Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Bergoglio receives award from the B'nai B'rith
In the photo above, we see the CEO of B'nai B'rith International Daniel S. Mariaschin giving Pope Bergoglio a gold chalice with Jewish inscriptions and symbols. This was a symbolic award to thank Francis for his constant support for this Jewish Masonic organization.This took place during a meeting in the Papal Library when Francis received a delegation of 27 members of that organization on May 30, 2022.
Commenting on the encounter, Mariachin told the Jerusalem Post: “From his years as Cardinal in Buenos Aires until today, Pope Francis has expressed a special interest in furthering Jewish-Catholic relations." He continued, “Our audience with him gave us an opportunity to demonstrate our appreciation for this support, to confirm our shared aspirations for peace and mutual respect."
In a formal speech, the president of the Jewish organization Seth Riklin asked for papal support for the Abraham Accords, which is a Jewish initiative to make Arabs recognize the State of Israel. This was an implicit request for the Holy See to exercise its influence over the Middle East Arab countries to accept Israel. This is what B'nai B'rith calls its work for fraternity and peace.
In his speech, Francis praised B'nai B'rith for its “tireless commitment to humanitarian causes.” He added: “If the duty to care for others is incumbent upon every member of our human family, it applies even more to those of us who are Jews and Christians.”
We see that, after Vatican II and its Nostra aetate Declaration, the conciliar Popes have set aside any doctrinal discussion with the Jews about the divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ and are conducting a policy based on a supposed love and common collaboration to solve social problems. On the other hand, the Jews did not change one comma of their false beliefs.
What could be the final end of this policy
except a Judaization of the entire Church?
Photos from the Vatican & B'nai B'rith website

Posted June 6, 2022