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New Franciscans in Brazil 1

New Franciscans in Brazil

Embraces between monks and nuns, relaxing together in the same hammock, dancing with arms around each other's waists: These are just some of the pastimes of the new Franciscan vocations that are multiplying in Brazil.

We really do not know how, with this close proximity and affectionate behavior between the monks and nuns, they can maintain their vows of chastity...

The nuns also frequent public parks where they can enjoy water tobogganing and swimming pools together with the habitual lay attendees of these places, that is, men with nude torsos and women in bikinis.

We really do not know how going to places like these, the nuns could maintain the spirit of recollection and modesty of customs so indispensable to religious life.

Nonetheless these are the new "vocations" approved by Francis, who wants the religious to leave their convents and "muddy their hands"...

To know more about this new Franciscan branch, click here

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Photos from the site of Franciscans na Providencia

Posted August 4, 2024


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