Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Msgr. Lefebvre in a black suit
In the wake of Vatican II's adaptation to the modern world, Paul VI authorized priests and bishops to set aside their cassocks and start to wear a black suit with the clerical collar, known as the clergyman suit.The most "advanced" Bishops – especially in America, Germany and France – were quick to adopt the new custom as proof that they were up-to-date progressivists following the "new winds" that were blowing in the Church. So far, no surprise.
What is shocking is to see that some Prelates, who later presented themselves as conservatives and even traditionalists, adhered to the same progressivist fashion, breaking the long tradition of wearing the cassock.
Such is the case of Msgr. Marcel Lefebvre, as we can see in the photos on this page. The photos above and the in the second row below, were taken on February 17, 1973, on a trip he made to Australia. We were unable to find a date for the photo in the last row.
One can purchase on Getty Images four photos of Msgr. Lefebvre wearing the clergyman in an interview given on November 6, 1981 (here, here, here and here).
Therefore, we can see that in a span of at least eight years (1973-1981) the French Prelate had no problem in wearing attire that could be defined as "the uniform of Vatican II." This timespan shows his adhesion to changes in the episcopal tradition of dress.
It is not superfluous to keep these facts in mind when his ardent supporters present Arch. Lefebvre as a pristine defender of the Church against Vatican II and the modern world.
Photos from the Internet

Posted September 26, 2021