese of Ottawa, which is good friends with Freemasonry following in the steps of Francis I.
For more on this topic, read news reports here and here.
Videos on Thursday's show here (17:13), here (8:42) and here (6:07).
Photos from the videos, first seen in
Call Me Jorge

Posted July 30, 2017

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.