According to a recent news report released by the Grand Orient of Brazil (GOB), Pope Benedict XVI has chosen the latest member for the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences. The new favorite of Pope Ratzinger is Prof. Vanderlei Bagnato of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Bagnato, a known member of Freemasonry, stated he was honored to be chosen.
Indisputably this represents a new step in the dialogue with "men of good will" initiated by the Vatican II Popes. First, they
abolished the excommunication of those who become members of Freemasonry; second, Masons
praised Popes and
Prelates for their news ideas; third, Bishops started
to visit Lodges and
receive honors from the Masons; fourth, Masons began
to go to churches, assist
at Masses and take part
in processions; now, fifth, the Pope chooses a Freemason for a Vatican organ. The next step seems to be an official visit of the Pontiff to a lodge.
Below is our translation of the news in Portuguese and the photocopy of GOB's website. For further information, the link to GOB's site is here.
We remind our readers that the symbol :. after the name means that the person or institution belongs to Freemasonry. The three dots stand for the pyramid, symbol of the new temporal order for which every Freemason works.
Brother:. Vanderlei Bagnato Becomes a Member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences at the Vatican
Professor and researcher in São Carlos, Vanderlei Bagnato, a member of the A:.R:.L:.S:. Star of Liberty Lodge No. 2877, member of the Lodge of São Carlos in São Paulo, was elected a member of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the world's oldest academy of this type.
According to the report, Vanderlei Bagnato, who is a professor at University of São Paulo - USP, viewed the election as a honor and is very pleased that his name was chosen, since this academy is frequented by great scientists, including some who have been awarded the Nobel Prize. Vanderlei Bagnato will receive from the hands of the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, the insignia of a member of the
Academy in the first week of November of this year [2012].
The Pontifical Academy of Sciences is an international institution, multi-racial in composition, and non-sectarian in the choice of members. The work of the Academy is in six major areas: basic science, science and technology regarding global problems; science for problems of the developing world, scientific policy, bioethics and epistemology.
Grand Oriente of Brazil, October 19, 2012 10:00 a.m.
