Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Introducing the new Bishop of Innsbruck
In late September 2017, Pope Francis chose a new Bishop for the important Austrian diocese of Innsbruck. His name is Hermann Glettler.Above, you see Fr. Glettler dancing with Kristina Ploder, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Caritas, at the Marienstüberlball, a charity event that took place in Graz in January 2017, hosted by the Austrian Caritas. Glettler does not see any problem with being photographed in a red coat as he dances embracing a married woman with rainbow-colored lights in the background.
The picture is symbolic of the newly appointed Bishop’s political agenda: Glettler is a vocal advocate for women deacons and priests. ORF (Austrian Broadcasting Corporation) recently reported that Glettler “advocates the admission of women to the diaconate.” In an interview with the Austria Press Agency on September 26, 2017, one day before Francis chose him as Bishop. he stated that he is “clearly for” women deacons. In the same interview, Glettler affirmed that allowing women into the priesthood “is not so utopian.” This idea of women deacons/priests falls into his plan for a “restructuring” of parishes, ORF reports.
In addition to being a torchbearer for women-priests, Glettler also promoted the idea that distributing Communion to the divorced and remarried “gives greater meaning to the Gospel,” a sacrilegious idea propagated by Pope Francis in Amoris laetitia.
Profanation of the Sacraments is not enough for Fr. Glettler, who is a desecration-enthusiast in more ways than one. As a self-titled “artist,” Fr. Glettler has been since 1999 the curator of a contemporary art “exhibit” called “Andräkunst,” an active and continuous desecration of the Church of St. Andrä in Graz, Austria. The “exhibit” not only features graffiti throughout the interior of the church, first and third rows below, but also presents other structural alterations, including provocative words stamped all over the outside of the church, second row.
The newly appointed Bishop justifies this exhibit by explaining that it facilitates a type of conversion, or “reorientation.” Andräkunst’s website claims that the church, “as a sacred space and as a space for the sacred, is in itself a disturbance in the midst of a society trimmed on achievement and economic output.” It continues: “Art must disturb. Art must provoke. … It must question rigid systems and destabilize established patterns of thought and life. It must trigger uncertainties, because otherwise it cannot contribute to any major reorientation.”
So, Glettler cannot think of any better way to “reorient” people and attract attention than by vandalizing St. Andrä Church, an artistic gem of the Austrian Baroque period.
The new Bishop has an extensive progressivist resumé that earned him this new promotion by Pope Francis. It includes a so-called “Charismatic” background (starting with the Emmanuel Community in Southern France in 1983) and advocating for a “pluralistic” and “migrant” church that reaches out to the “marginalized.”
Glettler is also an enthusiast of ecumenism with Protestants. He stated: “Ecumenism has a tradition in Tyrol. I would like to continue this and warmly greet all our sisters and brothers of the other Christian confessions.”
In the fourth row below, Glettler holds a carpenters square – quite similar to the symbol of the Freemasons – inside the Graz Church. Last row, he says an ecological-tribalist Mass featuring the flags of some immigrants’ countries.
Here is one more example that the Conciliar Church continues its apostasy from the inside-out, as Our Lady of Fatima warned.
Photos from Catapulta & the Internet

Posted October 8, 2017